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Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 21, 2025
Title 47 - Telecommunication last revised: Feb 19, 2025
All Titles
Title 47
Chapter I
Part 1
Subpart G - Subpart G—Schedule of Statutory Charges and Procedures for Payment
§ 1.1101 - Authority.
§ 1.1102 - Schedule of charges for applications and other filings in the wireless telecommunications services.
§ 1.1103 - Schedule of charges for equipment approval, experimental radio services (or service).
§ 1.1104 - Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for media services.
§ 1.1105 - Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the wireline competition services.
§ 1.1106 - Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the enforcement services.
§ 1.1107 - Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the international services.
§ 1.1108 - [Reserved]
§ 1.1109 - Schedule of charges for applications and other filings for the Homeland services.
§ 1.1110 - Attachment of charges.
§ 1.1111 - Payment of charges.
§ 1.1112 - Form of payment.
§ 1.1113 - Filing locations.
§ 1.1114 - Conditionality of Commission or staff authorizations.
§ 1.1115 - Return or refund of charges.
§ 1.1116 - General exemptions to charges.
§ 1.1117 - Adjustments to charges.
§ 1.1118 - Penalty for late or insufficient payments.
§ 1.1119 - Petitions and applications for review.
§ 1.1120 - Error claims.
§ 1.1121 - Billing procedures.
§ 1.1151 - Authority to prescribe and collect regulatory fees.
§ 1.1152 - Schedule of annual regulatory fees for wireless radio services.
§ 1.1153 - Schedule of annual regulatory fees and filing locations for mass media services.
§ 1.1154 - Schedule of annual regulatory charges for common carrier services.
§ 1.1155 - Schedule of regulatory fees for cable television services.
§ 1.1156 - Schedule of regulatory fees for international services.
§ 1.1157 - Payment of charges for regulatory fees.
§ 1.1158 - Form of payment for regulatory fees.
§ 1.1159 - Filing locations and receipts for regulatory fees.
§ 1.1160 - Refunds of regulatory fees.
§ 1.1161 - Conditional license grants and delegated authorizations.
§ 1.1162 - General exemptions from regulatory fees.
§ 1.1163 - Adjustments to regulatory fees.
§ 1.1164 - Penalties for late or insufficient regulatory fee payments.
§ 1.1165 - Payment by cashier's check for regulatory fees.
§ 1.1166 - Waivers, reductions and deferrals of regulatory fees.
§ 1.1167 - Error claims related to regulatory fees.
§ 1.1181 - Authority to prescribe and collect fees for competitive bidding-related services and products.
§ 1.1182 - Schedule of fees for products and services provided by the Commission in connection with competitive bidding procedures.
47 U.S.C. chs.
2, 5, 9, 13;
28 U.S.C. 2461
47 U.S.C. 1754
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