U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024
§ 1021.
Duty of disclosure and reporting
Summary plan description and information to be furnished to participants and beneficiaries
The administrator of each employee benefit plan shall cause to be furnished in accordance with section 1024(b) of this title to each participant covered under the plan and to each beneficiary who is receiving benefits under the plan—
a summary plan description described in section 1022(a)(1) 1
 See References in Text note below.
of this title; and
the information described in subsection (f) and sections 1024(b)(3) and 1025(a) and (c) of this title.
Reports to be filed with Secretary of Labor
The administrator shall, in accordance with section 1024(a) of this title, file with the Secretary—
the annual report containing the information required by section 1023 of this title; and
terminal and supplementary reports as required by subsection (c) of this section.
Terminal and supplementary reports
Each administrator of an employee pension benefit plan which is winding up its affairs (without regard to the number of participants remaining in the plan) shall, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, file such terminal reports as the Secretary may consider necessary. A copy of such report shall also be filed with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
The Secretary may require terminal reports to be filed with regard to any employee welfare benefit plan which is winding up its affairs in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Secretary.
The Secretary may require that a plan described in paragraph (1) or (2) file a supplementary or terminal report with the annual report in the year such plan is terminated and that a copy of such supplementary or terminal report in the case of a plan described in paragraph (1) be also filed with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
Notice of failure to meet minimum funding standards
In general
Subsection not to apply if waiver pending
Notice of transfer of excess pension assets to health benefits accounts
Notice to participants
Notice to Secretaries, administrator, and employee organizations
In general
Information relating to transfer
Authority for additional reporting requirements
Defined benefit plan funding notices
In general
Information contained in notices
Identifying information
Specific information
A plan funding notice under paragraph (1) shall include—
in the case of a single-employer plan, a statement as to whether the plan’s percentage of plan liabilities funded (as described in clause (ii)(I)(bb)) for the plan year to which the notice relates, and for the 2 preceding plan years, is at least 100 percent (and, if not, the actual percentages), or
in the case of a multiemployer plan, a statement as to whether the plan’s funded percentage (as defined in section 1085(i) 1 of this title) for the plan year to which the notice relates, and for the 2 preceding plan years, is at least 100 percent (and, if not, the actual percentages),
in the case of a single-employer plan—
a statement of the value of the plan’s assets and liabilities for the plan year to which the notice relates as of the last day of the plan year to which the notice relates, and for the preceding 2 plan years as of the last day of each such plan year, determined using the asset valuation under subclause (II) of section 1306(a)(3)(E)(iii) of this title and the interest rate under section 1306(a)(3)(E)(iv) of this title,
for purposes of the statement in subparagraph (B)(i)(I), the percentage of plan liabilities funded, calculated as the ratio between the value of the plan’s assets and liabilities, as determined under item (aa), for the plan year to which the notice relates and for the 2 preceding plan years, and
if the information in (aa) and (bb) is presented in tabular form, a statement that describes that in the event of a plan termination the corporation’s calculation of plan liabilities may be greater and that references the section of the notice with the information required under clause (x), and
in the case of a multiemployer plan, a statement, for the plan year to which the notice relates and the preceding 2 plan years, of the value of the plan assets (determined both in the same manner as under section 1084 of this title and under the rules of subclause (I)(aa)) and the value of the plan liabilities (determined in the same manner as under section 1084 of this title except that the method specified in section 1085(i)(8) 1 of this title shall be used),
a statement of the number of participants for the plan year to which the notice relates as of the last day of such plan year and the preceding 2 plan years, in tabular format, who are—
retired or separated from service and are receiving benefits,
retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits, and
active participants under the plan,
a statement setting forth the funding policy of the plan, the asset allocation of investments under the plan (expressed as percentages of total assets), and the average return on assets for the plan year, as of the end of the plan year to which the notice relates,
in the case of a multiemployer plan, whether the plan was in critical or endangered status under section 1085 of this title for such plan year and, if so—
a statement describing how a person may obtain a copy of the plan’s funding improvement or rehabilitation plan, as appropriate, adopted under section 1085 of this title and the actuarial and financial data that demonstrate any action taken by the plan toward fiscal improvement, and
a summary of any funding improvement plan, rehabilitation plan, or modification thereof adopted under section 1085 of this title during the plan year to which the notice relates,
in the case of a multiemployer plan, whether the plan was in critical and declining status under section 1085 of this title for such plan year and, if so—
the projected date of insolvency;
a clear statement that such insolvency may result in benefit reductions; and
a statement describing whether the plan sponsor has taken legally permitted actions to prevent insolvency.2
 So in original. The period probably should be a comma.
in the case of any plan amendment, scheduled benefit increase or reduction, or other known event taking effect in the current plan year and having a material effect on plan liabilities or assets for the year (as defined in regulations by the Secretary), an explanation of the amendment, schedule increase or reduction, or event, and a projection to the end of such plan year of the effect of the amendment, scheduled increase or reduction, or event on plan liabilities,
in the case of a single-employer plan, a summary of the rules governing termination of single-employer plans under subtitle C of subchapter III, or
in the case of a multiemployer plan, a summary of the rules governing reorganization or insolvency, including the limitations on benefit payments,
in the case of a single-employer plan, a statement as to whether the plan’s funded status, based on the plan’s liabilities described under subclause (II) for the plan year to which the notice relates, and for the 2 preceding plan years, is at least 100 percent (and, if not, the actual percentages), that includes—
the plan’s assets, as of the last day of the plan year and for the 2 preceding plan years, as determined under clause (ii)(I)(aa),
the plan’s liabilities, as of the last day of the plan year and for the 2 preceding plan years, as determined under clause (ii)(1)(aa), and
the funded status of the plan, determined as the ratio of the plan’s assets and liabilities calculated under subclauses (I) and (II), for the plan year to which the notice relates, and for the 2 preceding plan years,
a general description of the benefits under the plan which are eligible to be guaranteed by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, along with an explanation of the limitations on the guarantee and the circumstances under which such limitations apply and a statement that, in the case of a single-employer plan—
if plan assets are determined to be sufficient to pay vested benefits that are not guaranteed by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, participants and beneficiaries may receive benefits in excess of the guaranteed amount, and
such a determination generally uses assumptions that result in a plan having a lower funded status as compared to the plan’s funded status disclosed in this notice.
a statement that a person may obtain a copy of the annual report of the plan filed under section 1024(a) of this title upon request, through the Internet website of the Department of Labor, or through an Intranet website maintained by the applicable plan sponsor (or plan administrator on behalf of the plan sponsor), and
if applicable, a statement that each contributing sponsor, and each member of the contributing sponsor’s controlled group, of the single-employer plan was required to provide the information under section 1310 of this title for the plan year to which the notice relates.
Other information
Each notice under paragraph (1) shall include—
in the case of a multiemployer plan, a statement that the plan administrator shall provide, upon written request, to any labor organization representing plan participants and beneficiaries and any employer that has an obligation to contribute to the plan, a copy of the annual report filed with the Secretary under section 1024(a) of this title, and
any additional information which the plan administrator elects to include to the extent not inconsistent with regulations prescribed by the Secretary.
Effect of segment rate stabilization on plan funding
In general
In the case of a single-employer plan for an applicable plan year, each notice under paragraph (1) shall include—
a statement that the MAP-21, the Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014,,3
 So in original.
the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015,,3 the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act modified the method for determining the interest rates used to determine the actuarial value of benefits earned under the plan, providing for a 25-year average of interest rates to be taken into account in addition to a 2-year average,
a statement that, as a result of the MAP-21, the Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014,,3 the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015,,3 the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the plan sponsor may contribute less money to the plan when interest rates are at historical lows, and
a table which shows (determined both with and without regard to section 1083(h)(2)(C)(iv) of this title) the funding target attainment percentage (as defined in section 1083(d)(2) of this title), the funding shortfall (as defined in section 1083(c)(4) of this title), and the minimum required contribution (as determined under section 1083 of this title), for the applicable plan year and each of the 2 preceding plan years.
Applicable plan year
For purposes of this subparagraph, the term “applicable plan year” means any plan year beginning after December 31, 2011, and before January 1, 2034, for which—
the funding target (as defined in section 1083(d)(2) of this title) is less than 95 percent of such funding target determined without regard to section 1083(h)(2)(C)(iv) of this title,
the plan has a funding shortfall (as defined in section 1083(c)(4) of this title and determined without regard to section 1083(h)(2)(C)(iv) of this title) greater than $500,000, and
the plan had 50 or more participants on any day during the preceding plan year.
 For purposes of any determination under subclause (III), the aggregation rule under the last sentence of section 1083(g)(2)(B) of this title shall apply.
Special rule for plan years beginning before 2012
Effect of CSEC plan rules on plan funding
In the case of a CSEC plan, each notice under paragraph (1) shall include—
a statement that different rules apply to CSEC plans than apply to single-employer plans,
for the first 2 plan years beginning after December 31, 2013, a statement that, as a result of changes in the law made by the Cooperative and Small Employer Charity Pension Flexibility Act, the contributions to the plan may have changed, and
in the case of a CSEC plan that is in funding restoration status for the plan year, a statement that the plan is in funding restoration status for such plan year.
A copy of the statement required under clause (iii) shall be provided to the Secretary, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
Time for providing notice
In general
Exception for small plans
Form and manner
Any notice under paragraph (1)—
shall be provided in a form and manner prescribed in regulations of the Secretary,
shall be written in a manner so as to be understood by the average plan participant, and
may be provided in written, electronic, or other appropriate form to the extent such form is reasonably accessible to persons to whom the notice is required to be provided.
Reporting by certain arrangements
Simple retirement accounts
No employer reports
Summary description
The trustee of any simple retirement account established pursuant to a qualified salary reduction arrangement under section 408(p) of title 26 shall provide to the employer maintaining the arrangement each year a description containing the following information:
The name and address of the employer and the trustee.
The requirements for eligibility for participation.
The benefits provided with respect to the arrangement.
The time and method of making elections with respect to the arrangement.
The procedures for, and effects of, withdrawals (including rollovers) from the arrangement.
Employee notification
Notice of blackout periods to participant or beneficiary under individual account plan
Duties of plan administrator
Notice requirements
In general
The notices described in paragraph (1) shall be written in a manner calculated to be understood by the average plan participant and shall include—
the reasons for the blackout period,
an identification of the investments and other rights affected,
the expected beginning date and length of the blackout period,
in the case of investments affected, a statement that the participant or beneficiary should evaluate the appropriateness of their current investment decisions in light of their inability to direct or diversify assets credited to their accounts during the blackout period, and
such other matters as the Secretary may require by regulation.
Notice to participants and beneficiaries
Exception to 30-day notice requirement
In any case in which—
a deferral of the blackout period would violate the requirements of subparagraph (A) or (B) of section 1104(a)(1) of this title, and a fiduciary of the plan reasonably so determines in writing, or
the inability to provide the 30-day advance notice is due to events that were unforeseeable or circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the plan administrator, and a fiduciary of the plan reasonably so determines in writing,
subparagraph (B) shall not apply, and the notice shall be furnished to all participants and beneficiaries under the plan to whom the blackout period applies as soon as reasonably possible under the circumstances unless such a notice in advance of the termination of the blackout period is impracticable.
Written notice
Notice to issuers of employer securities subject to blackout period
Exception for blackout periods with limited applicability
Changes in length of blackout period
Regulatory exceptions
Guidance and model notices
Blackout period
For purposes of this subsection—
In general
The term “blackout period” does not include a suspension, limitation, or restriction—
which occurs by reason of the application of the securities laws (as defined in section 78c(a)(47) of title 15),
which is a change to the plan which provides for a regularly scheduled suspension, limitation, or restriction which is disclosed to participants or beneficiaries through any summary of material modifications, any materials describing specific investment alternatives under the plan, or any changes thereto, or
which applies only to 1 or more individuals, each of whom is the participant, an alternate payee (as defined in section 1056(d)(3)(K) of this title), or any other beneficiary pursuant to a qualified domestic relations order (as defined in section 1056(d)(3)(B)(i) of this title).
Individual account plan
In general
One-participant retirement plan
For purposes of subparagraph (A), the term “one-participant retirement plan” means a retirement plan that on the first day of the plan year—
covered only one individual (or the individual and the individual’s spouse) and the individual (or the individual and the individual’s spouse) owned 100 percent of the plan sponsor (whether or not incorporated), or
covered only one or more partners (or partners and their spouses) in the plan sponsor.
Notice of funding-based limitation on certain forms of distribution
The plan administrator of a single-employer plan shall provide a written notice to plan participants and beneficiaries within 30 days—
after the plan has become subject to a restriction described in paragraph (1) or (3) of
in the case of a plan to which section 1056(g)(4) of this title applies, after the valuation date for the plan year described in section 1056(g)(4)(A) of this title for which the plan’s adjusted funding target attainment percentage for the plan year is less than 60 percent (or, if earlier, the date such percentage is deemed to be less than 60 percent under section 1056(g)(7) of this title), and
at such other time as may be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury.
The notice required to be provided under this subsection shall be in writing, except that such notice may be in electronic or other form to the extent that such form is reasonably accessible to the recipient. The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary, shall have the authority to prescribe rules applicable to the notices required under this subsection.
Multiemployer plan information made available on request
In general
Each administrator of a defined benefit plan that is a multiemployer plan shall, upon written request, furnish to any plan participant or beneficiary, employee representative, or any employer that has an obligation to contribute to the plan a copy of—
the current plan document (including any amendments thereto),
the latest summary plan description of the plan,
the current trust agreement (including any amendments thereto), or any other instrument or agreement under which the plan is established or operated,
in the case of a request by an employer, any participation agreement with respect to the plan for such employer that relates to the employer’s plan participation during the current or any of the 5 immediately preceding plan years,
the annual report filed under section 1024 of this title for any plan year,
the plan funding notice provided under subsection (f) for any plan year,
any periodic actuarial report (including any sensitivity testing) received by the plan for any plan year which has been in the plan’s possession for at least 30 days,
any quarterly, semi-annual, or annual financial report prepared for the plan by any plan investment manager or advisor or other fiduciary which has been in the plan’s possession for at least 30 days,
audited financial statements of the plan for any plan year,
any application filed with the Secretary of the Treasury requesting an extension under section 1084(d) of this title or section 431(d) of title 26 and the determination of such Secretary pursuant to such application, and
in the case of a plan which was in critical or endangered status under section 1085 of this title for a plan year, the latest funding improvement or rehabilitation plan, and the contribution schedules applicable with respect to such funding improvement or rehabilitation plan (other than a contribution schedule applicable to a specific employer).
Information required to be provided under paragraph (1)—
shall be provided to the requesting participant, beneficiary, or employer within 30 days after the request in a form and manner prescribed in regulations of the Secretary,
may be provided in written, electronic, or other appropriate form to the extent such form is reasonably accessible to persons to whom the information is required to be provided, and
shall not—
include any individually identifiable information regarding any plan participant, beneficiary, employee, fiduciary, or contributing employer, or
reveal any proprietary information regarding the plan, any contributing employer, or entity providing services to the plan.
Subparagraph (C)(i) shall not apply to individually identifiable information with respect to any plan investment manager or adviser, or with respect to any other person (other than an employee of the plan) preparing a financial report required to be included under paragraph (1)(B).1
Notice of potential withdrawal liability
In general
The plan sponsor or administrator of a multiemployer plan shall, upon written request, furnish to any employer who has an obligation to contribute to the plan a notice of—
the estimated amount which would be the amount of such employer’s withdrawal liability under part 1 of subtitle E of subchapter III if such employer withdrew on the last day of the plan year preceding the date of the request, and
an explanation of how such estimated liability amount was determined, including the actuarial assumptions and methods used to determine the value of the plan liabilities and assets, the data regarding employer contributions, unfunded vested benefits, annual changes in the plan’s unfunded vested benefits, and the application of any relevant limitations on the estimated withdrawal liability.
For purposes of subparagraph (B), the term “employer contribution” means, in connection with a participant, a contribution made by an employer as an employer of such participant.
Any notice required to be provided under paragraph (1)—
shall be provided in a form and manner prescribed in regulations of the Secretary to the requesting employer within—
180 days after the request, or
subject to regulations of the Secretary, such longer time as may be necessary in the case of a plan that determines withdrawal liability based on any method described under paragraph (4) or (5) of section 1391(c) of this title; and
may be provided in written, electronic, or other appropriate form to the extent such form is reasonably accessible to employers to whom the information is required to be provided.
Notice of right to divest
Not later than 30 days before the first date on which an applicable individual of an applicable individual account plan is eligible to exercise the right under section 1054(j) of this title to direct the proceeds from the divestment of employer securities with respect to any type of contribution, the administrator shall provide to such individual a notice—
setting forth such right under such section, and
describing the importance of diversifying the investment of retirement account assets.
The notice required by this subsection shall be written in a manner calculated to be understood by the average plan participant and may be delivered in written, electronic, or other appropriate form to the extent that such form is reasonably accessible to the recipient.
Pension-linked emergency savings accounts
Cross reference
(Pub. L. 93–406, title I, § 101, Sept. 2, 1974, 88 Stat. 840; Pub. L. 100–203, title IX, § 9304(d), Dec. 22, 1987, 101 Stat. 1330–348; Pub. L. 101–239, title VII, §§ 7881(b)(5)(A), 7894(b)(2), Dec. 19, 1989, 103 Stat. 2438, 2448; Pub. L. 101–508, title XII, § 12012(d)(1), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1388–572; Pub. L. 103–66, title IV, § 4301(b)(1), Aug. 10, 1993, 107 Stat. 375; Pub. L. 103–465, title VII, § 731(c)(4)(A), Dec. 8, 1994, 108 Stat. 5004; Pub. L. 104–188, title I, § 1421(d)(1), Aug. 20, 1996, 110 Stat. 1799; Pub. L. 104–191, title I, § 101(e)(1), Aug. 21, 1996, 110 Stat. 1952; Pub. L. 104–204, title VI, § 603(b)(3)(B), Sept. 26, 1996, 110 Stat. 2938; Pub. L. 105–34, title XV, § 1503(a), Aug. 5, 1997, 111 Stat. 1061; Pub. L. 105–200, title IV, § 401(h)(1)(A), July 16, 1998, 112 Stat. 668; Pub. L. 106–170, title V, § 535(a)(2)(A), Dec. 17, 1999, 113 Stat. 1934; Pub. L. 107–204, title III, § 306(b)(1), July 30, 2002, 116 Stat. 780; Pub. L. 108–218, title I, § 103(a), title II, § 204(b)(1), Apr. 10, 2004, 118 Stat. 602, 609; Pub. L. 108–357, title VII, § 709(a)(1), Oct. 22, 2004, 118 Stat. 1551; Pub. L. 109–280, title I, §§ 103(b)(1), 108(a)(1), (11), formerly § 107(a)(1), (11), title V, §§ 501(a), 502(a)(1), (b)(1), 503(c)(2), 507(a), 509(a), Aug. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. 815, 818, 819, 936, 939, 940, 944, 948, 952, renumbered Pub. L. 111–192, title II, § 202(a), June 25, 2010, 124 Stat. 1297; Pub. L. 110–458, title I, §§ 101(c)(1)(A), 105(a), (b)(1), (g), Dec. 23, 2008, 122 Stat. 5097, 5104, 5105; Pub. L. 111–148, title VI, § 6606, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 781; Pub. L. 112–141, div. D, title II, §§ 40211(b)(2)(A), 40241(b)(1), 40242(e)(14), July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 848, 859, 863; Pub. L. 113–97, title I, § 104(a)(1), (b), Apr. 7, 2014, 128 Stat. 1120; Pub. L. 113–159, title II, § 2003(b)(2)(A), Aug. 8, 2014, 128 Stat. 1849; Pub. L. 113–235, div. O, title I, § 111(a), (b), title II, § 201(a)(4), Dec. 16, 2014, 128 Stat. 2792, 2793, 2799; Pub. L. 114–41, title II, § 2007(b)(1), July 31, 2015, 129 Stat. 459; Pub. L. 114–74, title V, § 504(b)(2)(A), Nov. 2, 2015, 129 Stat. 594; Pub. L. 117–2, title IX, § 9706(b)(3)(A), Mar. 11, 2021, 135 Stat. 201; Pub. L. 117–58, div. H, title VI, § 80602(b)(2)(A), Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 1339; Pub. L. 117–328, div. T, title I, § 127(c)(2), title III, § 343(a), title VI, § 606(b)(1), Dec. 29, 2022, 136 Stat. 5324, 5378, 5397.)
cite as: 29 USC 1021