Table 1a to Part 660, Subpart C—2025, Specifications of OFL, ABC, ACL, ACT and Fishery HG (Weights in Metric Tons). Capitalized Stocks Are Rebuilding
a Annual catch limits (ACLs), annual catch targets (ACTs) and harvest guidelines (HGs) are specified as total catch values.
b Fishery HGs means the HG or quota after subtracting Pacific Coast treaty Indian Tribes allocations and projected catch, projected research catch, deductions for fishing mortality in non-groundfish fisheries, and deductions for EFPs from the ACL or ACT. These deductions, as well as any HG sharing agreements between states and/or sectors, are published in the SAFE.
c Yelloweye rockfish has a non-trawl ACT of 29.6 mt and a non-nearshore ACT of 6.2 mt. The recreational ACTs are: 7.6 mt (Washington), 6.9 mt (Oregon), and 8.9 mt (California).
d Pacific whiting are assessed annually. The final specifications will be determined consistent with the U.S.-Canada Pacific Whiting Agreement and will be announced in 2025.
e Shortspine thornyhead has a commercial ACT of 67 mt for north of 34° 27′ N lat.
f Copper rockfish has a recreational ACT of 15.8 for south of 34° 27′ N lat.