U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024
§ 1490m.
Housing preservation grants
Statement of purposes
The purpose of this section is to authorize the Secretary to make grants to eligible grantees including private nonprofit organizations, Indian tribes, general units of local government, counties, States, and consortia of other eligible grantees, in order to—
rehabilitate or replace single family housing in rural areas which is owned by low- and very low-income persons and families, and
rehabilitate or replace rental properties or cooperative housing which has a membership resale structure that enables the cooperative to maintain affordability for persons of low income in rural areas serving low- and very low-income occupants.
The Secretary may also provide tenant-based assistance as provided under section 1437f of this title or section 1490r of this title upon the request of grantees in order to minimize the displacement of very low-income tenants residing in units rehabilitated or replaced with assistance under this section.
Mandatory program requirements
Preservation programs assisted under this section shall—
be used to provide loans or grants to owners of single family housing in order to cover the cost of repairs and improvements;
be used to provide loans or grants, not to exceed $15,000 per unit, to owners of single family housing to replace existing housing if repair or rehabilitation of the housing is determined by the Secretary not to be practicable and the owner of the housing is unable to afford a loan under section 1472 of this title for replacement housing;
be used to provide interest reduction payment;
be used to provide loans or grants to owners of rental housing, except that rental rehabilitation or replacement assistance provided under this subsection for any structure shall not exceed 75 per centum of the total costs associated with the rehabilitation or replacement of that structure;
be used to provide other comparable assistance that the Secretary deems appropriate to carry out the purpose of this section, designed to reduce the costs of such repair, rehabilitation, and replacement in order to make such housing affordable by persons of low income and, to the extent feasible, by persons and families whose incomes do not exceed 50 per centum of the area median income;
benefit low- and very low-income persons and families in rural areas, without causing the displacement of current residents; and
raise health and safety conditions to meet those specified in section 1479(a) of this title.
Allocation formula; transfer of funds; maximum amounts
The Secretary shall allocate grant funds under this section for use in each State on the basis of a formula contained in a regulation prescribed by the Secretary using the average of the ratios between—
the population of the rural areas in that State and the population of the rural areas of all States;
the extent of poverty in the rural areas in that State and the extent of poverty in the rural areas of all States; and
the extent of substandard housing in the rural areas of that State and the extent of substandard housing in the rural areas of all States.
Any funds which are allocated to a State but uncommitted to grantees will be transferred to the State office of the Farmers Home Administration in a timely manner and be used for authorized rehabilitation activities under section 1474 of this title. Funds obligated, but subsequently unspent and deobligated, may remain available, to the extent provided in appropriations Acts, for use as housing preservation grants in ensuing fiscal years.
Unless there is only one eligible grantee in a State, a single grantee may not receive more than 50 per centum of a State’s allocation.
Statement of activity by grantee; submission; contents; availability; consultations; evaluation by Secretary; criteria applicable; maximum amounts
Eligible grantees may submit a statement of activity to the Secretary at the time specified by the program administrator, containing a description of its proposed preservation program. The statement shall consist of the activities each entity proposes to undertake for the fiscal year, and the projected progress in carrying out those activities. The statement of activities shall be made available to the public for comment.
In preparing such statement, the grantee shall consult with and consider the views of appropriate local officials.
The Secretary shall evaluate the merits of each statement on the basis of such criteria as the Secretary shall prescribe, including the extent—
to which the repair, rehabilitation, and replacement activities will assist persons of low income who lack adequate shelter, with priority given to applications assisting the maximum number of persons and families whose incomes do not exceed 50 per centum of the area median income;
to which the repair, rehabilitation, and replacement activities include the participation of other public or private organizations in providing assistance, in addition to the assistance provided under this section, in order to lower the costs of such activities or provide for the leveraging of available funds to supplement the rural housing preservation grant program;
to which such activities will be undertaken in rural areas having populations below 10,000 or in remote parts of other rural areas;
to which the repair, rehabilitation, and replacement activities may be expected to result in achieving the greatest degree of repair or improvement for the least cost per unit or dwelling;
to which the program would minimize displacement;
to which the program would alleviate overcrowding in rural residences inhabited by low- and very low-income persons and families;
to which the program would minimize the use of grant funds for administrative purposes; and
to which the owner agrees to meet the requirement of subsection (e)(1)(B)(iv) for a period longer than 5 years;
and shall assess the demonstrated capacity of the grantee to carry out the program as well as the financial feasibility of the program.
The amount of assistance provided under this section with respect to any housing shall be the least amount that the Secretary determines is necessary to provide, through the repair and rehabilitation, or replacement, of such housing, decent housing of modest design that is affordable for persons of low income.
A grantee may use housing preservation grant funds under this section for replacement housing only after providing documentation to the Secretary that—
the existing housing is in such poor condition that rehabilitation is not economically feasible;
the owner of the housing lacks the income or repayment ability necessary to qualify for a loan under section 1472 of this title; and
the grantee will extend assistance to the owner of the housing under terms that the owner can afford.
Limitations on assistance; failure to implement required agreement
Assistance under this section may be provided with respect to rental or cooperative housing only if—
the owner has entered into such agreements with the Secretary as may be necessary to assure compliance with the requirements of this section, to assure the financial feasibility of such housing, and to carry out the other provisions of this section;
the owner agrees—
to pass on to the tenants any reduction in the debt service payments resulting from the assistance provided under this section;
not to convert the units to condominium ownership (or in the case of a cooperative, to condominium ownership or any form of cooperative ownership not eligible for assistance under this section);
not to refuse to rent a dwelling unit in the structure to a family solely because the family is receiving or is eligible to receive assistance under any Federal, State, or local housing assistance program; and
that the units repaired and rehabilitated with such assistance will be occupied, or available for occupancy, by persons of low income;
during the 5-year period beginning on the date on which the units in the housing are available for occupancy;
the unit of general local government or nonprofit organization that receives the assistance certifies to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the assistance will be made available in conformity with Public Law 88–352 [42 U.S.C. 2000a et seq.] and Public Law 90–284;
the owner agrees to enter into and abide by written leases with the tenants, which leases shall provide that tenants may be evicted only for good cause; and
the unit of general local government or nonprofit organization will agree to supervise repairs and rehabilitation and will agree to have a disinterested party inspect such repairs and rehabilitation.
Assistance under this section provided with respect to any housing other than rental or cooperative housing may be provided only if the owner complies with the requirements set forth in subparagraph (E) of paragraph (1) and any other requirements established by the Secretary to carry out the purpose of this section.
The Secretary shall provide that if the owner or his or her successors in interest fail to carry out the agreements described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1) during the applicable period, the owner or his or her successors in interest shall make a payment to the Secretary of an amount that equals the total amount of assistance provided under this section with respect to such housing, plus interest thereon (without compounding), for each year and any fraction thereof that the assistance was outstanding, at a rate determined by the Secretary taking into account the average yield on outstanding marketable long-term obligations of the United States during the month preceding the date on which the assistance was made available.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any assistance provided under this section shall constitute a debt, which is payable in the case of any failure to carry out the agreements described in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of paragraph (1), and shall be secured by the security instruments provided by the owner to the Secretary.
Advance payments of assistance
Annual review and audit by Secretary of activities; adjustment, etc., of resources; reallocation of amounts
Rules and regulations; delegation of authority
The Secretary is authorized to prescribe such rules and regulations and make such delegations of authority as he deems necessary to carry out this section within 90 days after November 30, 1983.
The Secretary shall, not later than the expiration of the 30-day period following February 5, 1988, issue regulations to carry out the program of grants under subsection (a)(2).
National historic preservation objectives affected by rehabilitation activities; establishment of procedures for determining consonant purposes and measures
(July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title V, § 533, as added Pub. L. 98–181, title I [title V, § 522], Nov. 30, 1983, 97 Stat. 1250; amended Pub. L. 100–242, title III, §§ 310, 316(g), Feb. 5, 1988, 101 Stat. 1896, 1898; Pub. L. 101–625, title VII, § 717, Nov. 28, 1990, 104 Stat. 4296; Pub. L. 102–550, title VII, §§ 706(1), 711, Oct. 28, 1992, 106 Stat. 3835, 3840; Pub. L. 105–276, title V, § 550(e), Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2610; Pub. L. 105–362, title I, § 101(h), Nov. 10, 1998, 112 Stat. 3281.)
cite as: 42 USC 1490m