Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries last revised: Mar 06, 2025
Appendix - Table 1a to Part 660, Subpart C—2025, Specifications of OFL, ABC, ACL, ACT and Fishery HG

Table 1a to Part 660, Subpart C—2025, Specifications of OFL, ABC, ACL, ACT and Fishery HG (Weights in Metric Tons). Capitalized Stocks Are Rebuilding

Species/stock Area OFL ABC ACL a Fishery HG b
YELLOWEYE ROCKFISH cCoastwide105.887.255.841
Arrowtooth FlounderCoastwide16,46011,19311,1939,098
Big SkateCoastwide1,4561,2241,2241,164.6
Black RockfishWashington (N of 46°16′ N lat.)262244.6244.6226
Black RockfishCalifornia (S of 42° N lat.)250234224222.3
BocaccioS of 40°10′ N lat1,8491,6811,6811,673.2
CabezonCalifornia (S of 42° N lat.)176162162161.2
California ScorpionfishS of 34°27′ N lat273244244242
Canary RockfishCoastwide647605572508.4
ChilipepperS of 40°10′ N lat3,1282,8152,8152,788
CowcodS of 40°10′ N lat111777766.5
Darkblotched RockfishCoastwide830754754729.8
Dover SoleCoastwide52,21447,42447,42445,840
English SoleCoastwide11,1758,8848,8848,669.4
LingcodN of 40°10′ N lat4,2373,6313,6313,349.9
LingcodS of 40°10′ N lat897768748736.4
Longnose SkateCoastwide1,9221,6161,6161,365.4
Longspine ThornyheadCoastwide4,2842,6982,698
Longspine ThornyheadN of 34°27′ N lat2,0502,000.7
Longspine ThornyheadS of 34°27′ N lat648646
Pacific CodCoastwide3,2001,9261,6001,098.6
Pacific Ocean PerchN of 40°10′ N lat4,0293,3283,3283,182.5
Pacific Spiny DogfishCoastwide1,8571,3611,3611,037.6
Pacific WhitingCoastwide( d)( d)( d)( d)
Petrale SoleCoastwide2,5182,3542,3542,035.5
SablefishN of 36° N lat28,688See Table 1c
SablefishS of 36° N lat7,8577,829.80
Shortspine Thornyhead eCoastwide940821815743.3
SplitnoseS of 40°10′ N lat1,7241,5081,5081,493.9
Starry FlounderCoastwide652392392375.3
Widow RockfishCoastwide12,25411,23711,23711,018.7
Yellowtail RockfishN of 40°10′ N lat6,8666,2416,2415,216.1
Species/Stock Complexes
Blue/Deacon/Black RockfishOregon464423423421.7
Cabezon/Kelp GreenlingWashington19151512.2
Cabezon/Kelp GreenlingOregon196177177176.1
Nearshore Rockfish NorthN of 40°10′ N lat106888884.8
Nearshore Rockfish SouthS of 40°10′ N lat1,137934932929.3
Other FishCoastwide286223223213.2
Other FlatfishCoastwide10,8957,9747,9747,803
Shelf Rockfish NorthN of 40°10′ N lat1,668.71,329.71,329.61,250.4
Shelf Rockfish SouthS of 40°10′ N lat1,827.61,457.71,457.11,430.5
Slope Rockfish NorthN of 40°10′ N lat1,7791,4881,4881,430
Slope Rockfish SouthS of 40°10′ N lat866693693674

a Annual catch limits (ACLs), annual catch targets (ACTs) and harvest guidelines (HGs) are specified as total catch values.

b Fishery HGs means the HG or quota after subtracting Pacific Coast treaty Indian Tribes allocations and projected catch, projected research catch, deductions for fishing mortality in non-groundfish fisheries, and deductions for EFPs from the ACL or ACT. These deductions, as well as any HG sharing agreements between states and/or sectors, are published in the SAFE.

c Yelloweye rockfish has a non-trawl ACT of 29.6 mt and a non-nearshore ACT of 6.2 mt. The recreational ACTs are: 7.6 mt (Washington), 6.9 mt (Oregon), and 8.9 mt (California).

d Pacific whiting are assessed annually. The final specifications will be determined consistent with the U.S.-Canada Pacific Whiting Agreement and will be announced in 2025.

e Shortspine thornyhead has a commercial ACT of 67 mt for north of 34° 27′ N lat.

f Copper rockfish has a recreational ACT of 15.8 for south of 34° 27′ N lat.

[89 FR 101527, Dec. 16, 2024]
authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801
source: 61 FR 34572, July 2, 1996, unless otherwise noted.