(a) If the WEC obligated party, or its subsidiaries, is the entity seeking the environmental permit, for each communication the entity seeking the environmental permit has had with the permitting authority regarding the permit application:
(1) The date and type of communication.
(2) The date of the facility's response to the communication.
(3) Information on whether the facility's response included modification to the permit application.
(b) Records of values used and any information relied upon in the calculation of the emissions attributable to the unreasonable delay in § 99.32(c).
(c) For any volumes of gas determined under § 99.32(b) that were not directly measured, an explanation of how company records, engineering estimation, and/or best available information were used to determine the gas volume.
(d) A list of all applicable local, State, and Federal regulations the WEC obligated party certified compliance with, as required in § 99.31(b)(11), regarding emissions from the activities listed in § 99.30(d) that occurred as a result of a delay in environmental permitting of gathering or transmission infrastructure.