Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 22, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 22, 2025
Appendix - Table E-1 to Subpart E of Part 53—Summary of Test Requirements for Reference and Class I Equivalent Methods for PM 2.5 and PM 10-2.5
Subpart E procedure Performance test Performance specification Test conditions Part 50,
appendix L
§ 53.52 Sample leak check testSampler leak check facilityExternal leakage: 80 mL/min, max
Internal leakage: 80 mL/min, max
Controlled leak flow rate of 80 mL/minSec. 7.4.6.
§ 53.53 Base flow rate testSample flow rate
1. Mean
2. Regulation
3. Meas accuracy
4. CV accuracy
5. Cut-off
1. 16.67 ±5%, L/min
2. 2%, max
3. 2%, max
4. 0.3% max
5. Flow rate cut-off if flow rate deviates more than 10% from design flow rate for >60 ±30 seconds
(a) 6-hour normal operational test plus flow rate cut-off test
(b) Normal conditions
(c) Additional 55 mm Hg pressure drop to simulate loaded filter
(d) Variable flow restriction used for cut-off test
Sec. 7.4.1.
Sec. 7.4.2.
Sec. 7.4.3.
Sec. 7.4.4.
Sec. 7.4.5.
§ 53.54 Power interruption testSample flow rate
1. Mean
2. Regulation
3. Meas. accuracy
4. CV accuracy
5. Occurrence time of power interruptions
6. Elapsed sample time
7. Sample volume
1. 16.67 ±5%, L/min
2. 2%, max
3. 2%, max
4. 0.3% max
5. ±2 min if >60 seconds.
6. ±20 seconds
7. ±2%, max
(a) 6-hour normal operational test
(b) Nominal conditions
(c) Additional 55 mm Hg pressure drop to simulate loaded filter
(d) 6 power interruptions of various durations
Sec. 7.4.1.
Sec. 7.4.2.
Sec. 7.4.3.
Sec. 7.4.5.
Sec. 7.4.12.
Sec. 7.4.13.
§ 53.55 Temperature and line voltage testSample flow rate
1. Mean
2. Regulation
3. Meas. accuracy
4. CV accuracy
5. Temperature meas. accuracy
6. Proper operation.
1. 16.67 ±5%, L/min
2. 2%, max
3. 2%, max
4. 0.3% max
5. 2 °C
(a) 6-hour normal operational test
(b) Normal conditions
(c) Additional 55 mm Hg pressure drop to simulate loaded filter
(d) Ambient temperature at −20 and + 40 °C
(e) Line voltage: 105 Vac to 125 Vac
Sec. 7.4.1.
Sec. 7.4.2.
Sec. 7.4.3.
Sec. 7.4.5.
Sec. 7.4.8.
§ 53.56 Barometric pressure effect testSample flow rate
1. Mean
2. Regulation
3. Meas. accuracy
4. CV accuracy
5. Pressure meas. accuracy
6. Proper operation.
1. 16.67 ±5%, L/p;min
2. 2%, max
3. 2%, max
4. 0.3% max
5. 10 mm Hg
(a) 6-hour normal operational test
(b) Normal conditions
(c) Additional 55 mm Hg pressure drop to simulate loaded filter
(d) Barometric pressure at 600 and 800 mm Hg
Sec. 7.4.1.
Sec. 7.4.2.
Sec. 7.4.3.
Sec. 7.4.5.
Sec. 7.4.9.
§ 53.57 Filter temperature control test1. Filter temp. meas. accuracy
2. Ambient temp. meas. accuracy
3. Filter temp. control accuracy, sampling and non-sampling
1. 2 °C
2. 2 °C
3. Not more than 5 °C above ambient temp. for more than 30 min
(a) 4-hour simulated solar radiation, sampling
(b) 4-hour simulated solar radiation, non-sampling
(c) Solar flux of 1000 ±50 W/m 2
Sec. 7.4.8.
Sec. 7.4.10.
Sec. 7.4.11.
§ 53.58 Field precision test1. Measurement precision
2. Storage deposition test for sequential samplers
1. Pj <2 µg/m 3 or RPj <5%
2. 50 µg max. average weight gain/blank filter
(a) 3 collocated samplers at 1 site for at least 10 days
(b) PM 2.5 conc. >3 µg/m 3
(c) 24- or 48-hour samples
(d) 5- or 10-day storage period for inactive stored filters
Sec. 5.1.
Sec. 7.3.5.
Sec. 8.
Sec. 9.
Sec. 10.
The Following Requirement Is Applicable to Class I Candidate Equivalent Methods Only
§ 53.59 Aerosol transport testAerosol transport97%, min. for all channels.Determine aerosol transport through any new or modified components with respect to the reference method sampler before the filter for each channel
[72 FR 32208, June 12, 2007]
authority: Sec. 301(a) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. sec. 1857g(a)), as amended by sec. 15(c)(2) of Pub. L. 91-604, 84 Stat. 1713, unless otherwise noted
source: 40 FR 7049, Feb. 18, 1975, unless otherwise noted.