Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
Appendix - Exhibit I to Subpart A of Part 1924—Guidelines for Seasonal Farm Labor Housing
Section 100

General—This exhibit sets forth the guidelines and minimum standards for planning and construction of new Labor Housing (LH) that will be occupied on a seasonal basis. Rehabilitation LH projects will be in substantial conformance with these guidelines and standards. A “seasonal basis” is defined as 6 months or less per year. Seasonal housing for the farmworker need not be convertible to year-round occupancy; however, the living units shall be designed for the intended type of tenant, the time of occupancy, the location, the specific site, and the planned method of operation. It is important that the design of the LH site and buildings will help to create a pleasing lifestyle which will promote human dignity and pride among its tenants.

Section 200

Codes and Regulations—Compliance is required with National, state and local codes or regulations affecting design, construction, mechanical, electrical, fire prevention, sanitation, and site improvement.

Section 300 Planning

300-1 Complete architectural/engineering services in accordance with this subpart will be required if an LH grant is involved or the LH loan will involve more than four individual family units, or any number of group living units, or dormitory units accommodating 20 or more persons.

300-2 Buildings and site design shall provide for a safe, secure, economical, healthful, and attractive living facility and environment suited to the needs of the domestic farm laborer and his/her family.

300-3 At least 5 percent of the individual family units in a project, or one unit, whichever is greater, and all common use facilities will be accessible to or adaptable for physically handicapped persons. This requirement may be modified if a recipient/borrower shows, through a market survey acceptable to the Agency, that a different percentage of accessible or adapatable units is more appropriate for a particular project and its service area.

Site Design

301-1 General—The site design shall be arranged to utilize and preserve the favorable features and characteristics of the property and to avoid or minimize the potential harmful effect of unfavorable features. Particular attention is directed to § 1944.164 (l), (m) and (n) of subpart D of part 1944 of this chapter with reference to compliance with 7 CFR part 1970. Some of the features which must be considered are the topography, drainage, access, building orientation to sun and breezes; and advantageous features, such as vegetation, trees, good views, etc. or disadvantageous features, such as offensive odors, noxious plants, noise, dust, health hazards, etc.

301-2 Drainage—Surface and subsurface drainage systems shall be provided in accordance with the applicable development standard and subpart C of part 1924 of this chapter.

301-3 Water and Sewage Disposal—Water supply and sewage disposal installations shall comply with subpart C of part 1924 of this chapter, the applicable development standard and all governing state and local department of health requirements. Where environmentally and economically feasible, the LH facility shall connect to public water and waste disposal systems.

301-4 Electrical—Adequate electrical service shall be provided for exterior and interior lighting and for the operation of equipment.

301-5 Vehicular Access and Parking.

301-5.1 Safe and convenient all-weather roads shall be provided to connect the site and its improvements to the off-site public road.

301-5.2 All-weather drives and parking shall be provided for tenants, and for trucks and buses as needed within the site. Driveways, parking areas and walkway locations shall be in substantial conformance with the applicable development standard.

301-6 Walks:

301-6.1 Walks shall be provided for safe convenient access to all dwellings and for safe pedestrian circulation throughout the development between locations and facilities where major need for pedstrian access can be anticipated, such as laundry, parking to dwelling units, common dining rooms, etc.

301-6.2 Walkways shall be hard surface, such a concrete, asphalt, or stablized gravel, and shall be adequately drained.

301-7 Building Location:

301-7.1 Side and rear yards and distances between buildings shall conform to the applicable development standard.

301-8. Garbage and Refuse:

301-8.1 Garbage and refuse containers for individual units are required and shall be stored on durable functional racks or shall be located in a central screened area with easily cleaned surfaces. Single containers for multiple units shall be screened and in locations designed to accommodate collection vehicle functions.

301-9 Fencing:

301-9.1 Fencing used in the site design for project privacy or building security shall be harmonious in appearance with other fences and surrounding facilities which fall within the same view.

301-10 Outdoor living:

301-10.1 All public areas where pedestrian use can be anticipated after sunset shall be adequately lighted for security purposes, such as walkways to common use facilities—laundry, dining halls, building entrances, parking areas, etc.

301-11 Planting and Landscaping:

301-11.1 Planting and lawns or ground covers shall be provided as required to protect the site from erosion, control dust, for active and passive recreation areas, and provide a pleasant environment.

Building Design

302-1.1 Living Units Design:

302-1.1 Individual Family Unit—One family or extended family to a unit which shall contain adequate space for living, dining, kitchen, bath and bedrooms. Multifamily type units are required whenever possible for economy of site and building construction.

a. The minimum total net living unit size shall be 400 square feet. This size assumes occupancy of four persons. Units planned for additional occupants shall include an additional 60 square feet of living area per person.

b. A living/dining area shall be provided to accommodate a table and chairs with adequate dining and circulation space for the intended number of occupants. The living/dining area should be combined with the kitchen area.

c. The kitchen shall contain a sink, cooking range and refrigerator. A minimum free countertop area of six square feet is required. A minimum of 40 square feet of shelf area is required.

d. Each bathroom shall contain adequate space and circulation for a bathtub and/or shower, water closet and lavatory. Access to the bathroom shall not be through another bedroom in dwelling units containing more than one bedroom.

e. Bedroom areas separate from living areas are required. The design of the unit shall provide a minimum of 50 square feet of sleeping area per intended occupant including storage. Housing for families with children shall have a separate bedroom or sleeping area for the adult couples. A two foot by two foot shelf with a two foot long clothes hanging rod is required for each occupant.

302-1.2 Group Living Unit—A living unit designed for the occupancy of more than one family or for separate occupancy of male and/or female groups. Common bath spaces shall be contained in the same building. Group living units for families shall have separate bedrooms for each adult couple.

a. The design of the unit shall provide for a minimum of 620 square feet of total net living area for eight persons and an additional 60 square feet for each additional occupant. Additional area shall be planned for a second bathroom when anticipated occupancy will exceed eight persons, or if it will be occupied by persons of both sexes.

b. The kitchen shall contain an adequate sink, cooking range, refrigerator, and space the size of which is commensurate with the needs of the group living unit. A minimum of free countertop area of eight square feet is required. A minimum of 50 square feet of shelf area is required.

c. Refer to paragraph 302-1.1 b for living/dining requirements.

d. Each bathroom shall contain adequate space and circulation for comfortable access to, and use of, fixtures which will include a bathtub and/or shower, water closet and lavatory. In no case shall minimum fixtures be less than that required per paragraph 302-1.3 c below.

e. Refer to paragraph 301-1.1 e for bedroom requirements.

302.1.3 Dormitory Living Unit—A building which provides common sleeping quarters for persons of the same sex and may or may not contain kitchen and/or dining facilities in the same building as the sleeping quarters.

a. The design of areas for sleeping purposes, using single beds, shall provide for not less than 72 square feet per occupant including storage.

b. The design of areas for sleeping purposes, using double bunk beds, shall provide for not less than 40 square feet per occupant. Triple bunk beds will not be allowed.

c. The design of each dormitory building must include a water closet and a bathtub or shower for each 12 occupants, and a lavatory for each 8 persons. Urinals may be substituted for men's water closets on the basis of one urinal for one water closet, up to maximum of one-third of the required water closets.

d. Adequate kitchen and dining facilities must be provided which may be in the dormitory building or detached at a distance of not more than 200 feet from the sleeping quarters. In either case, the space must contain adequate cooking ranges, refrigerators, sinks, countertop, food storage shelves, tables and chairs, and circulation space. These facilities will comply with the requirements of the “Food Service Sanitation Ordinance and Code,” part V of the “Food Service Sanitation Manual,” U.S. Public Health Service Publication 934 (1965).

302-2 Other Facilities:

302-2.1 General—Other facilities, authorized by subpart D of part 1944 of this chapter, needed by farm workers may be provided in several ways: part of a living unit, located in the project, or, with the exception of laundry facilities, available nearby.

302-2.2 Laundry Facilities—Laundry facilities shall be required on-site. Drying yards shall be provided if dryer units are not provided. The design of washing facilities shall plan for a minimum rate of one washer for each 20 occupants. One drying unit may be provided for every two washers, if automatic dryers are customarily provided for rental housing in the community. Laundry facilities shall have adequate space for loading the units, circulation, and clothes folding.

302-2.3 Office and Maintenance—An office and maintenance space shall be provided or available, commensurate with the number of living units served, and shall meet the criteria of the Agency Manual of Acceptable Practices. If necessary, the maintenance space shall have sufficient area to accommodate furniture storage.

302-2.4 Child Care Center—Where feasible, a child care center may be included to provide supervised activity and safety for children while the parents work. Supervisors and workers for such centers are sometimes enlisted on a volunteer basis and the cost borne by nonprofit associations or community organizations. Grants are sometimes available through Federal or state programs. Consequently, the design of the child care center should meet the requirements of those sources providing organizational personnel and/or financing.

302-2.5 Manager's Dwelling—If a manager's dwelling unit is to be provided as a part of the Agency loan or grant, it will meet these guidelines. However, if it is necessary to provide a year-round caretaker/manager dwelling unit with the Agency loan or grant funds, it will meet the applicable development standard.

302-2.6 Recreation—Outdoor recreation space is required and shall be commensurate with the needs of the occupants. Active and passive recreation areas will be provided which may consist of outdoor sitting areas, playfields, tot lots and play equipment.

General Requirements

303-1 Materials and Construction—All materials and their installation in a LH facility shall meet the applicable development standard. Any exceptions to these requirements for materials and their installation must be obtained with the approval of the Agency National Office. Material should be selected that is durable and easily cleaned and maintained.

303-2 Fire Protection—Fire protection and egress shall be provided to comply with the applicable development standard.

303-3 Light, Ventilation, Screening—Natural light and ventilation requirements as specified in the applicable development standard shall be followed. Screening of all exterior openings is required.

303-4 Ceiling Heights—Ceiling heights of habitable rooms shall be a minimum of seven feet six inches clear, and seven feet in halls or baths in dwelling units. Public rooms shall have a minimum of eight feet clear ceiling height. Sloping ceilings shall have at least seven feet six inches for 1/2 the room with no portion less than five feet in height.

303-5 Heating and Cooling—Heating and cooling and/or air circulation equipment shall be installed as needed for the comfort of the tenants, considering the climate and time of year the facility will be in operation. Maximum feasible use of passive solar heating and cooling techniques shall be required. All equipment installed will be in accordance with the applicable development standard to protect the health and safety of occupants.

303-6 Plumbing—Plumbing materials and their installation shall meet the applicable development standard. Hot water will be required to all living units, baths, kitchens and laundry facilities.

303-7 Insulation, Thermal Standards, Winterization—Insulation will be required where either heating or cooling is provided as per paragraph 303-5 above or when climatic conditions dictate a need for insulation. Insulation Standards will comply with exhibit D, paragraph IV C 3, of this subpart, or the state insulation standards, whichever are the more stringent.

303-8 Electrical—Electrical design, equipment and installation shall comply with the requirements of the latest edition of the National Electrical Code, and the applicable development standard for materials and their installation. Individual family units may be separately metered; other types of dwelling units may be separately metered as required.

303-9 Security and Winterization—Adequate management and physical measures will be provided as necessary to protect the facility during off-season periods, including adequate heating and insulation as required.

[52 FR 8002, Mar. 13, 1987, as amended at 52 FR 19283, May 22, 1987; 58 FR 38922, July 21, 1993; 81 FR 11029, Mar. 2, 2016; 81 FR 26667, May 4, 2016]