Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 22, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 22, 2025
Appendix - Table B-3 to Subpart B of Part 53—Interferent Test Concentration,1 Parts per Million

Table B-3 to Subpart B of Part 53—Interferent Test Concentration 1

[Parts per million]

Pollutant Analyzer type 2 Hydro-chloric acid Ammonia Hydrogen sulfide Sulfur dioxide Nitrogen dioxide Nitric oxide Carbon dioxide Ethylene Ozone M-xylene Water vapor Carbon monoxide Methane Ethane Naphthalene
SO2Ultraviolet fluorescence 5 0.1 4,000 6 0.05
SO2Flame photometric0.01 4 0.14750 3 20,00050
SO2Gas chromatography0.1 4 0.14750 3 20,00050
SO2Spectrophotometric-wet chemical (pararosanaline) 4 0.140.57500.5
SO2Electrochemical0.20.10.1 4 3 20,000
SO2Conductivity0.20.1 4 0.140.5750
SO2Spectrophotometric-gas phase, including DOAS 4
O3Ethylene Chemiluminescence 3 0.1750 4 0.08 3 20,000
O3NO-chemiluminescence 3 0.10.5750 4 0.08 3 20,000
O3Electrochemical 3 4 0.08 3 20,000
O3Spectrophotometric-wet chemical (potassium iodide) 3 3 0.5 4 0.08
O3Spectrophotometric-gas phase, including ultraviolet absorption and DOAS0.50.5 3 0.5 4 0.080.0220,000
CONon-dispersive Infrared75020,000 4 10
COGas chromatography with flame ionization detector20,000 4 100.5
COElectrochemical0.50.220,000 4 10
COCatalytic combustion-thermal detection0.17500.220,000 4 105.00.5
COIR fluorescence75020,000 4 100.5
COMercury replacement-UV photometric0.2 4 100.5
NO2Chemiluminescent 3 0.10.5 4 0.10.520,000
NO2Spectrophotometric-wet chemical (azo-dye reaction)0.5 4 0.10.57500.5
NO2Electrochemical0.2 3 0.10.5 4 0.10.57500.520,00050
NO2Spectrophotometric-gas phase 3 0.10.5 4,00050

1 Concentrations of interferent listed must be prepared and controlled to ±10 percent of the stated value.

2 Analyzer types not listed will be considered by the Administrator as special cases.

3 Do not mix interferent with the pollutant.

4 Concentration of pollutant used for test. These pollutant concentrations must be prepared to ±10 percent of the stated value.

5 If candidate method utilizes an elevated-temperature scrubber for removal of aromatic hydrocarbons, perform this interference test.

6 If naphthalene test concentration cannot be accurately quantified, remove the scrubber, use a test concentration that causes a full-scale response, reattach the scrubber, and evaluate response for interference.

[89 FR 16383, Mar. 6, 2024]
authority: Sec. 301(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. sec. 1857g(a)), as amended by sec. 15(c)(2) of Pub. L. 91-604, 84 Stat. 1713, unless otherwise noted
source: 40 FR 7049, Feb. 18, 1975, unless otherwise noted.