Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 24, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 24, 2025
Appendix - Table 6 to Subpart ZZZZ of Part 63—Continuous Compliance With Emission Limitations, and Other Requirements

As stated in § 63.6640, you must continuously comply with the emissions and operating limitations and work or management practices as required by the following:

For each . . . Complying with the requirement to . . . You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . .
1. New or reconstructed non-emergency 2SLB stationary RICE >500 HP located at a major source of HAP, new or reconstructed non-emergency 4SLB stationary RICE ≥250 HP located at a major source of HAP, and new or reconstructed non-emergency CI stationary RICE >500 HP located at a major source of HAPa. Reduce CO emissions and using an oxidation catalyst, and using a CPMSi. Conducting semiannual performance tests for CO to demonstrate that the required CO percent reduction is achieved a; and
ii. Collecting the catalyst inlet temperature data according to § 63.6625(b); and
iii. Reducing these data to 4-hour rolling averages; and
iv. Maintaining the 4-hour rolling averages within the operating limitations for the catalyst inlet temperature; and
v. Measuring the pressure drop across the catalyst once per month and demonstrating that the pressure drop across the catalyst is within the operating limitation established during the performance test.
2. New or reconstructed non-emergency 2SLB stationary RICE >500 HP located at a major source of HAP, new or reconstructed non-emergency 4SLB stationary RICE ≥250 HP located at a major source of HAP, and new or reconstructed non-emergency CI stationary RICE >500 HP located at a major source of HAPa. Reduce CO emissions and not using an oxidation catalyst, and using a CPMSi. Conducting semiannual performance tests for CO to demonstrate that the required CO percent reduction is achieved a; and
ii. Collecting the approved operating parameter (if any) data according to § 63.6625(b); and
iii. Reducing these data to 4-hour rolling averages; and
iv. Maintaining the 4-hour rolling averages within the operating limitations for the operating parameters established during the performance test.
3. New or reconstructed non-emergency 2SLB stationary RICE >500 HP located at a major source of HAP, new or reconstructed non-emergency 4SLB stationary RICE ≥250 HP located at a major source of HAP, new or reconstructed non-emergency stationary CI RICE >500 HP located at a major source of HAP, and existing non-emergency stationary CI RICE >500 HPa. Reduce CO emissions or limit the concentration of CO in the stationary RICE exhaust, and using a CEMSi. Collecting the monitoring data according to § 63.6625(a), reducing the measurements to 1-hour averages, calculating the percent reduction or concentration of CO emissions according to § 63.6620; and
ii. Demonstrating that the catalyst achieves the required percent reduction of CO emissions over the 4-hour averaging period, or that the emission remain at or below the CO concentration limit; and
iii. Conducting an annual RATA of your CEMS using PS 3 and 4A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix B, as well as daily and periodic data quality checks in accordance with 40 CFR part 60, appendix F, procedure 1.
4. Non-emergency 4SRB stationary RICE >500 HP located at a major source of HAPa. Reduce formaldehyde emissions and using NSCRi. Collecting the catalyst inlet temperature data according to § 63.6625(b); and
ii. Reducing these data to 4-hour rolling averages; and
iii. Maintaining the 4-hour rolling averages within the operating limitations for the catalyst inlet temperature; and
iv. Measuring the pressure drop across the catalyst once per month and demonstrating that the pressure drop across the catalyst is within the operating limitation established during the performance test.
5. Non-emergency 4SRB stationary RICE >500 HP located at a major source of HAPa. Reduce formaldehyde emissions and not using NSCRi. Collecting the approved operating parameter (if any) data according to § 63.6625(b); and
ii. Reducing these data to 4-hour rolling averages; and
iii. Maintaining the 4-hour rolling averages within the operating limitations for the operating parameters established during the performance test.
6. Non-emergency 4SRB stationary RICE with a brake HP ≥5,000 located at a major source of HAPa. Reduce formaldehyde emissionsConducting semiannual performance tests for formaldehyde to demonstrate that the required formaldehyde percent reduction is achieved, or to demonstrate that the average reduction of emissions of THC determined from the performance test is equal to or greater than 30 percent. a
7. New or reconstructed non-emergency stationary RICE >500 HP located at a major source of HAP and new or reconstructed non-emergency 4SLB stationary RICE 250≤HP≤500 located at a major source of HAPa. Limit the concentration of formaldehyde in the stationary RICE exhaust and using oxidation catalyst or NSCRi. Conducting semiannual performance tests for formaldehyde to demonstrate that your emissions remain at or below the formaldehyde concentration limit a; and
ii. Collecting the catalyst inlet temperature data according to § 63.6625(b); and
iii. Reducing these data to 4-hour rolling averages; and
iv. Maintaining the 4-hour rolling averages within the operating limitations for the catalyst inlet temperature; and
v. Measuring the pressure drop across the catalyst once per month and demonstrating that the pressure drop across the catalyst is within the operating limitation established during the performance test.
8. New or reconstructed non-emergency stationary RICE >500 HP located at a major source of HAP and new or reconstructed non-emergency 4SLB stationary RICE 250≤HP≤500 located at a major source of HAPa. Limit the concentration of formaldehyde in the stationary RICE exhaust and not using oxidation catalyst or NSCRi. Conducting semiannual performance tests for formaldehyde to demonstrate that your emissions remain at or below the formaldehyde concentration limit a; and
ii. Collecting the approved operating parameter (if any) data according to § 63.6625(b); and
iii. Reducing these data to 4-hour rolling averages; and
iv. Maintaining the 4-hour rolling averages within the operating limitations for the operating parameters established during the performance test.
9. Existing emergency and black start stationary RICE ≤500 HP located at a major source of HAP, existing non-emergency stationary RICE <100 HP located at a major source of HAP, existing emergency and black start stationary RICE located at an area source of HAP, existing non-emergency stationary CI RICE ≤300 HP located at an area source of HAP, existing non-emergency 2SLB stationary RICE located at an area source of HAP, existing non-emergency stationary SI RICE located at an area source of HAP which combusts landfill or digester gas equivalent to 10 percent or more of the gross heat input on an annual basis, existing non-emergency 4SLB and 4SRB stationary RICE ≤500 HP located at an area source of HAP, existing non-emergency 4SLB and 4SRB stationary RICE >500 HP located at an area source of HAP that operate 24 hours or less per calendar year, and existing non-emergency 4SLB and 4SRB stationary RICE >500 HP located at an area source of HAP that are remote stationary RICEa. Work or Management practicesi. Operating and maintaining the stationary RICE according to the manufacturer's emission-related operation and maintenance instructions; or
ii. Develop and follow your own maintenance plan which must provide to the extent practicable for the maintenance and operation of the engine in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions.
10. Existing stationary CI RICE >500 HP that are not limited use stationary RICEa. Reduce CO emissions, or limit the concentration of CO in the stationary RICE exhaust, and using oxidation catalysti. Conducting performance tests every 8,760 hours or 3 years, whichever comes first, for CO or formaldehyde, as appropriate, to demonstrate that the required CO or formaldehyde, as appropriate, percent reduction is achieved or that your emissions remain at or below the CO or formaldehyde concentration limit; and
ii. Collecting the catalyst inlet temperature data according to § 63.6625(b); and
iii. Reducing these data to 4-hour rolling averages; and
iv. Maintaining the 4-hour rolling averages within the operating limitations for the catalyst inlet temperature; and
v. Measuring the pressure drop across the catalyst once per month and demonstrating that the pressure drop across the catalyst is within the operating limitation established during the performance test.
11. Existing stationary CI RICE >500 HP that are not limited use stationary RICEa. Reduce CO emissions, or limit the concentration of CO in the stationary RICE exhaust, and not using oxidation catalysti. Conducting performance tests every 8,760 hours or 3 years, whichever comes first, for CO or formaldehyde, as appropriate, to demonstrate that the required CO or formaldehyde, as appropriate, percent reduction is achieved or that your emissions remain at or below the CO or formaldehyde concentration limit; and
ii. Collecting the approved operating parameter (if any) data according to § 63.6625(b); and
iii. Reducing these data to 4-hour rolling averages; and
iv. Maintaining the 4-hour rolling averages within the operating limitations for the operating parameters established during the performance test.
12. Existing limited use CI stationary RICE >500 HPa. Reduce CO emissions or limit the concentration of CO in the stationary RICE exhaust, and using an oxidation catalysti. Conducting performance tests every 8,760 hours or 5 years, whichever comes first, for CO or formaldehyde, as appropriate, to demonstrate that the required CO or formaldehyde, as appropriate, percent reduction is achieved or that your emissions remain at or below the CO or formaldehyde concentration limit; and
ii. Collecting the catalyst inlet temperature data according to § 63.6625(b); and
iii. Reducing these data to 4-hour rolling averages; and
iv. Maintaining the 4-hour rolling averages within the operating limitations for the catalyst inlet temperature; and
v. Measuring the pressure drop across the catalyst once per month and demonstrating that the pressure drop across the catalyst is within the operating limitation established during the performance test.
13. Existing limited use CI stationary RICE >500 HPa. Reduce CO emissions or limit the concentration of CO in the stationary RICE exhaust, and not using an oxidation catalysti. Conducting performance tests every 8,760 hours or 5 years, whichever comes first, for CO or formaldehyde, as appropriate, to demonstrate that the required CO or formaldehyde, as appropriate, percent reduction is achieved or that your emissions remain at or below the CO or formaldehyde concentration limit; and
ii. Collecting the approved operating parameter (if any) data according to § 63.6625(b); and
iii. Reducing these data to 4-hour rolling averages; and
iv. Maintaining the 4-hour rolling averages within the operating limitations for the operating parameters established during the performance test.
14. Existing non-emergency 4SLB stationary RICE >500 HP located at an area source of HAP that are not remote stationary RICE and that are operated more than 24 hours per calendar yeara. Install an oxidation catalysti. Conducting annual compliance demonstrations as specified in § 63.6640(c) to show that the average reduction of emissions of CO is 93 percent or more, or the average CO concentration is less than or equal to 47 ppmvd at 15 percent O2; and either
ii. Collecting the catalyst inlet temperature data according to § 63.6625(b), reducing these data to 4-hour rolling averages; and maintaining the 4-hour rolling averages within the limitation of greater than 450 °F and less than or equal to 1350 °F for the catalyst inlet temperature; or
iii. Immediately shutting down the engine if the catalyst inlet temperature exceeds 1350 °F.
15. Existing non-emergency 4SRB stationary RICE >500 HP located at an area source of HAP that are not remote stationary RICE and that are operated more than 24 hours per calendar yeara. Install NSCRi. Conducting annual compliance demonstrations as specified in § 63.6640(c) to show that the average reduction of emissions of CO is 75 percent or more, the average CO concentration is less than or equal to 270 ppmvd at 15 percent O2, or the average reduction of emissions of THC is 30 percent or more; and either
ii. Collecting the catalyst inlet temperature data according to § 63.6625(b), reducing these data to 4-hour rolling averages; and maintaining the 4-hour rolling averages within the limitation of greater than or equal to 750 °F and less than or equal to 1250 °F for the catalyst inlet temperature; or
iii. Immediately shutting down the engine if the catalyst inlet temperature exceeds 1250 °F.

a After you have demonstrated compliance for two consecutive tests, you may reduce the frequency of subsequent performance tests to annually. If the results of any subsequent annual performance test indicate the stationary RICE is not in compliance with the CO or formaldehyde emission limitation, or you deviate from any of your operating limitations, you must resume semiannual performance tests.

[78 FR 6715, Jan. 30, 2013]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.