Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
Appendix - Table 4 to Subpart SSSSS to Part 63—Requirements for Performance Tests

As stated in § 63.9800, you must comply with the requirements for performance tests for affected sources in the following table:

For . . . You must . . . Using . . . According to the following requirements . . .
1. Each affected source listed in Table 1 to this subparta. Conduct performance testsi. The requirements of the general provisions in subpart A of this part and the requirements to this subpart(1) Record the date of the test; and
(2) Identify the emission source that is tested; and
(3) Collect and record the corresponding operating parameter and emission test data listed in this table for each run of the performance test; and
(4) Repeat the performance test at least every 5 years; and
(5) Repeat the performance test before changing the parameter value for any operating limit specified in your OM&M plan; and
(6) If complying with the THC concentration or THC percentage reduction limits specified in items 2 through 9 of Table 1 to this subpart, repeat the performance test under the conditions specified in items 2.a.2. and 2.a.3. of this table; and
(7) If complying with the emission limits for new clay refractory products kilns specified in items 10 and 11 of Table 1 to this subpart, repeat the performance test under the conditions specified in items 14.a.i.4. and 17.a.i.4. of this table.
b. Select the locations of sampling ports and the number of traverse pointsi. Method 1 or 1A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-1(1) To demonstrate compliance with the percentage reduction limits specified in items 2.b., 3.b., 6.b., 7.b., 10, and 11 of Table 1 to this subpart, locate sampling sites at the inlet of the control device and at either the outlet of the control device or at the stack prior to any releases to the atmosphere; and
(2) To demonstrate compliance with any other emission limit specified in Table 1 to this subpart, locate all sampling sites at the outlet of the control device or at the stack prior to any releases to the atmosphere.
c. Determine gas velocity and volumetric flow rateMethod 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, 2F, or 2G of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-1 and A-2Measure gas velocities and volumetric flow rates at 1-hour intervals throughout each test run.
d. Conduct gas molecular weight analysisi. Method 3, 3A, or 3B of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-2; or
ii. ASME PTC 19.10-1981—Part 10 a
As specified in the applicable test method.
You may use the manual procedures (but not instrumental procedures) of ASME PTC 19.10-1981—Part 10 a as an alternative to EPA Method 3B.
e. Measure gas moisture contentMethod 4 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3As specified in the applicable test method.
2. Each new or existing curing oven, shape dryer, and kiln that is used to process refractory products that use organic HAP; each new or existing coking oven and defumer that is used to produce pitch-impregnated refractory products; each new shape preheater that is used to produce pitch-impregnated refractory products; AND each new or existing process unit that is exhausted to a thermal or catalytic oxidizer that also controls emissions from an affected shape preheater or pitch working tanka. Conduct performance tests(1) Conduct the performance test while the source is operating at the maximum organic HAP processing rate, as defined in § 63.9824, reasonably expected to occur; and
(2) Repeat the performance test before starting production of any product for which the organic HAP processing rate is likely to exceed the maximum organic HAP processing rate established during the most recent performance test by more than 10 percent, as specified in § 63.9798(c); and
(3) Repeat the performance test on any affected uncontrolled kiln following process changes (e.g., shorter curing oven cycle time) that could increase organic HAP emissions from the affected kiln, as specified in § 63.9798(d).
b. Satisfy the applicable requirements listed in items 3 through 13 of this table
3. Each affected continuous process unita. Perform a minimum of 3 test runsThe appropriate test methods specified in items 1, 4, and 5 of this tableEach test run must be at least 1 hour in duration.
b. Establish the operating limit for the maximum organic HAP processing ratei. Method 311 of 40 CFR part 63, appendix A, OR material safety data sheets (MSDS), OR product labels to determine the mass fraction of organic HAP in each resin, binder, or additive; and(1) Calculate and record the organic HAP content of all refractory shapes that are processed during the performance test, based on the mass fraction of organic HAP in the resins, binders, or additives; the mass fraction of each resin, binder, or additive, in the product; and the process feed rate; and
ii. Product formulation data that specify the mass fraction of each resin, binder, and additive in the products that are processed during the performance test; and(2) Calculate and record the organic HAP processing rate (pounds per hour) for each test run; and
iii. Process feed rate data (tons per hour)(3) Calculate and record the maximum organic HAP processing rate as the average of the organic HAP processing rates for the three test runs.
c. Record the operating temperature of the affected sourceProcess dataDuring each test run and at least once per hour, record the operating temperature in the highest temperature zone of the affected source.
4. Each continuous process unit that is subject to the THC emission limit listed in item 2.a., 3.a., 4, or 5 of Table 1 to this subparta. Measure THC concentrations at the outlet of the control device or in the stacki. Method 25A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7(1) Each minute, measure and record the concentrations of THC in the exhaust stream; and
(2) Provide at least 50 1-minute measurements for each valid hourly average THC concentration.
b. Measure oxygen concentrations at the outlet of the control device or in the stacki. Method 3A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-2(1) Each minute, measure and record the concentrations of oxygen in the exhaust stream; and
(2) Provide at least 50 1-minute measurements for each valid hourly average THC concentration.
c. Determine the hourly average THC concentration, corrected to 18 percent oxygeni. Equation 1 of § 63.9800(g)(1); and
ii. The 1-minute THC and oxygen concentration data
(1) Calculate the hourly average THC concentration for each hour of the performance test as the average of the 1-minute THC measurements; and
(2) Calculate the hourly average oxygen concentration for each hour of the performance test as the average of the 1-minute oxygen measurements; and
(3) Correct the hourly average THC concentrations to 18 percent oxygen using Equation 1 of § 63.9800(g)(1).
d. Determine the 3-hour block average THC emission concentration, corrected to 18 percent oxygenThe hourly average concentration of THC, corrected to 18 percent oxygen, for each test runCalculate the 3-hour block average THC emission concentration, corrected to 18 percent oxygen, as the average of the hourly average THC emission concentrations, corrected to 18 percent oxygen.
5. Each continuous process unit that is subject to the THC percentage reduction limit listed in item 2.b. or 3.b. of Table 1 to this subparta. Measure THC concentrations at the inlet and outlet of the control devicei. Method 25A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7(1) Each minute, measure and record the concentrations of THC at the inlet and outlet of the control device; and
(2) Provide at least 50 1-minute measurements for each valid hourly average THC concentration at the control device inlet and outlet.
b. Determine the hourly THC mass emissions rates at the inlet and outlet of the control devicei. The 1-minute THC concentration data at the control device inlet and outlet; and
ii. The volumetric flow rates at the control device inlet and outlet
Calculate the hourly THC mass emissions rates at the control device inlet and outlet for each hour of the performance test.
c. Determine the 3-hour block average THC percentage reductioni. The hourly THC mass emissions rates at the inlet and outlet of the control device(1) Calculate the hourly THC percentage reduction for each hour of the performance test using Equation 2 of § 63.9800(g)(1); and
(2) Calculate the 3-hour block average THC percentage reduction.
6. Each continuous process unit that is equipped with a thermal oxidizera. Establish the operating limit for the minimum allowable thermal oxidizer combustion chamber temperaturei. Continuous recording of the output of the combustion chamber temperature measurement device(1) At least every 15 minutes, measure and record the thermal oxidizer combustion chamber temperature; and
(2) Provide at least one measurement during at least three 15-minute periods per hour of testing; and
(3) Calculate the hourly average thermal oxidizer combustion chamber temperature for each hour of the performance test; and
(4) Calculate the minimum allowable combustion chamber temperature as the average of the combustion chamber temperatures for the three test runs, minus 14 °C (25 °F).
7. Each continuous process unit that is equipped with a catalytic oxidizera. Establish the operating limit for the minimum allowable temperature at the inlet of the catalyst bedi. Continuous recording of the output of the temperature measurement device(1) At least every 15 minutes, measure and record the temperature at the inlet of the catalyst bed; and
(2) Provide at least one catalyst bed inlet temperature measurement during at least three 15-minute periods per hour of testing; and
(3) Calculate the hourly average catalyst bed inlet temperature for each hour of the performance test; and
(4) Calculate the minimum allowable catalyst bed inlet temperature as the average of the catalyst bed inlet temperatures for the three test runs, minus 14 °C (25 °F).
8. Each affected batch process unita. Perform a minimum of two test runsi. The appropriate test methods specified in items 1, 9, and 10 of this table(1) Each test run must be conducted over a separate batch cycle unless you satisfy the requirements of § 63.9800(f)(3) and (4); and
(2) Each test run must begin with the start of a batch cycle, except as specified in item 8.a.i.4. of this table; and
(3) Each test run must continue until the end of the batch cycle, except as specified in items 8.a.i.4. and 8.a.i.5. of this table; and
(4) If you develop an emissions profile, as described in § 63.9802(a), AND for sources equipped with a thermal or catalytic oxidizer, you do not reduce the oxidizer operating temperature, as specified in item 13 of this table, you can limit each test run to the 3-hour peak THC emissions period; and
(5) If you do not develop an emissions profile, a test run can be stopped, and the results of that run considered complete, if you measure emissions continuously until at least 3 hours after the affected process unit has reached maximum temperature, AND the hourly average THC mass emissions rate has not increased during the 3-hour period since maximum process temperature was reached, and the hourly average concentrations of THC at the inlet of the control device have not exceeded 20 ppmvd, corrected to 18 percent oxygen, during the 3-hour period since maximum process temperature was reached or the hourly average THC percentage reduction has been at least 95 percent during the 3-hour period since maximum process temperature was reached, AND, for sources equipped with a thermal or catalytic oxidizer, at least 1 hour has passed since any reduction in the operating temperature of the oxidizer, as specified in item 13 of this table.
b. Establish the operating limit for the maximum organic HAP processing ratei. Method 311 of 40 CFR part 63, appendix A, OR MSDS, OR product labels to determine the mass fraction of organic HAP in each resin, binder, or additive; and(1) Calculate and record the organic HAP content of all refractory shapes that are processed during the performance test, based on the mass fraction of HAP in the resins, binders, or additives; the mass fraction of each resin, binder, or additive, in the product, and the batch weight prior to processing; and
ii. Product formulation data that specify the mass fraction of each resin, binder, and additive in the products that are processed during the performance test; and
iii. Batch weight (tons)
(2) Calculate and record the organic HAP processing rate (pounds per batch) for each test run; and
(3) Calculate and record the maximum organic HAP processing rate as the average of the organic HAP processing rates for the two test runs.
c. Record the batch cycle timeProcess dataRecord the total elapsed time from the start to the completion of the batch cycle.
d. Record the operating temperature of the affected sourceProcess dataRecord the operating temperature of the affected source at least once every hour from the start to the completion of the batch cycle.
9. Each batch process unit that is subject to the THC emission limit listed in item 6.a., 7.a., 8, or 9 of Table 1 to this subparta. Measure THC concentrations at the outlet of the control device or in the stacki. Method 25A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7(1) Each minute, measure and record the concentrations of THC in the exhaust stream; and
(2) Provide at least 50 1-minute measurements for each valid hourly average THC concentration.
b. Measure oxygen concentrations at the outlet of the control device or in the stacki. Method 3A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-2(1) Each minute, measure and record the concentrations of oxygen in the exhaust stream; and
(2) Provide at least 50 1-minute measurements for each valid hourly average oxygen concentration.
c. Determine the hourly average THC concentration, corrected to 18 percent oxygeni. Equation 1 of § 63.9800(g)(1); and
ii. The 1-minute THC and oxygen concentration data
(1) Calculate the hourly average THC concentration for each hour of the performance test as the average of the 1-minute THC measurements; and
(2) Calculate the hourly average oxygen concentration for each hour of the performance test as the average of the 1-minute oxygen measurements; and
(3) Correct the hourly average THC concentrations to 18 percent oxygen using Equation 1 of § 63.9800(g)(1).
d. Determine the 3-hour peak THC emissions period for each test runThe hourly average THC concentrations, corrected to 18 percent oxygenSelect the period of 3 consecutive hours over which the sum of the hourly average THC concentrations, corrected to 18 percent oxygen, is greater than the sum of the hourly average THC emission concentrations, corrected to 18 percent oxygen, for any other period of 3 consecutive hours during the test run.
e. Determine the average THC concentration, corrected to 18 percent oxygen, for each test runThe hourly average THC emission concentrations, corrected to 18 percent oxygen, for the 3-hour peak THC emissions periodCalculate the average of the hourly average THC concentrations, corrected to 18 percent oxygen, for the 3 hours of the peak emissions period for each test run.
f. Determine the 2-run block average THC concentration, corrected to 18 percent oxygen, for the emission testThe average THC concentration, corrected to 18 percent oxygen, for each test runCalculate the average of the average THC concentrations, corrected to 18 percent oxygen, for each run.
10. Each batch process unit that is subject to the THC percentage reduction limit listed in item 6.b. or 7.b. of Table 1 to this subparta. Measure THC concentrations at the inlet and outlet of the control devicei. Method 25A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7(1) Each minute, measure and record the concentrations of THC at the control device inlet and outlet; and
(2) Provide at least 50 1-minute measurements for each valid hourly average THC concentration at the control device inlet and outlet.
b. Determine the hourly THC mass emissions rates at the control device inlet and outleti. The 1-minute THC concentration data at the control device inlet and outlet; and
ii. The volumetric flow rates at the control device inlet and outlet
(1) Calculate the hourly mass emissions rates at the control device inlet and outlet for each hour of the performance test.
c. Determine the 3-hour peak THC emissions period for each test runThe hourly THC mass emissions rates at the control device inletSelect the period of 3 consecutive hours over which the sum of the hourly THC mass emissions rates at the control device inlet is greater than the sum of the hourly THC mass emissions rates at the control device inlet for any other period of 3 consecutive hours during the test run.
d. Determine the average THC percentage reduction for each test runi. Equation 2 of § 63.9800(g)(2); and
ii. The hourly THC mass emissions rates at the control device inlet and outlet for the 3-hour peak THC emissions period
Calculate the average THC percentage reduction for each test run using Equation 2 of § 63.9800(g)(2).
e. Determine the 2-run block average THC percentage reduction for the emission testThe average THC percentage reduction for each test runCalculate the average of the average THC percentage reductions for each test run.
11. Each batch process unit that is equipped with a thermal oxidizera. Establish the operating limit for the minimum thermal oxidizer combustion chamber temperaturei. Continuous recording of the output of the combustion chamber temperature measurement device(1) At least every 15 minutes, measure and record the thermal oxidizer combustion chamber temperature; and
(2) Provide at least one temperature measurement during at least three 15-minute periods per hour of testing; and
(3) Calculate the hourly average combustion chamber temperature for each hour of the 3-hour peak emissions period, as defined in item 9.d. or 10.c. of this table, whichever applies; and
(4) Calculate the minimum allowable thermal oxidizer combustion chamber operating temperature as the average of the hourly combustion chamber temperatures for the 3-hour peak emissions period, minus 14 °C (25 °F).
12. Each batch process unit that is equipped with a catalytic oxidizera. Establish the operating limit for the minimum temperature at the inlet of the catalyst bedi. Continuous recording of the output of the temperature measurement device(1) At least every 15 minutes, measure and record the temperature at the inlet of the catalyst bed; and
(2) Provide at least one catalyst bed inlet temperature measurement during at least three 15-minute periods per hour of testing; and
(3) Calculate the hourly average catalyst bed inlet temperature for each hour of the 3-hour peak emissions period, as defined in item 9.d. or 10.c. of this table, whichever applies; and
(4) Calculate the minimum allowable catalytic oxidizer catalyst bed inlet temperature as the average of the hourly catalyst bed inlet temperatures for the 3-hour peak emissions period, minus 14 °C (25 °F).
13. Each batch process unit that is equipped with a thermal or catalytic oxidizera. During each test run, maintain the applicable operating temperature of the oxidizer until emission levels allow the oxidizer to be shut off or the operating temperature of the oxidizer to be reduced(1) The oxidizer can be shut off or the oxidizer operating temperature can be reduced if you do not use an emission profile to limit testing to the 3-hour peak emissions period, as specified in item 8.a.i.4. of this table; and
(2) At least 3 hours have passed since the affected process unit reached maximum temperature; and
(3) The applicable emission limit specified in item 6.a. or 6.b. of Table 1 to this subpart was met during each of the previous three 1-hour periods; and
(4) The hourly average THC mass emissions rate did not increase during the 3-hour period since maximum process temperature was reached; and
(5) The applicable emission limit specified in item 6.a. and 6.b. of Table 1 to this subpart was met during each of the four 15-minute periods immediately following the oxidizer temperature reduction; and
(6) If the applicable emission limit specified in item 6.a. or 6.b. of Table 1 to this subpart was not met during any of the four 15-minute periods immediately following the oxidizer temperature reduction, you must return the oxidizer to its normal operating temperature as soon as possible and maintain that temperature for at least 1 hour; and
(7) Continue the test run until the applicable emission limit specified in items 6.a. and 6.b. of Table 1 to this subpart is met for at least four consecutive 15-minute periods that immediately follow the temperature reduction; and
(8) Calculate the hourly average oxidizer operating temperature for each hour of the performance test since the affected process unit reached maximum temperature.
14. Each new continuous kiln that is used to process clay refractory productsa. Measure emissions of HF and HCli. Method 26A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8; or
ii. Method 26 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8; or
iii. Method 320 of 40 CFR part 63, appendix A
(1) Conduct the test while the kiln is operating at the maximum production level; and
(2) You may use EPA Method 26 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8, only if no acid PM (e.g., HF or HCl dissolved in water droplets emitted by sources controlled by a wet scrubber) is present; and
(3) If you use EPA Method 320 of 40 CFR part 63, appendix A, you must follow the analyte spiking procedures of Section 13 of EPA Method 320 unless you can demonstrate that the complete spiking procedure has been conducted at a similar source. ASTM D6348-12e1 a may be used as an alternative to EPA Method 320 if the test plan preparation and implementation in Annexes A1-A8 are mandatory and the %R in Annex A5 is determined for each target analyte and is equal or greater than 70 percent and less than or equal to 130 percent; and
(4) Repeat the performance test if the affected source is controlled with a DLA and you change the source of the limestone used in the DLA.
b. Perform a minimum of 3 test runsThe appropriate test methods specified in items 1 and 14.a. of this tableEach test run must be at least 1 hour in duration.
15. Each new continuous kiln that is subject to the production-based HF and HCl emission limits specified in items 10.a. and 10.b. of Table 1 to this subparta. Record the uncalcined clay processing ratei. Production data; and
ii. Product formulation data that specify the mass fraction of uncalcined clay in the products that are processed during the performance test
(1) Record the production rate (tons per hour of fired product); and
(2) Calculate and record the average rate at which uncalcined clay is processed (tons per hour) for each test run; and
(3) Calculate and record the 3-run average uncalcined clay processing rate as the average of the average uncalcined clay processing rates for each test run.
b. Determine the HF mass emissions rate at the outlet of the control device or in the stacki. Method 26A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8; or
ii. Method 26 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8; or
iii. Method 320 of 40 CFR part 63, appendix A
Calculate the HF mass emissions rate for each test.
ASTM D6348-12e1 a may be used as an alternative to EPA Method 320 if the test plan preparation and implementation in Annexes A1-A8 are mandatory and the %R in Annex A5 is determined for each target analyte and is equal or greater than 70 percent and less than or equal to 130 percent.
c. Determine the 3-hour block average production-based HF emissions ratei. The HF mass emissions rate for each test run; and
ii. The average uncalcined clay processing rate
(1) Calculate the hourly production-based HF emissions rate for each test run using Equation 3 of § 63.9800(g)(3); and
(2) Calculate the 3-hour block average production-based HF emissions rate as the average of the hourly production-based HF emissions rates for each test run.
d. Determine the HCl mass emissions rate at the outlet of the control device or in the stacki. Method 26A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8; or
ii. Method 26 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8; or
iii. Method 320 of 40 CFR part 63, appendix A
Calculate the HCl mass emissions rate for each test run.
ASTM D6348-12e1 a may be used as an alternative to EPA Method 320 if the test plan preparation and implementation in Annexes A1-A8 are mandatory and the %R in Annex A5 is determined for each target analyte and is equal or greater than 70 percent and less than or equal to 130 percent.
e. Determine the 3-hour block average production-based HCl emissions ratei. The HCl mass emissions rate for each test run; and
ii. The average uncalcined clay processing rate
(1) Calculate the hourly production-based HCl emissions rate for each test run using Equation 3 of § 63.9800(g)(3); and
(2) Calculate the 3-hour block average production-based HCl emissions rate as the average of the production-based HCl emissions rates for each test run.
16. Each new continuous kiln that is subject to the HF and HCl percentage reduction limits specified in items 10.a. and 10.b. of Table 1 to this subparta. Measure the HF mass emissions rates at the inlet and outlet of the control devicei. Method 26A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8; or
ii. Method 26 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8; or
iii. Method 320 of 40 CFR part 63, appendix A
Calculate the HF mass emissions rates at the control device inlet and outlet for each test run.
ASTM D6348-12e1 a may be used as an alternative to EPA Method 320 if the test plan preparation and implementation in Annexes A1-A8 are mandatory and the %R in Annex A5 is determined for each target analyte and is equal or greater than 70 percent and less than or equal to 130 percent.
b. Determine the 3-hour block average HF percentage reductioni. The HF mass emissions rates at the inlet and outlet of the control device for each test run(1) Calculate the hourly HF percentage reduction using Equation 2 of § 63.9800(g)(2); and
(2) Calculate the 3-hour block average HF percentage reduction as the average of the HF percentage reductions for each test run.
c. Measure the HCl mass emissions rates at the inlet and outlet of the control devicei. Method 26A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8; or
ii. Method 26 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8; or
iii. Method 320 of 40 CFR part 63, appendix A
Calculate the HCl mass emissions rates at the control device inlet and outlet for each test run.
ASTM D6348-12e1 a may be used as an alternative to EPA Method 320 if the test plan preparation and implementation in Annexes A1-A8 are mandatory and the %R in Annex A5 is determined for each target analyte and is equal or greater than 70 percent and less than or equal to 130 percent.
d. Determine the 3-hour block average HCl percentage reduction.i. The HCl mass emissions rates at the inlet and outlet of the control device for each test run(1) Calculate the hourly HCl percentage reduction using Equation 2 of § 63.9800(g)(2); and
(2) Calculate the 3-hour block average HCl percentage reduction as the average of HCl percentage reductions for each test run.
17. Each new batch process kiln that is used to process clay refractory productsa. Measure emissions of HF and HCl at the inlet and outlet of the control devicei. Method 26A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8; or
ii. Method 26 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8; or
iii. Method 320 of 40 CFR part 63, appendix A
(1) Conduct the test while the kiln is operating at the maximum production level; and
(2) You may use EPA Method 26 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, only if no acid PM (e.g., HF or HCl dissolved in water droplets emitted by sources controlled by a wet scrubber) is present; and
(3) If you use EPA Method 320 of 40 CFR part 63, you must follow the analyte spiking procedures of Section 13 of EPA Method 320 unless you can demonstrate that the complete spiking procedure has been conducted at a similar source
ASTM D6348-12e1 a may be used as an alternative to EPA Method 320 if the test plan preparation and implementation in Annexes A1-A8 are mandatory and the %R in Annex A5 is determined for each target analyte and is equal or greater than 70 percent and less than or equal to 130 percent.; and
(4) Repeat the performance test if the affected source is controlled with a DLA and you change the source of the limestone used in the DLA.
b. Perform a minimum of 2 test runsi. The appropriate test methods specified in items 1 and 17.a. of this table(1) Each test run must be conducted over a separate batch cycle unless you satisfy the requirements of § 63.9800(f)(3) and (4); and
(2) Each test run must consist of a series of 1-hour runs at the inlet and outlet of the control device, beginning with the start of a batch cycle, except as specified in item 17.b.i.4. of this table; and
(3) Each test run must continue until the end of the batch cycle, except as specified in item 17.b.i.4. of this table; and
(4) If you develop an emissions profile, as described in § 63.9802(b), you can limit each test run to the 3-hour peak HF emissions period.
c. Determine the hourly HF and HCl mass emissions rates at the inlet and outlet of the control devicei. The appropriate test methods specified in items 1 and 17.a. of this tableDetermine the hourly mass HF and HCl emissions rates at the inlet and outlet of the control device for each hour of each test run.
d. Determine the 3-hour peak HF emissions periodThe hourly HF mass emissions rates at the inlet of the control deviceSelect the period of 3 consecutive hours over which the sum of the hourly HF mass emissions rates at the control device inlet is greater than the sum of the hourly HF mass emissions rates at the control device inlet for any other period of 3 consecutive hours during the test run.
e. Determine the 2-run block average HF percentage reduction for the emissions testi. The hourly average HF emissions rates at the inlet and outlet of the control device(1) Calculate the HF percentage reduction for each hour of the 3-hour peak HF emissions period using Equation 2 of § 63.9800(g)(2); and
(2) Calculate the average HF percentage reduction for each test run as the average of the hourly HF percentage reductions for the 3-hour peak HF emissions period for that run; and
(3) Calculate the 2-run block average HF percentage reduction for the emission test as the average of the average HF percentage reductions for the two test runs.
f. Determine the 2-run block average HCl percentage reduction for the emission testi. The hourly average HCl emissions rates at the inlet and outlet of the control device(1) Calculate the HCl percentage reduction for each hour of the 3-hour peak HF emissions period using Equation 2 § 63.9800(g)(2); and
(2) Calculate the average HCl percentage reduction for each test run as the average of the hourly HCl percentage reductions for the 3-hour peak HF emissions period for that run; and
(3) Calculate the 2-run block average HCl percentage reduction for the emission test as the average of the average HCl percentage reductions for the two test runs.
18. Each new kiln that is used to process clay refractory products and is equipped with a DLAa. Establish the operating limit for the minimum pressure drop across the DLAData from the pressure drop measurement device during the performance test(1) At least every 15 minutes, measure the pressure drop across the DLA; and
(2) Provide at least one pressure drop measurement during at least three 15-minute periods per hour of testing; and
(3) Calculate the hourly average pressure drop across the DLA for each hour of the performance test; and
(4) Calculate and record the minimum pressure drop as the average of the hourly average pressure drops across the DLA for the two or three test runs, whichever applies.
b. Establish the operating limit for the limestone feeder settingData from the limestone feeder during the performance test(1) Ensure that limestone in the feed hopper, silo, and DLA is free-flowing at all times during the performance test; and
(2) Establish the limestone feeder setting 1 week prior to the performance test; and
(3) Record and maintain the feeder setting for the 1-week period that precedes the performance test and during the performance test.
19. Each new kiln that is used to process clay refractory products and is equipped with a DIFF or DLS/FFa. Document conformance with specifications and requirements of the bag leak detection systemData from the installation and calibration of the bag leak detection systemSubmit analyses and supporting documentation demonstrating conformance with EPA guidance and specifications for bag leak detection systems as part of the Notification of Compliance Status.
b. Establish the operating limit for the lime feeder settingi. Data from the lime feeder during the performance test(1) For continuous lime injection systems, ensure that lime in the feed hopper or silo is free-flowing at all times during the performance test; and
(2) Record the feeder setting for the three test runs; and
(3) If the feed rate setting varies during the three test runs, calculate and record the average feed rate for the two or three test runs, whichever applies.
20. Each new kiln that is used to process clay refractory products and is equipped with a wet scrubbera. Establish the operating limit for the minimum scrubber pressure dropi. Data from the pressure drop measurement device during the performance test(1) At least every 15 minutes, measure the pressure drop across the scrubber; and
(2) Provide at least one pressure drop measurement during at least three 15-minute periods per hour of testing; and
(3) Calculate the hourly average pressure drop across the scrubber for each hour of the performance test; and
(4) Calculate and record the minimum pressure drop as the average of the hourly average pressure drops across the scrubber for the two or three test runs, whichever applies.
b. Establish the operating limit for the minimum scrubber liquid pHi. Data from the pH measurement device during the performance test(1) At least every 15 minutes, measure scrubber liquid pH; and
(2) Provide at least one pH measurement during at least three 15-minute periods per hour of testing; and
(3) Calculate the hourly average pH values for each hour of the performance test; and
(4) Calculate and record the minimum liquid pH as the average of the hourly average pH measurements for the two or three test runs, whichever applies.
c. Establish the operating limit for the minimum scrubber liquid flow ratei. Data from the flow rate measurement device during the performance test(1) At least every 15 minutes, measure the scrubber liquid flow rate; and
(2) Provide at least one flow rate measurement during at least three 15-minute periods per hour of testing; and
(3) Calculate the hourly average liquid flow rate for each hour of the performance test; and
(4) Calculate and record the minimum liquid flow rate as the average of the hourly average liquid flow rates for the two or three test runs, whichever applies.
d. If chemicals are added to the scrubber liquid, establish the operating limit for the minimum scrubber chemical feed ratei. Data from the chemical feed rate measurement device during the performance test(1) At least every 15 minutes, measure the scrubber chemical feed rate; and
(2) Provide at least one chemical feed rate measurement during at least three 15-minute periods per hour of testing; and
(3) Calculate the hourly average chemical feed rate for each hour of the performance test; and
(4) Calculate and record the minimum chemical feed rate as the average of the hourly average chemical feed rates for the two or three test runs, whichever applies.
21. Each new and existing kiln that is used to process clay refractory products that is subject to the PM limits specified in items 10.c. 11.c, 12.a, and 13.a of Table 1 to this subpartMeasure PM emissionsMethod 5 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3
22. Each new and existing kiln that is used to process clay refractory products that is subject to the Hg limits specified in items 10.d. 11.d, 12.b, and 13.b of Table 1 to this subpartMeasure Hg emissionsMethod 29 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8ASTM D6784-16 a may be used as an alternative to EPA Method 29 (portion for Hg only).
23. Each new and existing kiln that is used to process clay refractory products and is equipped with an activated carbon injection systemEstablish the operating limit for the average carbon flow rateData from the carbon flow rate measurement conducted during the Hg performance testYou must measure the carbon flow rate during each test run, determine and record the block average carbon flow rate values for the three test runs, and determine and record the 3-hour block average of the recorded carbon flow rate measurements for the three test runs. The average of the three test runs establishes your minimum site-specific activated carbon flow rate operating limit.
24. Each existing kiln that is used to process clay refractory products and is equipped with a FF and a bag leak detection systemDocument conformance with specifications and requirements of the bag leak detection systemData from the installation and calibration of the bag leak detection systemSubmit analyses and supporting documentation demonstrating conformance with EPA guidance and specifications for bag leak detection systems as part of the Notification of Compliance Status.
25. Each existing kiln that is used to process clay refractory products and is equipped with a wet scrubbera. Establish the operating limit for the minimum scrubber pressure dropi. Data from the pressure drop measurement device during the performance test(1) At least every 15 minutes, measure the pressure drop across the scrubber; and
(2) Provide at least one pressure drop measurement during at least three 15-minute periods per hour of testing; and
(3) Calculate the hourly average pressure drop across the scrubber for each hour of the performance test; and
(4) Calculate and record the minimum pressure drop as the average of the hourly average pressure drops across the scrubber for the two or three test runs, whichever applies.
b. Establish the operating limit for the minimum scrubber liquid flow ratei. Data from the flow rate measurement device during the performance test(1) At least every 15 minutes, measure the scrubber liquid flow rate; and
(2) Provide at least one flow rate measurement during at least three 15-minute periods per hour of testing; and
(3) Calculate the hourly average liquid flow rate for each hour of the performance test; and
(4) Calculate and record the minimum liquid flow rate as the average of the hourly average liquid flow rates for the two or three test runs, whichever applies.

a Incorporated by reference, see § 63.14.

[86 FR 66073, Nov. 19, 2021]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.