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Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 12, 2025
Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Feb 12, 2028
All Titles
Title 40
Chapter I
Part 52
Subpart F - Subpart F—California
§ 52.220 - Identification of plan—in part.
§ 52.220a - Identification of plan—in part.
§ 52.221 - Classification of regions.
§ 52.222 - Negative declarations.
§ 52.223 - Approval status.
§ 52.224 - General requirements.
§ 52.225 - Legal authority.
§ 52.226 - Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, San Joaquin Valley and Mountain Counties Intrastate Regions.
§ 52.227 - Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter, Metropolitan Los Angeles Intrastate Region.
§ 52.228 - Regulations: Particulate matter, Southeast Desert Intrastate Region.
§ 52.229 - Control strategy and regulations: Photochemical oxidants (hydrocarbons), Metropolitan Los Angeles Intrastate Region.
§ 52.230 - Control strategy and regulations: Nitrogen dioxide.
§ 52.231 - Regulations: Sulfur oxides.
§ 52.232 - Part D conditional approval.
§ 52.233 - Review of new sources and modifications.
§ 52.234 - Source surveillance.
§ 52.235 - Control strategy for ozone: Oxides of nitrogen.
§ 52.236 - Rules and regulations.
§ 52.237 - Part D disapproval.
§ 52.238 - Commitment to undertake rulemaking.
§ 52.239 - Alternate compliance plans.
§ 52.240 - Compliance schedules.
§ 52.241 - Inspection and maintenance program.
§ 52.242 - Disapproved rules and regulations.
§ 52.243 - Interim approval of the Carbon Monoxide plan for the South Coast.
§ 52.244 - Motor vehicle emissions budgets.
§ 52.245 - New Source Review rules.
§ 52.246 - Control of dry cleaning solvent vapor losses.
§ 52.247 - Control Strategy and regulations: Fine Particle Matter.
§ 52.248 - Identification of plan—conditional approval.
§§ 52.249-52.251 - §[Reserved]
§ 52.252 - Control of degreasing operations.
§ 52.253 - Metal surface coating thinner and reducer.
§ 52.254 - Organic solvent usage.
§ 52.255 - Gasoline transfer vapor control.
§ 52.256 - Control of evaporative losses from the filling of vehicular tanks.
§§ 52.257-52.262 - §[Reserved]
§ 52.263 - Priority treatment for buses and carpools—Los Angeles Region.
§§ 52.264-52.268 - §[Reserved]
§ 52.269 - Control strategy and regulations: Photochemical oxidants (hydrocarbons) and carbon monoxide.
§ 52.270 - Significant deterioration of air quality.
§ 52.271 - Malfunction, startup, and shutdown regulations.
§ 52.272 - Research operations exemptions.
§ 52.273 - Open burning.
§ 52.274 - California air pollution emergency plan.
§ 52.275 - Particulate matter control.
§ 52.276 - Sulfur content of fuels.
§ 52.277 - Oxides of nitrogen, combustion gas concentration limitations.
§ 52.278 - Oxides of nitrogen control.
§ 52.279 - Food processing facilities.
§ 52.280 - Fuel burning equipment.
§ 52.281 - Visibility protection.
§ 52.282 - Control strategy and regulations: Ozone.
§ 52.283 - Interstate Transport.
§ 52.284 - Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of nitrogen oxides?
§ 52.285 - Review of new sources and modifications—Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District.
42 U.S.C. 7401
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