• Effective Date: May 21, 2013

1. On 05/21/2013 the U.S. Court of International Trade issued a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) enjoining liquidation of any unliquidated entries of dock ladder kits ASE, ASH, and DJX3-W imported by Asia Sourcing Corporation and strip door mounting brackets imported by Asia Sourcing Corporation which are subject to the antidumping duty order on certain aluminum extrusions from the People's Republic of China (A-570-967), and were entered into the United States, or were withdrawn from warehouse for consumption by Asia Sourcing Corporation on or after September 7, 2010.

2. This TRO was issued in connection with court case number 13-00161 and enjoins liquidation of the entries described above. This TRO shall be effective for all entries which remain unliquidated as of 05/21/2013 and shall remain in effect until further instructions are issued.

3. Liquidation instructions for entries affected by the TRO have not yet been issued.

4. Accordingly, effective 05/21/2013 and until further instructions are issued, CBP is instructed not to liquidate entries of merchandise subject to the TRO as described in paragraph 1. Any entries that are set for liquidation must be unset immediately. Continue to suspend liquidation of other entries of certain aluminum extrusions from the People's Republic of China that were imported by Asia Sourcing Corporation and that were entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption until liquidation instructions are issued.

5. If there are any questions by the importing public regarding this message, please contact the Call Center for the Office of AD/CVD Operations, Import Administration, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce at (202) 482-0984. CBP ports should submit their inquiries through authorized CBP channels only. (This message was generated by O8:RS.)

6. There are no restrictions on the release of this information.

Michael B. Walsh