Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
Appendix - Exhibit C to Subpart A of Part 1924—Guide for Drawings and Specifications

This exhibit applies to all new buildings to be constructed, including all single family housing and related facilities and, as applicable, farm housing and farm service buildings.

I. General

The documents recommended in this exhibit correspond with the list of exhibits in Chapter 3 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) “Architectural Handbook for Building Single-Family Dwellings” No. 4145.2. This exhibit may be used as a public handout and shall be used as a guide for drawings and specifications to be submitted in support of any type of application involving construction of major new buildings or extensive rehabilitation, alterations or additions to existing buildings. Descriptions of work for minor alterations or repairs need pertain only to work to be done and may be in narrative form when acceptable to the County Supervisor. Complete and accurate drawings and specifications are necessary:

A. To determine the acceptability of the proposed development,

B. To determine compliance with the applicable standards and codes,

C. To prepare a cost estimate, and

D. To provide a basis for inspections and the builder's warranty.

II. Drawings for a Specific Structure

Drawings for individual single dwellings shall provide at least the following:

A. Plot Plan. Refer to Example Plot Plan No. 1, attachment 1 to this exhibit C (available in any Agency office). Ratio: 1:240 (1″ = 20′) (at scale, 1″ = 20′ or 1/16″ = 1′ 0″ minimum):

1. Lot and block number.

2. Dimensions of plot and north point.

3. Dimensions of front, rear and side yards.

4. Location and dimensions of garage, carport and other accessory buildings.

5. Location and sizes of walks, driveways and approaches.

6. Location and sizes of steps, terraces, porches, fences and retaining walls.

7. Location and dimensions of easements and established setback requirements, if any.

8. Elevations at the following points: (a) first floor of dwelling and floor of garage, carport and other accessory building; (b) finish curb or crown of street at points of extension of lot lines; (c) finish grade elevation at each principal corner of structure; (d) finish grade at bottom of drainage swales at extension of each side of structure as feasible.

9. The following additional elevations, as applicable, if the topography of the site or the design of the structure is such that special grading, drainage or foundations may be necessary. Examples are irregular or steeply sloping sites, filled areas on sites, or multi-level structure designs; (a) finish and existing grade elevations at each corner of the plot; (b) existing and finish grade at each principal corner of dwelling; (c) finish grade at both sides of abrupt changes of grade such as retaining walls, slopes, etc.; (d) other elevations that may be necessary to show grading and drainage.

10. Indication of type and approximate location of drainage swales.

11. When an individual water supply and/or sewage system is proposed, drawings, specifications and other items prescribed in paragraph V of this exhibit.

B. Floor Plans.

1. Scale, 1:50 ( 1/4″ = 1′ 0″).

2. Floor plan of each floor and basement, if any. Show typical furniture locations to suggest intended use of each habitable space.

3. Plan of all attached terraces and porches, and of garage or carport.

4. If dwelling is of crawl-space type, a separate foundation plan. Slab-type foundation may be shown on sections.

5. Direction, size and spacing of all floor and ceiling framing members, girders, columns or piers.

6. Location of all partitions and indication of door sizes, and direction of door swing.

7. Location and size of all permanently installed construction and equipment such as kitchen cabinets, closets, storage shelving, plumbing fixtures, water heaters, etc. Details of kitchen cabinets may be on separate drawing.

8. Location and symbols of all electrical equipment, including switches, outlets, fixtures, etc.

9. Heating system on separate drawing, or when it may be shown clearly it may be part of the floor or basement plan showing: (a) layout of system; (b) location and size of ducts, piping, registers, radiators, etc.; (c) location of heating unit and room thermostat; (d) total calculated heat loss of dwelling including heat loss through all vertical surfaces, ceiling and floor. When a duct or piped distribution system is used, calculated heat loss of each heated space is required.

10. Cooling system, on separate drawings or, as part of heating plan, floor or basement plan showing: (a) layout of system; (b) location and size of ducts, registers, compressors, coils, etc.; (c) heat gain calculations, including estimated heat gain for each space conditioned; (d) model number and Btu capacity of equipment or units in accordance with applicable Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) or American Society of Refrigerating Engineers (ASRE) Standard; (e) Btu capacity and total kilowatt (KW) input at stated local design conditions; (f) if room or zone conditioners are used, provide location, size and installation details.

C. Exterior Elevations.

1. Scale, 1:50 ( 1/4″ = 1′ 0″). Elevations, other than main elevation, which contain no special details may be drawn at 1:100 ( 1/8″ = 1′ 0″).

2. Front, rear and both side elevations, and elevations of any interior courts.

3. Windows and doors—indicate size unless separately scheduled or shown on floor plan.

4. Wall finish materials where more than one type is used.

5. Depth of wall footings, foundations, or piers, if stepped or at more than one level.

6. Finish floor lines.

7. Finish grade lines at buildings.

D. Details and Sections.

1. Section through exterior wall showing all details of construction from footings to highest point of road. Where more than one type of wall material is used, show each type. Scale 1:25 ( 3/8″ = 1′ 0″) minimum.

2. Section through any portion of dwelling where rooms are situated at various levels or where finished attic is proposed, Scale, 1:50 ( 1/4″ = 1′ 0″) minimum.

3. Section through stair wells, landings, and stairs, including headroom clearances and surrounding framing. Scale, 1:50 ( 1/4″ = 1′ 0″) minimum.

4. Details of roof trusses, if proposed, including connections and stress or test data with seal of architect or engineer responsible. Scale of connections, 1:25 ( 3/8″ = 1′ 0″) minimum.

5. Elevation and section through fireplace. Scale, 1:25 ( 3/8″ = 1′ 0″) minimum.

6. Elevations and section through kitchen cabinets, indicating shelving. Scale, 1:50 ( 1/4″ = 1′ 0″) minimum.

7. Sections and details of all critical construction points, fastening systems, anchorage methods, special structural items or special millwork. Scale as necesaary to provide information, 1:25 ( 3/8″ = 1′ 0″) minimum.

III. Master Drawings for Group Structures

Drawings for a group of structures (such as for several conditional commitments) may be submitted in lieu of drawings for each individual property when a number of applications are simultaneously submitted involving repetition of the same type structure.

A. Master plot plan shall include the following:

1. Scale which will provide the following information in a clear and legible manner.

2. North point.

3. Location and width of streets and rights-of-way.

4. Location and dimensions of all easements.

5. Dimensions of each lot.

6. Location of each dwelling on lot with basic dimensions.

7. Dimensions of front, rear and side yards.

8. Location and dimensions of garage, carports and other accessory buildings.

9. Identification of each lot by number and indication of basic plan and elevation type.

10. Location of walks, driveways and other permanent improvements.

B. Typical plot plan for each basic type dwelling may be submitted in lieu of fully detailing each lot on master plot plan, when topography and lot arrangements present no individual planning or construction problems.

1. Information not shown on the typical plot plan shall be included on the master plot plan.

2. Typical plot plans shall not be used for corner lots, lots with irregular boundaries, lots involving pronounced topographic variations or other lots where individual detailing is necessary.

3. Location of dwelling on typical lot and full dimensions.

4. Location and dimensions of all typical improvements, such as garage, carport, accessory buildings, walks, drives, steps, porches, terraces, trees, shrubs, retaining walls, fences, etc.

C. Grading may be shown on separate grading plan or on the master plot plan. Scale shall be sufficiently large to provide the following information in clear and legible manner:

1. Contours of existing grade at intervals of not more than 1.524 m (5 feet). Intervals less the 1.524 m (5 feet) may be required when indicated by the character of the topography.

2. Location of house and accessory buildings on each lot.

3. Identification of each lot by number.

4. Elevations in accordance with individual plot plan including bench mark and datum or, in lieu of finish grade elevations, contours of proposed finish grading may be submitted. Contour intervals selected shall be appropriate to the topography of the site.

5. Lot grading shall be shown by indicating protective slopes and approximate location of drainage swales.

6. Location of drainage outfall, if any drainage is not to a street.

D. Floor plans, elevations, sections and details shall be submitted for each basic plan. Alternate elevations to basic plan may be shown at scale, 1:100 ( 1/8″ = 1′ 0″).

IV. Specifications

Form RD 1924-2, “Description of Materials,” or other acceptable and comparable descriptions of all materials forms shall be submitted with the drawings. The forms shall be completed in accordance with the instructions on Form RD 1924-2 to describe the materials to be used in the construction.

A. Form RD 1924-2 may be reproduced if size, format and printed text are identical to the current official form. When it is reproduced, the following deletions must be made:

1. All lines indicating RD form numbers or other Government agency initials and/or numbers, and

2. The United States Government Printing Office (GPO) imprint and reference number.

B. The material identification shall be in sufficient detail to fully describe the material, size, grade and when applicable, manufacturer's model or identification numbers. When necessary, additional sheets must be attached as well as manufacturer's specification sheets for equipment and/or special materials, such as aluminum siding or carpeting.

V. Individual Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems

When an individual water and/or sewage disposal system is proposed, the following additional information must be submitted:

A. Approval and recommendations of other authorities.

1. A written opinion by the health authority having jurisdiction that the site is suitable and acceptable for the proposed systems(s) and,

2. If available, a soils report from the local USDA-Soil Conservation Service and any recommendations they may have.

3. Approval of appropriate environmental control authority.

4. A signature of the health authority on the plot plan indicating approval of the design of the proposed system.

B. Plot Plan. Refer to Example Plot Plan No. 2, attachment 2 to this exhibit C (available in any Agency office).

1. Location and size of septic tank, distribution box, absorption field or bed, seepage pits and other essential parts of the sewage disposal system and distance to all individual wells, open streams or drainageways.

2. Location of well, service line and other essential parts of the water supply system and distance to other wells and/or sewage disposal systems.

3. Exact location of individual systems (water or sewage) on adjacent properties and description of system, if available.

C. Construction details of all component parts of individual water supply and sewage disposal systems shall clearly indicate material, equipment and construction. Extra sheets and drawings should be added as necessary to fully explain the proposed installation.