Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries last revised: Mar 06, 2025
Appendix - Table 1b to Part 660, Subpart C—2025, Allocations by Species or Species Group

Table 1b to Part 660, Subpart C—2025, Allocations by Species or Species Group

[Weight in metric tons]

Species/stock & complexes Area Fishery HG or ACT Trawl Non-trawl
% mt % mt
YELLOWEYE ROCKFISHCoastwide4183.39237.7
Arrowtooth flounderCoastwide9,098958,643.15454.9
Big skateCoastwide1,164.6951,106.4558.2
BocaccioS of 40°10′ N lat1,673.239652.5611,020.6
Canary rockfishCoastwide508.472.3367.627.7140.8
Chilipepper rockfishS of 40°10′ N lat2,788752,09125697
CowcodS of 40°10′ N lat66.53623.906442.6
Darkblotched rockfishCoastwide729.895693.3536.5
Dover soleCoastwide45,8409543,459.852,290.2
English soleCoastwide8,669.4958,235.95433.5
LingcodN of 40°10′ N lat3,349.9451,507.5551,842.4
LingcodS of 40°10′ N lat736.440294.660441.8
Longnose skateCoastwide1,365.4901,228.910136.5
Longspine thornyheadN of 34°27′ N lat2,000.7951,900.75100
Pacific codCoastwide1,098.6951,043.7554.9
Pacific Ocean perchN of 40°10′ N lat3,182.5953,023.45159.1
Pacific whitingCoastwide10000
Petrale soleCoastwide2,035.52,005.530
SablefishN of 36° N lat25,729.3See Table 1c
SablefishS of 36° N lat7,829.8423,288.5584,541.3
Shortspine thornyheadCoastwide743.364475.7136267.59
Splitnose rockfishS of 40°10′ N lat1,493.9951,419.2574.7
Starry flounderCoastwide375.350187.750187.7
Widow rockfishCoastwide11,018.710,718.7300
Yellowtail rockfishN of 40°10′ N lat5,216.1884,590.212625.9
Shelf rockfish northN of 40°10′ N lat1,250.460.2760.839.8503
Shelf rockfish southS of 40°10′ N lat1,430.512.2174.587.81,256
Slope rockfish northN of 40°10′ N lat1,430811,158.319271.7
Slope rockfish southS of 40°10′ N lat67463424.637249.4
Other flatfishCoastwide7,803907,022.710780.3
[89 FR 101527, Dec. 16, 2024]
authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801
source: 61 FR 34572, July 2, 1996, unless otherwise noted.