| Trip limit
Big skate | Unlimited.
Bocaccio | 6,000 lb/2 months.
Bronzespotted rockfish | CLOSED.
Cabezon (40°10′ N lat.-37°07′ N lat.) | CLOSED.
Cabezon (south of 37°07′ N lat.) | Unlimited.
California scorpionfish | 3,500 lb/2 months.
Canary rockfish | 1,500 lb/2 months.
Chilipepper rockfish (40°10′ N lat.-34° 27′ N lat.) | 6,000 lb/2 months.
Chilipepper rockfish (south of 34° 27′ N lat.) | 4,000 lb/2 months.
Cowcod | CLOSED.
Flatfish (includes Dover sole, arrowtooth flounder, petrale sole, English sole, starry flounder) | 10,000 lb/2 months.
Lingcod (40°10′ N lat.—37° 07′ N lat.) | 1,400 lb/2 months seaward of the Non-Trawl RCA; CLOSED inside of the Non-Trawl RCA.
Lingcod (south of 37° 07′ N lat.) | 1,400 lb/2 months.
Longnose skate | Unlimited.
Longspine thornyhead (40° 10′ to 34° 27′ N lat.) | 100 lb/2 months.
Nearshore rockfish complexes:
| |
Shallow nearshore rockfish (40°10′ N lat.-37°07′ N lat.) | CLOSED.
Shallow nearshore rockfish (south of 37°07′ N lat.) | 2,000 lb/2 months.
Deeper nearshore rockfish (40°10′ N lat.-37°07′ N lat.) | CLOSED.
Deeper nearshore rockfish (south of 37°07′ N lat.) | 2,000 lb/2 months, of which no more than 75 lb may be copper rockfish.
Other fish (defined at § 660.11) | Unlimited.
Other flatfish complex (defined at § 660.11) | 40°10′ N lat.-37° 07′ N lat.: 10,000 lb/2 months seaward of the Non-Trawl RCA; CLOSED inside of the Non-Trawl RCA
South of 37° 07′ N lat.: 10,000 lb/2 months.
Pacific cod | 1,000 lb/2 months.
Pacific Spiny Dogfish | Periods 1-2: 200,000 lb/2 months.
Period 3: 150,000 lb/2 months.
Periods 4-6: 100,000 lb/2 months.
Pacific whiting | 600 lb/2 months.
Quillback rockfish | CLOSED.
Sablefish (40°10′ N lat.-36° N lat.) | 3,250 lb/week not to exceed 6,500 lb/2 months.
Sablefish (south of 36° N lat.) | 2,000 lb/week not to exceed 6,000 lb/2 months.
Shelf rockfish complex (40°10′ N lat.-37° 07′ N lat.); excludes bronzespotted rockfish | 3,000 lb per 2 months, of which no more than 300 lb may be vermilion/sunset rockfish.
Shelf rockfish complex (37° 07′ N lat.-34° 27′ N lat.); excludes bronzespotted rockfish | 4,000 lb per 2 months, of which no more than 300 lb may be vermilion/sunset rockfish.
Shelf rockfish complex (south of 34° 27′ N lat.); excludes bronzespotted rockfish | 3,000 lb per 2 months, of which no more than 900 lb may be vermilion/sunset rockfish.
Shortspine thornyhead (40° 10′ N. lat.-34° 27′ N. lat.) | 100 lb/2 months.
Shortspine thornyhead and longspine thornyhead (south of 34° 27′ N. lat.) | 100 lb/day, no more than 1,000 lb/2 months for all periods.
Slope rockfish complex & darkblotched rockfish | 10,000 lb/2 months, of which no more than 2,500 lb may be blackgill rockfish.
Splitnose rockfish | 400 lb/2 months.
Widow rockfish (40°10′ N lat.-34° 27′ N lat.) | 6,000 lb/2 months.
Widow rockfish (south of 34° 27′ N lat.) | 4,000 lb/2 months.
Yelloweye rockfish | CLOSED.
Salmon Troll | See § 660.334(b)(2).
Ridgeback Prawn, California halibut, and sea cucumber | See § 660.333(e) and (f).
Pink Shrimp | See § 660.333(g) and (i).