§ 3710a.
General authority
Each Federal agency may permit the director of any of its Government-operated Federal laboratories, and, to the extent provided in an agency-approved joint work statement or, if permitted by the agency, in an agency-approved annual strategic plan, the director of any of its Government-owned, contractor-operated laboratories—
to enter into cooperative research and development agreements on behalf of such agency (subject to subsection (c) of this section) with other Federal agencies; units of State, local, or territorial government; industrial organizations (including corporations, partnerships, and limited partnerships, and industrial development organizations); public and private foundations; nonprofit organizations (including universities); or other persons (including licensees of inventions owned by the Federal agency); and
to negotiate licensing agreements under
section 207 of title 35, or under other authorities (in the case of a Government-owned, contractor-operated laboratory, subject to subsection (c) of this section) for inventions made or other intellectual property developed at the laboratory and other inventions or other intellectual property that may be voluntarily assigned to the Government.
As used in this section—
the term “cooperative research and development agreement” means any agreement between one or more Federal laboratories and one or more non-Federal parties under which the Government, through its laboratories, provides personnel, services, facilities, equipment, intellectual property, or other resources with or without reimbursement (but not funds to non-Federal parties) and the non-Federal parties provide funds, personnel, services, facilities, equipment, intellectual property, or other resources toward the conduct of specified research or development efforts which are consistent with the missions of the laboratory; except that such term does not include a procurement contract or cooperative agreement as those terms are used in sections 6303, 6304, and 6305 of title 31;
the term “laboratory” means—
a facility or group of facilities owned, leased, or otherwise used by a Federal agency, a substantial purpose of which is the performance of research, development, or engineering by employees of the Federal Government;
a group of Government-owned, contractor-operated facilities (including a weapon production facility of the Department of Energy) under a common contract, when a substantial purpose of the contract is the performance of research and development, or the production, maintenance, testing, or dismantlement of a nuclear weapon or its components, for the Federal Government; and
a Government-owned, contractor-operated facility (including a weapon production facility of the Department of Energy) that is not under a common contract described in subparagraph (B), and the primary purpose of which is the performance of research and development, or the production, maintenance, testing, or dismantlement of a nuclear weapon or its components, for the Federal Government,
but such term does not include any facility covered by Executive Order No. 12344, dated February 1, 1982, pertaining to the naval nuclear propulsion program;
the term “joint work statement” means a proposal prepared for a Federal agency by the director of a Government-owned, contractor-operated laboratory describing the purpose and scope of a proposed cooperative research and development agreement, and assigning rights and responsibilities among the agency, the laboratory, and any other party or parties to the proposed agreement; and
the term “weapon production facility of the Department of Energy” means a facility under the control or jurisdiction of the Secretary of Energy that is operated for national security purposes and is engaged in the production, maintenance, testing, or dismantlement of a nuclear weapon or its components.
([Pub. L. 96–480, § 12], as added and renumbered § 11, [Pub. L. 99–502], §§ 2, 9(e)(1), Oct. 20, 1986, [100 Stat. 1785], 1797; renumbered § 12, [Pub. L. 100–418, title V, § 5122(a)(1)], Aug. 23, 1988, [102 Stat. 1438]; amended [Pub. L. 100–519, title III, § 301], Oct. 24, 1988, [102 Stat. 2597]; [Pub. L. 101–189, div. C, title XXXI, § 3133(a)], (b), Nov. 29, 1989, [103 Stat. 1675], 1677; [Pub. L. 102–25, title VII, § 705(g)], Apr. 6, 1991, [105 Stat. 121]; [Pub. L. 102–245, title III, § 302(a)], Feb. 14, 1992, [106 Stat. 20]; [Pub. L. 102–484, div. C, title XXXI, § 3135(a)], Oct. 23, 1992, [106 Stat. 2640]; [Pub. L. 103–160, div. C, title XXXI, § 3160], Nov. 30, 1993, [107 Stat. 1957]; [Pub. L. 104–113, § 4], Mar. 7, 1996, [110 Stat. 775]; [Pub. L. 106–398, § 1 [div. C, title XXXI, § 3196]], Oct. 30, 2000, [114 Stat. 1654], 1654A–481; [Pub. L. 106–404, § 3], Nov. 1, 2000, [114 Stat. 1742]; [Pub. L. 117–58, div. D, title III, § 40322(b)(1)], Nov. 15, 2021, [135 Stat. 1018]; [Pub. L. 118–159, div. A, title XVII, § 1705], Dec. 23, 2024, [138 Stat. 2208].)