Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries last revised: Mar 06, 2025
Appendix - Table 2b to Part 660, Subpart C—2026, and Beyond, Allocations by Species or Species Group

Table 2b to Part 660, Subpart C—2026, and Beyond, Allocations by Species or Species Group

Species/stock & complexes Area Fishery HG or ACT Trawl Non-trawl
% mt % mt
YELLOWEYE ROCKFISHCoastwide41.883.39238.5
Arrowtooth flounderCoastwide7,132956,775.45356.6
Big skateCoastwide1,128.6951,072.2556.4
BocaccioS of 40°10′ N lat1,660.239647.5611,012.7
Canary rockfishCoastwide509.672.3368.427.7141.2
Chilipepper rockfishS of 40°10′ N lat2,615.2751,961.425653.8
CowcodS of 40°10′ N lat65.23623.56441.7
Darkblotched rockfishCoastwide707.895672.4535.4
Dover soleCoastwide40,8739538,829.452,043.7
English soleCoastwide8,604.4958,174.25430.2
LingcodN of 40°10′ N lat3,252.9451,463.8551,789.1
LingcodS of 40°10′ N lat761.540304.660456.9
Longnose skateCoastwide1,328.4901,195.610132.8
Longspine thornyheadN of 34°27′ N lat1,907.3951,811.9595.4
Pacific codCoastwide1,098.6951,043.7554.9
Pacific Ocean perchN of 40°10′ N lat3,074.5952,920.85153.7
Pacific whitingCoastwide1000.00
Petrale soleCoastwide1,919.51,889.530
SablefishN of 36° N lat24,425.1See Table 2c
SablefishS of 36° N lat7,432.9423,121.8584,311.1
Shortspine thornyheadCoastwide752.771534.429218.3
Splitnose rockfishS of 40°10′ N lat1,454.9951,382.2572.7
Starry flounderCoastwide375.350187.750187.7
Widow rockfishCoastwide10,173.79,873.7300
Yellowtail rockfishN of 40°10′ N lat4,997.5884,397.812599.7
Shelf rockfish northN of 40°10° N lat1,263.860.2760.839.8503
Shelf rockfish southS of 40°10′ N lat1,428.412.2174.387.81,254.1
Slope rockfish northN of 40°10′ N lat1,402.2811,135.819266.4
Slope rockfish southS of 40°10′ N lat67163422.737248.3
Other flatfishCoastwide6,972.6906,275.310697.3
[89 FR 101530, Dec. 16, 2024]
authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801
source: 61 FR 34572, July 2, 1996, unless otherwise noted.