This appendix identifies abbreviations for emission control information labels, as required under § 1037.135.
Vehicle Speed Limiters
—VSL—Vehicle speed limiter
—VSLS—“Soft-top” vehicle speed limiter
—VSLE—Expiring vehicle speed limiter
—VSLD—Vehicle speed limiter with both “soft-top” and expiration
Idle Reduction Technology
—IRT5—Engine shutoff after 5 minutes or less of idling
—IRTE—Expiring engine shutoff
—LRRA—Low rolling resistance tires (all)
—LRRD—Low rolling resistance tires (drive)
—LRRS—Low rolling resistance tires (steer)
Aerodynamic Components
—ATS—Aerodynamic side skirt and/or fuel tank fairing
—ARF—Aerodynamic roof fairing
—ARFR—Adjustable height aerodynamic roof fairing
—TGR—Gap reducing tractor fairing (tractor to trailer gap)
Other Components
—ADVH—Vehicle includes advanced hybrid technology components
—ADVO—Vehicle includes other advanced-technology components (i.e., non-hybrid system)
—INV—Vehicle includes innovative (off-cycle) technology components
—ATI—Automatic tire inflation system
—TPMS—Tire pressure monitoring system
[89 FR 29792, Apr. 22, 2024]