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Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 14, 2025
All Titles
Title 40
Chapter I
Part 122
Subpart B - Subpart B—Permit Application and Special NPDES Program Requirements
§ 122.21 - Application for a permit (applicable to State programs, see § 123.25).
§ 122.22 - Signatories to permit applications and reports (applicable to State programs, see § 123.25).
§ 122.23 - Concentrated animal feeding operations (applicable to State NPDES programs, see § 123.25).
§ 122.24 - Concentrated aquatic animal production facilities (applicable to State NPDES programs, see § 123.25).
§ 122.25 - Aquaculture projects (applicable to State NPDES programs, see § 123.25).
§ 122.26 - Storm water discharges (applicable to State NPDES programs, see § 123.25).
§ 122.27 - Silvicultural activities (applicable to State NPDES programs, see § 123.25).
§ 122.28 - General permits (applicable to State NPDES programs, see § 123.25).
§ 122.29 - New sources and new dischargers.
§ 122.30 - What are the objectives of the storm water regulations for small MS4s?
§ 122.31 - As a Tribe, what is my role under the NPDES storm water program?
§ 122.32 - As an operator of a small MS4, am I regulated under the NPDES storm water program?
§ 122.33 - Requirements for obtaining permit coverage for regulated small MS4s.
§ 122.34 - Permit requirements for regulated small MS4 permits.
§ 122.35 - May the operator of a regulated small MS4 share the responsibility to implement the minimum control measures with other entities?
§ 122.36 - As an operator of a regulated small MS4, what happens if I don't comply with the application or permit requirements in §through 122.35?
§ 122.37 - Will the small MS4 storm water program regulations at §through 122.36 and of this chapter change in the future?
§ 122.38 - Public notification requirements for CSO discharges to the Great Lakes Basin.
The Clean Water Act,
33 U.S.C. 1251
48 FR 14153, Apr. 1, 1983, unless otherwise noted.
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