Default CO2 Emission Factors and High Heat Values for Various Types of Fuel
1 The HHV for components of LPG determined at 60 °F and saturation pressure with the exception of ethylene.
2 Ethylene HHV determined at 41 °F (5 °C) and saturation pressure.
3 Use of this default HHV is allowed only for: (a) Units that combust MSW, do not generate steam, and are allowed to use Tier 1; (b) units that derive no more than 10 percent of their annual heat input from MSW and/or tires; and (c) small batch incinerators that combust no more than 1,000 tons of MSW per year.
4 Reporters subject to subpart X of this part that are complying with § 98.243(d) or subpart Y of this part may only use the default HHV and the default CO2 emission factor for fuel gas combustion under the conditions prescribed in § 98.243(d)(2)(i) and (d)(2)(ii) and § 98.252(a)(1) and (a)(2), respectively. Otherwise, reporters subject to subpart X or subpart Y shall use either Tier 3 (Equation C-5) or Tier 4.
5 Use the following formula to calculate a wet basis HHV for use in Equation C-1: HHVw = ((100 − M)/100)*HHVd where HHVw = wet basis HHV, M = moisture content (percent) and HHVd = dry basis HHV from Table C-1.