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Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 12, 2025
Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Feb 12, 2028
All Titles
Title 40
Chapter I
Part 60
Subpart BBBB
Appendix - Table 7 to Subpart BBBB of Part 60—Model Rule—Requirements for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
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Appendix - Table 7 to Subpart BBBB of Part 60—Model Rule—Requirements for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
For the following pollutants
Use the following span values for CEMS
Use the following performance specifications in appendix B of this part for your CEMS
If needed to meet minimum data requirements, use the following alternate methods in appendix A of this part to collect data
1. Opacity
100 percent opacity
P.S. 1
Method 9.
2. Nitrogen Oxides (Class I units only)
Control device outlet: 125 percent of the maximum expected hourly potential nitrogen oxides emissions of the municipal waste combustion unit
P.S. 2
Method 7E.
3. Sulfur Dioxide
Inlet to control device: 125 percent of the maximum expected hourly potential sulfur dioxide emissions of the municipal waste combustion unit
P.S. 2
Method 6C.
Control device outlet: 50 percent of the maximum expected hourly potential sulfur dioxide emissions of the municipal waste combustion unit
4. Carbon Monoxide
125 percent of the maximum expected hourly potential carbon monoxide emissions of the municipal waste combustion unit
P.S. 4A
Method 10 with alternative interference trap.
5. Oxygen or Carbon Dioxide
25 percent oxygen or 25 percent carbon dioxide
P.S. 3
Method 3A or 3B.
42 U.S.C. 7401
36 FR 24877, Dec. 23, 1971, unless otherwise noted.
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