Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
Appendix - Exhibit J to Subpart A of Part 1924—Manufactured Home Sites, Rental Projects and Subdivisions: Development, Installation and Set-Up
Part A—Introduction Part B—Construction and Land Development Part C—Drawings, Specifications, Contract Documents and Other Documentation Part D—Inspection of Development Work Part A—Introduction

I. Purpose and Scope. This exhibit describes and identifies acceptable site development, installation and set-up practices and concepts for manufactured homes. It is intended for Agency field personnel, builders, developers, sponsors, and others participating in Agency housing programs.

This exhibit applies to all manufactured homes (except those referenced in exhibit B of this subpart) on scattered sites or in rental projects and subdivisions and covers the requirements for design and construction of manufactured home communities. The Agency may approve alternatives or substitutes if it finds the proposed design satisfactory for the proposed use, and if the materials, installation, device, arrangement, or method of work is at least equivalent to that prescribed in this exhibit considering quality, strength, effectiveness, durability, safety and protection of life and health.

The Agency will require satisfactory evidence to be submitted to substantiate claims made regarding the use of any proposed alternative.

II. Background. The Agency has authority to make (1) section 502 Rural Housing (RH) loans with respect to manufactured homes and lots, and (2) section 515 Rural Rental Housing (RRH) loans with respect to manufactured home rental projects.

The manufactured home must be constructed in conformance with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standard (FMHCSS) and be permanently attached to a site-built permanent foundation which meets or exceeds the Minimum Property Standards (MPS) for One- and Two-Family Dwellings or Model Building Codes acceptable to the Agency. The manufactured home must be permanently attached to that foundation by anchoring devices adequate to resist all loads identified in the MPS. This includes resistance to ground movements, seismic shaking, potential shearing, overturning and uplift loads caused by wind. Note that anchoring straps or cables affixed to ground anchors other than footings will not meet these requirements.

7 CFR part 1970 applies on scattered sites, in subdivisions and rental projects with regard to the development, installation and set-up of manufactured homes. To determine the level of environmental analysis required for a particular application, each manufactured home or lot involved will be considered as equivalent to one housing unit or lot. Because the development, installation and set-up of manufactured home communities, including scattered sites, rental projects, and subdivisions, differ in some requirements from conventional site and subdivision development, two of the purposes of this exhibit are to:

A. Encourage economical and orderly development of such communities and nearby areas, and

B. Promote the safety and health of residents of such communities.

Therefore, this exhibit identifies those required standards and regulations and suggested guidelines for eliminating and preventing health and safety hazards and promoting the economical and orderly development and utilization of land for planning and development of manufactured home communities. The exhibit also provides the requirements for meeting the following:

A. Resistance to Wind. Foundations and anchorages shall be designed to resist wind forces specified in American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A-58.1-1982 for the geographic area in which the manufactured home will be sited;

B. Proper Installation. The manufacturer's installation instructions provided with each manufactured home shall contain instructions for at least one site-built foundation with interior and/or perimeter supports. Agency field office personnel shall review to determine its adequacy as security for an Agency loan only, the foundation design concept for compliance with this exhibit, the Agency/MPS and any Model Building Code acceptable to the Agency in that particular geographic area; and

C. Proper Foundation Design. Manufactured homes shall be installed on a foundation system which is designed and constructed to sustain, within allowable stress and settlement limitations, all applicable loads. Any foundation and anchorage system or method of construction to be used should be analyzed in accordance with well-established principles of mechanics and structural engineering.

III. Definitions. For the purpose of this exhibit the following definitions apply:

Accessory Building or Structure.

A subordinate building or structure which is an addition to or supplements the facilities provided by a manufactured home.

Anchoring Systems. An approved system for securing the manufactured home to the ground or foundation system that will, when properly designed and installed, resist overturning and lateral movement of the home from wind forces.

Contiguous. Sharing a boundary, adjoining or adjacent. A lot or subdivision is considered to be contiguous to other lots or subdivisions if it is adjoining, touching or adjacent.

Federal manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (FMHCSS). A 1976 federal standard, commonly known as the HUD Standard, for the construction, design and performance of a manufactured home which meets the needs of the public including the need for quality, durability and safety. Units conforming to the FMHCSS are certified by an affixed label that reads as follows:


Manufactured Home. A structure which is built to the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards and Agency's thermal requirements. It is transportable in one or more sections, which in the traveling mode is ten body feet or more in width, and when erected on site is four hundred or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities. It is designed and constructed for permanent occupancy by a single family and contains permanent eating, cooking, sleeping and sanitary facilities. The plumbing, heating, and electrical systems are contained in the structure.

Manufactured Home Community. A parcel or contiguous parcels of land which contains two or more manufactured home sites available to the general public for occupancy. Sites and units may be for rent, or sites may be sold for residential occupancy (as in a subdivision).

Manufactured Home Rental Project. A parcel or multiple parcels of land which have been so designated and improved to contain manufactured homes with sites available for rent.

Manufactured Home Site. A designated parcel of land in a manufactured home rental project, subdivision or scattered site designed for the accommodation of a unit and its accessory structures for the exclusive use of the occupants.

Manufactured Home Subdivisions. Five or more contiguous (developed or undeveloped) lots, or building sites that meet the requirements of subpart C of part 1924 of this chapter.

Permanent Perimeter Enclosure. A permanent perimeter structural system completely enclosing the space between the floor joist of the manufactured home and the ground. If separate from the foundation system, the permanent perimeter enclosure shall be secured to the perimeter of the manufactured home, properly ventilated and accessible and constructed of materials that conform to the Agency adopted MPS requirements for foundations.

Pier Support System. Consists of footings, piers, caps, leveling spacers, or approved prefabricated load bearing devices.

Related Facilities. Any nonresidential structure or building used for rental housing related purposes.

Site-Built Permanent Foundation System. A foundation system (consisting of a combination of footings, piers, caps and shims and anchoring devices or required structural connections) which is designed and constructed to support the unit and sustain, within allowable stress and settlement limitations, all applicable loads specified in ANSI A58.1-1982. All loads shall be transferred from the manufactured home to the earth at a depth below the established frost line without exceeding the safe bearing capacity of the supporting soil.

Set-Up. The work performed and operations involved in the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation system, to include installation of accessories or appurtenances and anchoring devices, and when local regulations permit, connection of utilities, but excluding preparation of the site.

IV. Compliance with Local Regulations. These requirements do not replace site development standards established by local law, ordinances, or regulations. Whenever such local standards contain more stringent provisions than any of the site development, installation and set-up minimums of the Agency, the more stringent standards shall govern.

V. Applicable Standards, Regulations and Manuals. A. Manufactured housing to be financed by the Agency must comply with the following standards:

1. Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, 24 CFR part 3280, mandated by Congress under title VI of the Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, except for § 3280.506, “Heat Loss,” of subpart F, “Thermal Protection,” to part 3280.

2. Foundation requirements of the Minimum Property Standards as adopted by the Agency or a Model Building Code acceptable to the Agency.

3. [Reserved]

4. Uniform Federal Accessibility Standard (UFAS).

5. ANSI A58.1-1982, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures.

B. Manufactured housing to be financed by the Agency shall comply with all applicable Agency regulations, including but not limited to the following:

1. Subpart C of part 1924 of this chapter, “Planning and Performing Development Work.”

2. Subpart A of part 1924, exhibit D, “Thermal Performance Construction Standards.”

3. 7 CFR part 1970.

4. 7 CFR part 3550, “Direct Single Family Housing Loans and Grants.”

5. Subpart E of part 1944, “Rural Rental Housing Loan Policies, Procedures, and Authorizations.”

The requirements of the above references have not been repeated in this exhibit. Those requirements contained above are either mandatory or minimums and every effort should be made by the applicant, builder-developer or dealer-contractor to utilize higher standards, when appropriate.

Part B—Construction and Land Development

I. General Acceptability Criteria. The following criteria apply to development on scattered sites, in subdivisions and in rental project communities.

A. A manufactured home development including a site, rental project or subdivision shall be located on property designated for that use, where designations exist, by the local jurisdiction.

B. Conditions of soil, ground water level, drainage, flooding and topography shall not create hazards to the property and health or safety of the residents.

C. The finished grade elevation beneath the manufactured home or the first floor elevation of the habitable space, whichever is lower, must be above the 100-year flood elevation. This requirement applies wherever manufactured homes may be installed, not just in locations designated by the National Flood Insurance Program as areas of special flood hazards. The use of fill to accomplish this is a last resort. As is stated in EO 11988 and 7 CFR part 1970, it is the Agency's policy not to approve or fund any proposal in a 100-year floodplain area unless there is no practicable alternative to such a floodplain location.

D. Essential services such as employment centers, shopping, schools, recreation areas, police and fire protection, and garbage and trash removal shall be convenient to the development and any site, community, or subdivision must comply with the environmental review requirements in accordance with 7 CFR part 1970.

E. Manufactured home sites, rental projects and subdivisions shall not be subject to any adverse influences of adjacent land uses. An adverse influence is considered as one that is out of the acceptable level or range of a recognizable standard or where no standard exists is considered a nuisance irrespective of a site being zoned for manufactured home use. Health, safety and aesthetic consequences of location shall be carefully assessed by inspection of the site prior to selection of development. Undesirable land uses sush as deteriorated residential or commercial areas and noxious industrial properties shall be avoided to ensure compatibility. Other undesirable elements such as heavily traveled highways, airport runways, railroad, or fire hazards and other areas subject to recognizably intolerable noise levels shall be avoided.

F. The requirements for streets shall be those found in subpart C of part 1924 of this chapter.

G. The site design and development shall be in accordance with sound engineering and architectural practices and shall provide for all utilities in a manner which allows adequate, economic, safe, energy efficient and dependable systems with sufficient easements for their required installation and maintenance.

H. Utilities for each manufactured home site, rental housing project or subdivision shall be designed and installed in accordance with subpart C of part 1924 of this chapter; and the State health authority having jurisdiction, and all local laws and regulations requiring approval prior to construction.

I. Exhibit C, section V of this subpart shall be complied with by the applicant, dealer-contractor or builder-developer for manufactured home projects with individual water supply and sewage disposal systems. This exhibit shall be used by the Agency County Supervisors, District Directors, and State Directors in reviewing submissions.

J. During the planning, design, and construction of the foundation system and/or perimeter enclosure, provisions shall be made for the installation and connection of on-site water, gas, electrical and sewer systems, which are necessary for the normal operation of the manufactured home. Water and sewer system hookups shall be adequately protected from freezing.

II. Development on Scattered Sites and in Subdivisions.—A. General. Scattered sites and subdivision developments will be planned and constructed in accordance with specific requirements of this subpart, subpart C of part 1924, and 7 CFR part 1970, and the applicable Agency/MPS or Model Building Codes acceptable to the Agency. Manufactured homes for development in a manufactured home community shall:

1. Be erected with or without a basement on a site-built permanent foundation that meets or exceeds applicable requirements of the Agency/MPS for One- and Two-Family Dwellings or Model Building Codes acceptable to the Agency;

2. Be permanently attached to that foundation by anchoring devices adequate to resist all loads identified in the Agency adopted MPS (this includes resistance to ground movements, seismic shaking, potential shearing, overturning and uplift loads caused by wind, etc.);

3. Have had the towing hitch or running gear, which includes tongues, axles, brakes, wheels, lights and other parts of the chassis that operate only during transportation removed;

4. Have any crawl space beneath the manufactured home properly ventilated and enclosed by a continuous permanent perimeter enclosure. If it is not the supporting foundation, designed to resist all forces to which it may be subject without transmitting to the building superstructure movements or any effects caused by frost heave, soil settlement (consolidation), or shrinking or swelling of expansive soils; and be constructed of materials that conform to Agency adopted MPS requirements for foundations;

5. Have the manufactured home insulated to meet the energy conserving requirements contained in exhibit D of this subpart;

6. Have a manufactured home site, site improvements, and all other features of the mortgaged property not addressed by the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, meet or exceed applicable requirements of this subpart and subpart C of part 1924 of this chapter, the Agency adopted MPS except paragraph 31-2.2 or a Model Building Code acceptable to the Agency;

7. Have had the manufactured unit itself braced and stiffened where necessary before it leaves the factory to eliminate racking and potential damage during transportation; and

8. Be eligible for financing in accordance with the requirements of either section 502, or section 515 of the Agency's Housing Program, for which purpose the beginning of construction will be the commencement of on-site work even though the manufactured home itself may have been produced and temporarily stored prior to the date of application for financing.

B. Site Planning and Development. The site planning and development of manufactured home scattered sites and subdivisions shall also comply with the following:

1. Arrangement of Structures and Facilities. The site, including the manufactured home, accessory structures, and all site improvements shall be harmoniously and efficiently organized in relation to topography, the shape of the plot, and the shape, size and position of the unit. Particular attention shall be paid to use, appearance and livability.

2. Adaptation to Site Assets. The manufactured home shall be fitted to the terrain with a minimum disturbance of the land. Existing trees, rock formations, and other natural site features shall be preserved to the extent practical. Favorable views or outlooks shall be emphasized by the plan.

3. Site Plan. The site plan shall provide for a desirable residential environment which is an asset to the community in which it is located.

4. Lot Size. The size of manufactured home lots (scattered sites and subdivision) shall be determined by 7 CFR part 3550 and subpart C of part 1924 of this chapter.

C. Foundation Systems, Anchoring and Set-up.

1. The foundation system shall be constructed in accordance with this subpart and one of the following: (a) The foundation system included in the manufacturer's installation instructions meeting Agency/MPS requirements, (b) the Agency/MPS 4900.1, which specifies performance requirements for foundations in section 600 “General” and paragraph 601-16 “Foundations,” or (c) an FmHA or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 recognized model building code.

2. The manufactured home permanent foundation system shall constitute a permanent load bearing support system for the manufactured home. The manufacturer or applicant shall be permitted to design or specify the installation of a foundation system which meets Agency/MPS design requirements for foundations and the general requirements above.

3. The applicant's responsibility for proper design and installation of the permanent foundation system, anchoring and set-up shall be in accordance with § 1924.5(f)(1), of this subpart.

4. The builder/developer of the manufactured home property, for proposed construction, shall submit with the application for financing by the applicant or for a conditional commitment design calculations, details and drawings for the installation, anchorage and construction of permanent foundation and perimeter enclosure to be used.

III. Rental Housing Project Development. A. General. Manufactured housing rental developments shall be planned and constructed in accordance with requirements of subpart C of part 1924; this subpart; 7 CFR part 1970, the Agency/MPS; and the requirements of subpart E of part 1944 of this chapter.

B. Site Planning and Development. Site planning and development shall adapt to individual site conditions and the type of market to be served, reflect advances in site planning and development techniques, and be adaptable to the trends in design of the manufactured home. Site planning and development shall utilize existing terrain, trees, shrubs and rocks formations to the extent practicable. A regimental style site plan design should be avoided.

C. Foundation Systems, Anchoring and Set-up. Foundation systems, anchoring and set/ups for manufactured home rental projects (site and home) developed under Agency section 515 Rural Rental Housing program shall comply with the requirements of paragraphs II A and II C above.

IV. Accessory Structures and Related Facilities. A. General. Accessory structures and related facilities are dependent upon the manufactured home and its environment.

1. Accessory structures and related facilities shall be planned, designed and constructed in accordance with the applicable provisions of this subpart; the Agency/MPS; and local criteria of the authority having jurisdiction.

2. Accessory structures and related facilities shall be designed in a manner that will eliminate and prevent health and safety hazards and enhance the appearance of the manufactured home and its environment.

3. Accessory structures and related facilities shall not obstruct required openings for light and ventilation of the manufactured home and shall not hamper installation and utility connections of the unit.

B. Accessory Structures. 1. Accessory structures shall not include spaces for pantries, bath, toilet, laundries, closets or utility rooms.

2. Accessory structures shall be carefully designed and constructed for the convenience and comfort of the manufactured home occupant. These features significantly affect the visual appearance of the community and influence livability.

C. Related Facilities (Rental Housing Projects). 1. This includes those facilities as defined in § 1944.212(e) of subpart E of part 1944 of this chapter.

2. Related facilities built on-site must meet the Agency/MPS and subpart A of part 1924 of this chapter or other building codes approved by by the Agency.

3. Workmanship shall be of a quality equal to good standard practice. Material shall be of such kind and quality as to assure reasonable durability and economy of maintenance, all commensurate with the class of building under consideration.

4. All members and parts of the construction shall be properly designed to carry all loads imposed without detrimental effect on finish or covering materials.

5. The structure shall be adequately braced against lateral stresses and each member shall be correctly fitted and connected.

6. Adequate precautions shall be taken to protect against fire and accidents.

7. All related facilities which require accessibility to the handicapped must comply with the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standard (UFAS).

V. Fire Protection and Safety. A. The design of the site plan for each manufactured community and scattered site shall meet the fire protection and safety requirements of the local authority responsible for providing the necessary fire protection services.

B. All fire detection and alarm systems, and water supply requirements for fire protection for manufactured communities shall be in accordance with the local authority responsible for providing the necessary fire protection services.

C. Any portion of a manufactured home shall not be closer than the local separation requirements of the development standard for side to side, end to end, and end to side siting. If the exposed composite wall and roof of two or more manufactured homes are proposed to be joined they shall be without openings and constructed of materials which will provide a minimum one-hour fire rating each, or the manufactured homes are separated by a one-hour fire rated barrier designed and approved for such installation and permitted by the authority having jurisdiction.

D. Manufactured homes shall not be positioned vertically (stacked) with one over the other in whole or in part without the specific approval of the authority having jurisdiction.

Part C—Drawings, Specifications, Contract Documents and Other Documentation

I. General. Adequate site development and foundation installation drawings and specfications shall be provided by the applicant or dealer-contractor to the Agency to fully describe the construction and other development work. These documents shall be provided according to the requirements of § 1924.5(f)(1) of this subpart. Contract documents will be prepared in accordance with § 1924.6 and, in the case of multiple family housing construction and development, § 1924.13 of this subpart.

A. The documents recommended shall be used as a guide for drawings and specifications to be submitted in support of all types of loan and/or grant applications involving manufactured homes. Adequate and accurate drawings and specifications are necessary to:

1. Determine the acceptability of the physical environment and improvements,

2. Determine compliance with the applicable standards and codes,

3. Review cost estimates, and

4. Provide a basis for financing, inspections, and the warranty.

B. Detailed floor plans, drawings and specifications are not required for any manufactured home to be installed on a scattered site, in a subdivision or rental housing project. However, a schematic floor plan should be submitted by the applicant when applying for Agency financing. The unit must have an affixed label as specified in exhibit D of this subpart indicating that the unit is constructed to the Agency thermal requirements for the appropriate winter degree days. This will indicate that the manufacturer certifies that the unit has been properly inspected and it meets the Agency Thermal Performance Construction Standard.

C. For proposed construction, the builder or dealer-contractor shall submit with the loan or grant application design calculations, details and drawings for the installation, anchorage and construction of the permanent foundations and perimeter enclosure to be used. Drawings and specifications for foundation systems will be reviewed and examined by either the Agency County Supervisor, District Director, or State Architect/Engineer for foundation support locations, loads and connection requirements specified by the manufacturer as a basis for evaluating foundation compliance with the Agency/MPS or Model Building Code, and for determining design suitability for soil conditions. Drawings and specifications will also be examined by the Agency to determine compliance with all other on-site features not covered by the FMHCSS.

D. Foundation design sections and details of all critical construction points systems, anchorage methods, and structural items shall be scaled as necessary to provide all appropriate information 1:30 (3/8″ = 1′-0″) minimum.

II. Scattered Sites. Drawings for single family manufactured housing shall be submitted by the applicant in addition to the requirements of paragraph I above and the requirements of paragraphs II A and D-7 of exhibit C of this subpart.

III. Subdivisions. Subpart C of part 1924 of this chapter will be used in preparing and providing supporting documents.

IV. Rental Housing Projects. Subpart C of part 1924 of this chapter will be used in preparing and providing supporting documents.

V. Specifications. A. Form RD 424-2, “Description of Materials,” or other acceptable and comparable descriptions of all materials used for site development, foundation installation and the permanent perimeter enclosure shall be submitted with the drawings by the applicant.

B. The material identification information shall be in sufficient detail to fully describe the material, size and grade. Where necessary, additional sheets shall be attached as well as manufacturer's specification sheets for equipment and/or special materials.

Part D—Inspection of Development Work

I. General. The following policies will govern the inspection of all manufactured housing development work. This includes scattered sites, subdivisions, rental housing projects and all accessory structures and related facilities unless otherwise indicated.

II. Inspections. A. The responsibility for frequency and propose of inspections shall be in accordance with § 1924.9(b) (1), (2) and (3) of this subpart. The inspection requirements of § 1924.13 apply to the planning and conduct of construction work on all 515 housing developments that are more extensive in scope and more complex in nature than those involving an individual manufactured housing unit. The Stage 2 inspection customary for site-built housing when the building is enclosed is not required for manufactured homes.

The Stage 2 inspection for manufactured homes will be made within two working days after erection or placement on the foundation to determine compliance with accepted installation drawings and specifications for installation and set-up and to verify that the correct unit is on the site.

Stages 2 and 3 inspections for manufactured homes may be combined when authorized by the State Director.

B. The borrower will join the County Supervisor or the District Director in making periodic inspections as often as possible and always for the final inspection.

C. The borrower should be encouraged to make enough periodic visits to the site to be familiar with the progress and performance of the work in order to protect the borrower's interest. If the borrower observes or otherwise becomes aware of any fault or defect in the work or nonconformance with the contract documents, the borrower should give prompt written notice thereof to the dealer-contractor and a copy of the notice to the appropriate County Supervisor or District Director.

D. During inspection, it will generally be infeasible to determine whether a manufactured unit erected on a site was properly braced and stiffened during transportation. Inspectors should examine these units to determine that there is no obvious damage or loosening of fastenings that may have occurred during transportation. The dealer-contractor must warrant these units against such damage, which should protect the Agency's interest.

III. Warranty Plan Coverage. The warranty requirements for all development work shall be in accordance with § 1924.9(d) of this subpart and 7 CFR part 3550, subpart B.

[51 FR 41603, Nov. 18, 1986, as amended at 52 FR 19283, May 22, 1987; 53 FR 2156, Jan. 26, 1988; 67 FR 78327, Dec. 24, 2002; 81 FR 11029, Mar. 2, 2016]