a Required to be reported only by: (1) Stationary fuel combustion sources (e.g., individual units, aggregations of units, common pipes, or common stacks) subject to subpart C of this part that contain at least one combustion unit connected to a fuel-fired electric generator owned or operated by an entity that is subject to regulation of customer billing rates by the PUC (excluding generators connected to combustion units subject to 40 CFR part 98, subpart D) and that are located at a facility for which the sum of the nameplate capacities for all such electric generators is greater than or equal to 1 megawatt electric output; and (2) stationary fuel combustion sources (e.g., individual units, aggregations of units, common pipes, or common stacks) subject to subpart C of this part that do not meet the criteria in (1) of this footnote that elect to report these data elements, as provided in § 98.36(a), for reporting year 2014.
b This rule citation provides an option to delay reporting of this data element for certain wildcat wells and/or delineation wells.