Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 22, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 22, 2025
Appendix - Table 5 to Subpart VVVVVV of Part 63—Emission Limits and Compliance Requirements for Storage Tanks

As required in § 63.11497, you must comply with the requirements for storage tanks as shown in the following table.

For each * * * You must * * * Except * * *
1. Storage tank with a design capacity ≥40,000 gallons, storing liquid that contains organic HAP listed in Table 1 to this subpart, and for which the maximum true vapor pressure (MTVP) of total organic HAP at the storage temperature is ≥5.2 kPa and <76.6 kPa.a. Comply with the requirements of subpart WW of this part;i. All required seals must be installed by the compliance date in § 63.11494.
b. Reduce total organic HAP emissions by ≥95 percent by weight by operating and maintaining a closed-vent system and control device (other than a flare) in accordance with § 63.982(c); ori. Compliance may be based on either total organic HAP or TOC;
ii. When the term storage vessel is used in subpart SS of this part, the term storage tank, surge control vessel, or bottoms receiver, as defined in § 63.11502 of this subpart, applies; and
iii. The requirements do not apply during periods of planned routine maintenance of the control device, as specified in § 63.11497(b).
c. Reduce total HAP emissions by operating and maintaining a closed-vent system and a flare in accordance with § 63.982(b); ori. The requirements do not apply during periods of planned routine maintenance of the flare, as specified in § 63.11497(b); and
ii. When the term storage vessel is used in subpart SS of this part, it means storage tank, surge control vessel, or bottoms receiver, as defined in § 63.11502 of this subpart.
d. Vapor balance in accordance with § 63.2470(e); ori. To comply with § 63.1253(f)(6)(i), the owner or operator of an offsite cleaning or reloading facility must comply with § 63.11494 and § 63.11502 instead of complying with § 63.1253(f)(7)(ii), except as specified in item 1.d.ii and 1.2.iii of this table.
ii. The reporting requirements in § 63.11501 do not apply to the owner or operator of the offsite cleaning or reloading facility.
iii. As an alternative to complying with the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting provisions in §§ 63.11494 through 63.11502, the owner or operator of an offsite cleaning or reloading facility may comply as specified in § 63.11500 with any other subpart of this part 63 which has monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting provisions as specified in § 63.11500.
e. Route emissions to a fuel gas system or process in accordance with the requirements in § 63.982(d) and the requirements referenced therein.i. When the term storage vessel is used in subpart SS of this part, it means storage tank, surge control vessel, or bottoms receiver, as defined in § 63.11502.
2. Storage tank with a design capacity ≥20,000 gallons and <40,000 gallons, storing liquid that contains organic HAP listed in Table 1 to this subpart, and for which the MTVP of total organic HAP at the storage temperature is ≥27.6 kPa and <76.6 kPaa. Comply with one of the options in Item 1 of this tablei. The information specified above for Items 1.a., 1.b., 1.c., 1.d, and 1.e, as applicable.
3. Storage tank with a design capacity ≥20,000 gallons, storing liquid that contains organic HAP listed in Table 1 to this subpart, and for which the MTVP of total organic HAP at the storage temperature is ≥76.6 kPaa. Comply with option b, c, d, or e in Item 1 of this tablei. The information specified above for Items 1.b., 1.c., 1.d, and 1.e, as applicable.
4. Storage tank described by Item 1, 2, or 3 in this table and emitting a halogenated vent stream that is controlled with a combustion devicea. Reduce emissions of hydrogen halide and halogen HAP by ≥95 percent by weight, or to ≤0.45 kg/hr, or to ≤20 ppmv by using a halogen reduction device after the combustion device according to the requirements in § 63.11496(d); or
b. Reduce the halogen atom mass emission rate to ≤0.45 kg/hr or to ≤20 ppmv by using a halogen reduction device before the combustion device according to the requirements in § 63.11496(d).
[74 FR 56041, Oct. 29, 2009, as amended at 77 FR 75760, Dec. 21, 2012]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.