In general
In recognition of Federal responsibility for the Colorado River as an interstate stream and for international comity with Mexico, Federal ownership of the land of the Colorado River Basin from which most of the dissolved salts originate, and the policy established in the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (
33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) and except as provided in clause (ii), the following shall be nonreimbursable:
75 percent of the total costs of construction and replacement of each unit or separable feature of a unit authorized by
section 1592(a)(1) of this title, including 90 percent of—
the costs of operation and maintenance of each unit or separable feature of a unit authorized by that section; and
the total costs of construction, operation, and maintenance of the associated measures to replace incidental fish and wildlife values foregone.
75 percent of the total costs of construction and replacement of each unit or separable feature of a unit authorized by
section 1592(a)(2) of this title, including 100 percent of—
the costs of operation and maintenance of each unit or separable feature of a unit authorized by that section; and
the total costs of construction, operation, and maintenance of the associated measures to replace incidental fish and wildlife values foregone.
75 percent of the total costs of construction, operation, maintenance, and replacement of each unit or separable feature of a unit authorized by
section 1592(a)(3) of this title, including 75 percent of the total costs of construction, operation, and maintenance of the associated measures to replace incidental fish and wildlife values foregone.
70 percent of the total costs of construction, operation, maintenance, and replacement of each unit or separable feature of a unit authorized by paragraphs (4) and (6) of
section 1592(a) of this title, including 70 percent of the total costs of construction, operation, and maintenance of the associated measures to replace incidental fish and wildlife values foregone.
70 percent of the total costs of construction and replacement of each unit or separable feature of a unit authorized by
section 1592(a)(5) of this title, including 100 percent of—
the costs of operation and maintenance of each unit or separable feature of a unit authorized by that section; and
the total costs of construction, operation, and maintenance of the associated measures to replace incidental fish and wildlife values foregone.
85 percent of the total costs of implementation of the on-farm measures authorized by
section 1592(c) of this title, including 85 percent of the total costs of the associated measures to replace incidental fish and wildlife values foregone.
Special rule for nonreimbursable costs for fiscal years 2024 and 2025
Notwithstanding clause (i), for each of fiscal years 2024 and 2025, the following shall be nonreimbursable:
75 percent of all costs described in clause (i)(I).
75 percent of all costs described in clause (i)(II).
70 percent of all costs described in clause (i)(V).
The percentages of all costs described in subclauses (III), (IV), and (VI) of clause (i).