Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 22, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 22, 2025
Appendix - Table 8 to Subpart UUUUU of Part 63—Reporting Requirements
You must submit the following reports . . .
1. The electronic reports required under 40 CFR 63.10031 (a)(1), if you continuously monitor Hg emissions.
2. The electronic reports required under 40 CFR 63.10031 (a)(2), if you continuously monitor HCl and/or HF emissions.
Where applicable, these reports are due no later than 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter.
3. The electronic reports required under 40 CFR 63.10031(a)(3), if you continuously monitor PM emissions.
Reporting of hourly PM emissions data using ECMPS shall begin with the first operating hour after: January 1, 2024, or the hour of completion of the initial PM CEMS correlation test, whichever is later.
Where applicable, these reports are due no later than 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter.
4. The electronic reports required under 40 CFR 63.10031(a)(4), if you elect to use a PM CPMS (on or after July 6, 2027 you may not use PM CPMS for compliance demonstrations, unless it is for an IGCC unit).
Reporting of hourly PM CPMS response data using ECMPS shall begin with the first operating hour after January 1, 2024, or the first operating hour after completion of the initial performance stack test that establishes the operating limit for the PM CPMS, whichever is later.
Where applicable, these reports are due no later than 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter.
5. The electronic reports required under 40 CFR 63.10031(a)(5), if you continuously monitor SO2 emissions.
Where applicable, these reports are due no later than 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter.
6. PDF reports for all performance stack tests completed prior to January 1, 2024 (including 30- or 90-boiler operating day Hg LEE test reports and PM test reports to set operating limits for PM CPMS), according to the introductory text of 40 CFR 63.10031(f) and 40 CFR 63.10031(f)(6).
For each test, submit the PDF report no later than 60 days after the date on which testing is completed.
For a PM test that is used to set an operating limit for a PM CPMS, the report must also include the information in 40 CFR 63.10023(b)(2)(vi).
For each performance stack test completed on or after January 1, 2024, submit the test results in the relevant quarterly compliance report under 40 CFR 63.10031(g), together with the applicable reference method information in sections 17 through 31 of appendix E to this subpart.
7. PDF reports for all RATAs of Hg, HCl, HF, and/or SO2 monitoring systems completed prior to January 1, 2024, and for correlation tests, RRAs and/or RCAs of PM CEMS completed prior to January 1, 2024, according to 40 CFR 63.10031(f)(1) and (6).
For each test, submit the PDF report no later than 60 days after the date on which testing is completed.
For each SO2 or Hg system RATA completed on or after January 1, 2024, submit the electronic test summary required by appendix A to this subpart or part 75 of this chapter (as applicable) together with the applicable reference method information in sections 17 through 30 of appendix E to this subpart, either prior to or concurrent with the relevant quarterly emissions report.
For each HCl or HF system RATA, and for each correlation test, RRA, and RCA of a PM CEMS completed on or after January 1, 2024, submit the electronic test summary in accordance with section 11.4 of appendix B to this subpart or section 7.2.4 of appendix C to this part, as applicable, together with the applicable reference method information in sections 17 through 30 of appendix E to this subpart.
8. Quarterly reports, in PDF files, that include all 30-boiler operating day rolling averages in the reporting period derived from your PM CEMS, approved HAP metals CMS, and/or PM CPMS (on or after July 6, 2027 you may not use PM CPMS, unless it is for an IGCC unit), according to 40 CFR 63.10031(f)(2) and (6). These reports are due no later than 60 days after the end of each calendar quarter.
The final quarterly rolling averages report in PDF files shall cover the fourth calendar quarter of 2023.
Starting with the first quarter of 2024, you must report all 30-boiler operating day rolling averages for PM CEMS, approved HAP metals CMS, PM CPMS, Hg CEMS, Hg sorbent trap systems, HCl CEMS, HF CEMS, and/or SO2 CEMS (or 90-boiler operating day rolling averages for Hg systems), in XML format, in the quarterly compliance reports required under 40 CFR 63.10031(g).
If your EGU or common stack is in an averaging plan, each quarterly compliance report must identify the EGUs in the plan and include all of the 30- or 90-group boiler operating day WAERs for the averaging group.
The quarterly compliance reports must be submitted no later than 60 days after the end of each calendar quarter.
9. The semiannual compliance reports described in 40 CFR 63.10031(c) and (d), in PDF files, according to 40 CFR 63.10031(f)(4) and (6). The due dates for these reports are specified in 40 CFR 63.10031(b).
The final semiannual compliance report shall cover the period from July 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023.
10. Notifications of compliance status, in PDF files, according to 40 CFR 63.10031(f)(4) and (6) until December 31, 2023, and according to 40 CFR 63.10031(h) thereafter.
11. Quarterly electronic compliance reports, in accordance with 40 CFR 63.10031(g), starting with a report for the first calendar quarter of 2024. The reports must be in XML format and must include the applicable data elements in sections 2 through 13 of appendix E to this subpart.
These reports are due no later than 60 days after the end of each calendar quarter.
12. Quarterly reports, in PDF files, that include the applicable information in 40 CFR 63.10031(c)(5)(ii) and 40 CFR 63.10020(e) pertaining to startup and shutdown events, starting with a report for the first calendar quarter of 2024, if you have elected to use paragraph 2 of the definition of startup in 40 CFR 63.10042 (see 40 CFR 63.10031(i)). On or after January 2, 2025 you may not use paragraph 2 of the definition of startup in 40 CFR 63.10042.
These PDF reports shall be submitted no later than 60 days after the end of each calendar quarter, along with the quarterly compliance reports required under 40 CFR 63.10031(g).
13. A test report for the PS 11 correlation test of your PM CEMS, in accordance with 40 CFR 63.10031(j).
If, prior to November 9, 2020, you have begun using a certified PM CEMS to demonstrate compliance with this subpart, use the ECMPS Client Tool to submit the report, in a PDF file, no later than 60 days after that date.
For correlation tests completed on or after November 9, 2020, but prior to January 1, 2024, submit the report, in a PDF file, no later than 60 days after the date on which the test is completed.
For correlation tests completed on or after January 1, 2024, submit the test results electronically, according to section 7.2.4 of appendix C to this subpart, together with the applicable reference method data in sections 17 through 31 of appendix E to this subpart.
14. Quarterly reports that include the QA/QC activities for your PM CPMS (on or after July 6, 2027 you may not use PM CPMS, unless it is for an IGCC unit) or approved HAP metals CMS (as applicable), in PDF files, according to 40 CFR 63.10031(k).
The first report shall cover the first calendar quarter of 2024, if the PM CPMS or HAP metals CMS is in use during that quarter. Otherwise, reporting begins with the first calendar quarter in which the PM CPMS or HAP metals CMS is used to demonstrate compliance.
These reports are due no later than 60 days after the end of each calendar quarter.
[85 FR 55764, Sept. 9, 2020, as amended at 89 FR 38591, May 7, 2024]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.