Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 63.1416 - Recordkeeping requirements.

(a) Data retention. Unless otherwise specified in this subpart, each owner or operator of an affected source shall keep copies of all applicable records and reports required by this subpart for at least 5 years, as specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, with the exception listed in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(1) All applicable records shall be maintained in such a manner that they can be readily accessed. The most recent 6 months of records shall be retained on site or shall be accessible from a central location by computer or other means that provides access within 2 hours after a request. The remaining 4 and one-half years of records may be retained offsite. Records may be maintained in hard copy or computer-readable form including, but not limited to, on paper, microfilm, computer, floppy disk, CD-ROM, optical disc, magnetic tape, or microfiche.

(2) If an owner or operator submits copies of reports to the appropriate EPA Regional Office, the owner or operator is not required to maintain copies of reports. If the EPA Regional Office has waived the requirement of § 63.10(a)(4)(ii) for submittal of copies of reports, the owner or operator is not required to maintain copies of those reports.

(b) Malfunction records. Records shall be kept as specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) In the event that an affected unit fails to meet an applicable standard, record the number of failures. For each failure record the date, time, and duration of each failure.

(2) For each failure to meet an applicable standard, record and retain a list of the affected sources or equipment, an estimate of the quantity of each regulated pollutant emitted over any emission limit, and a description of the method used to estimate the emissions.

(3) Record actions taken to minimize emissions in accordance with § 63.1420(h)(4), and any corrective actions taken to return the affected unit to its normal or usual manner of operation.

(c) Monitoring records. Owners or operators required to comply with § 63.1415 and, therefore, required to keep continuous records shall keep records as specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (6) of this section.

(1) The owner or operator shall record either each measured data value or average values for 1 hour or shorter periods calculated from all measured data values during each period. If values are measured more frequently than once per minute, a single value for each minute may be used to calculate the hourly (or shorter period) average instead of all measured values. Owners or operators of batch process vents shall record each measured data value; if values are measured more frequently than once per minute, a single value for each minute may be recorded instead of all measured values.

(2) Daily average, batch cycle daily average, or block average values of each continuously monitored parameter shall be calculated for each operating day as specified in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section, except as specified in paragraphs (c)(3) and (4) of this section. The option of conducting parameter monitoring for batch process vents on a batch cycle daily average basis or a block average basis is described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section.

(i) The daily average value, batch cycle daily average, or block average shall be calculated as the average of all parameter values recorded during the operating day, or batch cycle, as appropriate, except as specified in paragraph (c)(4) of this section. For batch process vents, only parameter values recorded during those batch emission episodes, or portions thereof, in the batch cycle that the owner or operator has selected to control in order to comply shall be used to calculate the average. The calculated average shall cover a 24-hour period if operation is continuous, or the number of hours of operation per operating day if operation is not continuous for daily average values or batch cycle daily average values. The calculated average shall cover the entire period of the batch cycle for block average values. As specified in § 63.1413(a)(4)(i)(C)(3), the owner or operator shall provide the information needed to calculate batch cycle daily averages for operating days that include partial batch cycles.

(ii) The operating day shall be the period the owner or operator specifies in the operating permit or the Notification of Compliance Status for purposes of determining daily average values or batch cycle daily average values of monitored parameters. The block shall be the entire period of the batch cycle, as specified by the owner or operator in the operating permit or the Notification of Compliance Status for purposes of determining block average values of monitored parameters.

(3) If all recorded values for a monitored parameter during an operating day or block are above the minimum level or below the maximum level established in the Notification of Compliance Status or operating permit, the owner or operator may record that all values were above the minimum level or below the maximum level rather than calculating and recording a daily average, or block average, for that operating day. For these operating days or blocks, the records required in paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall also be retained for 5 years.

(4) Monitoring data recorded during periods identified in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) and (ii) of this section shall not be included in any average computed under this subpart. Records shall be kept of the times and durations of all such periods and any other periods during process or control device or recovery device or control technology operation when monitors are not operating:

(i) Monitoring system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and zero (low-level) and high-level adjustments; and

(ii) Periods of non-operation of the affected source (or portion thereof) resulting in cessation of the emissions to which the monitoring applies.

(5) The owner or operator who has received approval to monitor different parameters, under § 63.1417(j) as allowed under § 63.1415(e), than those specified for storage vessels, continuous process vents, or batch process vents shall retain for a period of 5 years each record specified in their approved Alternative Monitoring Parameters request.

(6) The owner or operator who has received approval to use alternative continuous monitoring and recordkeeping provisions as specified in § 63.1417(k) shall retain for a period of 5 years each record specified in their approved Alternative Continuous Monitoring request.

(d) Batch process vent records—(1) Compliance demonstration records. Each owner or operator of a batch process vent complying with § 63.1406 or § 63.1407 shall keep the following records, as applicable, readily accessible.

(i) If a batch process vent is seeking to demonstrate compliance with the alternative standard specified in § 63.1406(b) or § 63.1407(b), results of the initial compliance demonstration specified in § 63.1413(f).

(ii) If a batch process vent is seeking to demonstrate compliance with the percent reduction requirements of § 63.1406(a)(1)(ii) or § 63.1407(a)(2)(ii), records documenting the batch cycle percent reduction or overall percent reduction, as appropriate, as specified in § 63.1413(e)(1)(iii).

(iii) When using a flare to comply with § 63.1406(a)(1)(i) or § 63.1407(a)(2)(i):

(A) The flare design (i.e., steam-assisted, air-assisted or non-assisted);

(B) All visible emission readings, heat content determinations, flow rate measurements, and exit velocity determinations made during the compliance determination required by § 63.1413(g); and

(C) Periods when all pilot flames were absent during the compliance determination required by § 63.1413(g).

(iv) The following information when using a control device or control technology, other than a flare, to achieve compliance with the percent reduction requirement of § 63.1406(a)(1)(ii) or § 63.1407(a)(2)(ii):

(A) For an incinerator, non-combustion control device, or other control technology, the percent reduction of organic HAP achieved for emissions vented to the control device or control technology, as determined using the procedures specified in § 63.1413(e)(1);

(B) For a boiler or process heater, a description of the location at which the vent stream is introduced into the boiler or process heater; and

(C) For a boiler or process heater with a design heat input capacity of less than 44 megawatts and where the vent stream is not introduced with the primary fuel or used as the primary fuel, the percent reduction of organic HAP achieved for emissions vented to the control device, as determined using the procedures specified in § 63.1413(e)(1).

(v) If a batch process vent is seeking to demonstrate compliance with the mass emission limits specified in § 63.1406(a)(1)(iii) or (a)(2)(iii) or specified in § 63.1407(b)(2), the following information:

(A) Results of the initial compliance demonstration specified in § 63.1413(e)(2).

(B) The organic HAP emissions from the batch process vent associated with each single type of batch cycle (Ecycle i) determined as specified in § 63.1413(e)(2).

(C) The site-specific emission limit required by § 63.1413(e)(2), as appropriate.

(vi) If an owner or operator designates a condenser sometimes operated as a process condenser as a control device, comply with either paragraph (d)(1)(vi)(A) or (B) of this section.

(A) Retain information, data, analyses to document inprocess recycling of the material recovered when the condenser is operating as a control device.

(B) When requested by the Administrator, demonstrate that material recovered by the condenser operating as a control device is reused in a manner meeting the definition of inprocess recycling.

(2) Establishment of parameter monitoring level records. For each parameter monitored according to § 63.1415(b) and Table 3 of this subpart, or for alternate parameters and/or parameters for alternate control devices or control technologies monitored according to § 63.1417(j) as allowed under § 63.1415(e), maintain documentation showing the establishment of the level that indicates proper operation of the control device or control technology as required by § 63.1415(c) for parameters specified in § 63.1415(b) and as required by § 63.1417(j) for alternate parameters. An owner or operator may choose to monitor operating parameters for batch process vents on a batch cycle daily average basis or on a block average basis. The batch cycle daily average is based on parameter monitoring accomplished during the operating day (i.e., a 24-hour basis). The block average is based on the parameter monitoring accomplished during a single batch cycle. As defined in § 63.1402, the block shall be the period of time equal to a single batch cycle. Monitored parameter documentation shall include the following:

(i) Parameter monitoring data used to establish the level.

(ii) Identification that the parameter monitoring level is associated with a batch cycle daily average or a block average.

(iii) A definition of the batch cycle or block, as appropriate.

(3) Controlled batch process vent continuous compliance records. Continuous compliance records shall be kept as follows:

(i) Each owner or operator of a batch process vent that uses a control device or control technology to comply with the percent reduction requirements of § 63.1406(a)(1)(ii) or § 63.1407(a)(2)(ii) shall keep the following records, as applicable, readily accessible:

(A) Continuous records of the equipment operating parameters specified to be monitored under § 63.1415(b) as applicable, and listed in Table 3 of this subpart, or specified by the Administrator in accordance with § 63.1417(f) as allowed under § 63.1415(e). Said records shall be kept as specified under paragraph (c) of this section, except as follows:

(1) For carbon adsorbers, the records specified in Table 3 of this subpart shall be maintained in place of continuous records.

(2) For flares, the records specified in Table 4 of this subpart shall be maintained in place of continuous records.

(B) Records of the batch cycle daily average value or block average value of each continuously monitored parameter, as specified in paragraph (c) of this section.

(ii) Each owner or operator of a batch process vent that uses a control device or control technology to comply with § 63.1406 or § 63.1407 shall keep the following records, as applicable, readily accessible:

(A) Hourly records of whether the flow indicator for bypass lines specified in § 63.1415(d) was operating and whether a diversion was detected at any time during the hour. Also, records of the time and duration periods when the vent is diverted from the control device or control technology or the flow indicator specified in § 63.1415(d) is not operating.

(B) Where a seal or closure mechanism is used to comply with § 63.1415(d), hourly records of whether a diversion was detected at any time are not required. The owner or operator shall record whether the monthly visual inspection of the seals or closure mechanisms has been done and shall record the occurrence of all periods when the seal mechanism is broken, the bypass line damper or valve position has changed, or the key for a lock-and-key type configuration has been checked out, and records of any car-seal that has broken.

(C) Records specifying the times and duration of periods of monitoring system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and zero (low-level) and high-level adjustments. In addition, records specifying any other periods of process or control device operation or control technology operation when monitors are not operating.

(iii) Each owner or operator of a batch process vent seeking to demonstrate compliance with the alternative standard, as specified in § 63.1406(b) or § 63.1407(b), shall keep the records of continuous emissions monitoring described in § 63.1416(c).

(iv) Each owner or operator of a batch process vent seeking to demonstrate compliance with the mass emission limits, specified in § 63.1406(a)(1)(iii) or (a)(2)(iii), shall keep the following records, as applicable, readily accessible.

(A) The cumulative average monthly emission rate or the 12-month rolling average monthly emission rate, as appropriate.

(B) If there is a deviation from the mass emission limit, as specified in § 63.1413(i), the individual monthly emission rate data points making up the cumulative average monthly emission rate or the 12-month rolling average monthly emission rate, as appropriate.

(C) If it becomes necessary to redetermine (Ecycle i) for a reactor batch process vent, as specified in § 63.1413(e)(2), the new value(s) for (Ecycle i).

(D) If an owner or operator is demonstrating compliance using the procedures in § 63.1413(e)(2), the monthly value of the site-specific emission limit developed under § 63.1413(e)(2).

(e) Aggregate batch vent stream records—(1) Compliance demonstration records. Each owner or operator of an aggregate batch vent stream complying with § 63.1408(a)(1) or (2) shall keep the following records, as applicable, readily accessible:

(i) If an aggregate batch vent stream is in compliance with the percent reduction requirements of § 63.1408(a)(1)(ii) or (a)(2)(ii), owners or operators shall comply with the recordkeeping requirements for continuous process vents specified in 40 CFR part 63, subpart SS.

(ii) If an aggregate batch vent stream is in compliance with the alternative standard specified in § 63.1408(b), results of the initial compliance demonstration specified in § 63.1413(f).

(iii) When using a flare to comply with § 63.1408(a)(1)(i) or (a)(2)(i):

(A) The flare design (i.e., steam-assisted, air-assisted or non-assisted).

(B) All visible emission readings, heat content determinations, flow rate measurements, and exit velocity determinations made during the compliance determination required by § 63.1413(g).

(C) Periods when all pilot flames were absent during the compliance determination required by § 63.1413(g).

(iv) If an aggregate batch vent stream is seeking to comply with the mass emission limits specified in § 63.1408(b)(2), results of the initial compliance demonstration specified in § 63.1413(e)(2). In addition, for each batch process vent, the emissions associated with each single type of batch cycle (Ecycle i), determined as specified in § 63.1413(e)(2), shall be recorded.

(2) Establishment of parameter monitoring level records. For each parameter monitored according to § 63.1415(b) and Table 3 of this subpart, or for alternate parameters and/or parameters for alternate control devices monitored according to § 63.1417(j) as allowed under § 63.1415(e), maintain documentation showing the establishment of the level that indicates proper operation of the control device as required by § 63.1415(c) for parameters specified in § 63.1415(b) and as required by § 63.1417(j) for alternate parameters. Monitored parameter documentation shall include the parameter monitoring data used to establish the level.

(3) Controlled aggregate batch vent streams continuous compliance records. The following continuous compliance records shall be kept, as applicable:

(i) Each owner or operator of an aggregate batch vent stream that uses a control device to comply with the percent reduction requirement of § 63.1408(a)(1)(ii) or (a)(2)(ii) shall keep the following records, as applicable, readily accessible:

(A) Continuous records of the equipment operating parameters specified to be monitored under § 63.1415(b) as applicable, and listed in Table 3 of this subpart, or specified by the Administrator in accordance with § 63.1417(j) as allowed under § 63.1415(e). Records shall be kept as specified under paragraph (c) of this section, except as follows:

(1) For carbon adsorbers, the records specified in Table 3 of this subpart shall be maintained in place of continuous records.

(2) For flares, the records specified in Table 3 of this subpart shall be maintained in place of continuous records.

(B) Records of the daily average value of each continuously monitored parameter, as specified in paragraph (c) of this section.

(ii) Each owner or operator of an aggregate batch vent stream that uses a control device to comply with paragraph § 63.1408(a)(1) or (2) of this section shall keep the following records, as applicable, readily accessible:

(A) Hourly records of whether the flow indicator for bypass lines specified in § 63.1415(d) was operating and whether a diversion was detected at any time during the hour. Also, records of the times and durations of periods when the vent is diverted from the control device or the flow indicator specified in § 63.1415(d) is not operating.

(B) Where a seal or closure mechanism is used to comply with § 63.1415(d), hourly records of whether a diversion was detected at any time are not required. The owner or operator shall record whether the monthly visual inspection of the seals or closure mechanisms has been done, and shall record the occurrence of all periods when the seal mechanism is broken, the bypass line damper or valve position has changed, or the key for a lock-and-key type configuration has been checked out, and records of any car-seal that has broken.

(C) Records specifying the times and duration of periods of monitoring system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and zero (low-level) and high-level adjustments. In addition, records specifying any other periods of process or control device operation when monitors are not operating.

(iii) Each owner or operator of an aggregate batch vent stream seeking to demonstrate compliance with the alternative standard, as specified in § 63.1408(b), shall keep the records of continuous emissions monitoring described in § 63.1416(c).

(iv) Each owner or operator of an aggregate batch vent stream seeking to demonstrate compliance with the mass emission limits, specified in § 63.1408(b)(2), shall keep the following records, as applicable, readily accessible:

(A) The rolling average monthly emission rate or the 12-month rolling average monthly emission rate, as appropriate.

(B) If there is a deviation from the emission limit, as specified in § 63.1413(i)(1), the individual monthly emission rate data points making up the rolling average monthly emission rate or the 12-month rolling average monthly emission rate, as appropriate.

(C) If it becomes necessary to redetermine (Ecyclei) for a reactor batch process vent, as specified in § 63.1413(e)(2), the new value(s) for (Ecyclei).

(f) Continuous process vent records—(1) TRE index value records. Each owner or operator of a continuous process vent at a new affected source shall maintain records of measurements, engineering assessments, and calculations performed according to the procedures of § 63.1412(j) to determine the TRE index value. Documentation of engineering assessments, described in § 63.1412(k), shall include all data, assumptions, and procedures used for the engineering assessments.

(2) Volumetric flow rate records. Each owner or operator of a continuous process vent shall record the volumetric flow rate as measured using the sampling site and volumetric flow rate determination procedures (if applicable) specified in § 63.1412(b) and (f) or determined through engineering assessment as specified in § 63.1412(k).

(3) Organic HAP concentration records. Each owner or operator shall record the organic HAP concentration as measured using the sampling site and organic HAP concentration determination procedures (if applicable) specified in § 63.1412(b) and (e), or determined through engineering assessment as specified in § 63.1412(k).

(4) Process change records. Each owner or operator of a continuous process vent shall keep up-to-date, readily accessible records of any process changes that change the control applicability for a continuous process vent. Records are to include any recalculation or measurement of the flow rate, organic HAP concentration, and TRE index value.

(5) If a continuous process vent is seeking to demonstrate compliance with the mass emission limit specified in § 63.1405(b)(2)(i), keep records specified in paragraphs (f)(5)(i) through (iii) of this section.

(i) The results of the initial compliance demonstration specified in § 63.1413(h)(1)(i).

(ii) Identification of the period of time that represents an operating day.

(iii) The daily organic HAP emissions from the continuous process vent determined as specified in § 63.1413(h)(3).

(6) If a continuous process vent is seeking to demonstrate compliance with the emission rate limits specified in § 63.1405(b)(2)(ii) or (iii), keep records specified in paragraphs (f)(6)(i) through (iii) of this section.

(i) The results of the initial compliance demonstration specified in § 63.1413(h)(2)(i).

(ii) Identification of the period of time that represents an operating day.

(iii) The average hourly organic HAP emissions from the continuous process vent determined as specified in § 63.1413(h)(4).

(7) When using a flare to comply with § 63.1405(a)(1) or (b)(1), keep the records specified in paragraphs (f)(7)(i) through (f)(7)(iii) of this section.

(i) The flare design (i.e., steam-assisted, air-assisted or non-assisted);

(ii) All visible emission readings, heat content determinations, flow rate measurements, and exit velocity determinations made during the compliance determination required by § 63.1413(g); and

(iii) Periods when all pilot flames were absent during the compliance determination required by § 63.1413(g).

(g) Other records or documentation. (1) For continuous monitoring systems used to comply with this subpart, owners or operators shall keep records documenting the completion of calibration checks and records documenting the maintenance of continuous monitoring systems that are specified in the manufacturer's instructions or that are specified in other written procedures that provide adequate assurance that the equipment would reasonably be expected to monitor accurately.

(2) The owner or operator of an affected source granted a waiver under § 63.10(f) shall maintain any information demonstrating whether an affected source is meeting the requirements for a waiver of recordkeeping or reporting requirements.

(3) Owners or operators using the exemption from the equipment leak provisions provided by § 63.1400(f) shall comply with either paragraph (g)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section.

(i) The owner or operator shall retain information, data, and analysis used to document the basis for using the exemption provided by § 63.1400(f). Such information, data, and analysis shall be retained for the 12-month period preceding December 14, 1998 and for each 12-month period the affected source is in operation and using the exemption provided by § 63.1400(f). The beginning of each 12-month period shall be the anniversary of December 14, 1998.

(ii) When requested by the Administrator, the owner or operator shall demonstrate that actual annual production is equal to or less than 800 megagrams per year of amino/phenolic resin for the 12-month period preceding December 14, 1998, and for each 12-month period the affected source has been in operation and using the exemption provided by § 63.1400(f). The beginning of each 12-month period shall be the anniversary of December 14, 1998.

(4) The owner or operator of a heat exchange system located at an affected source shall retain the following records:

(i) Monitoring data required by § 63.1409 indicating a leak and the date when the leak was detected, and if demonstrated not to be a leak, the basis for that determination.

(ii) Records of any leaks detected by procedures subject to § 63.1409(c)(2) and the date the leak was detected.

(iii) The dates of efforts to repair leaks.

(iv) The method or procedure used to confirm repair of a leak and the date repair was confirmed.

(5) For pressure relief devices in organic HAP service, keep records of the information specified in paragraphs (g)(5)(i) through (v) of this section, as applicable.

(i) A list of identification numbers for pressure relief devices that vent to a fuel gas system, process, drain system, or closed-vent system and control device, under the provisions in § 63.1411(d).

(ii) A list of identification numbers for pressure relief devices subject to the provisions in § 63.1411(a).

(iii) A list of identification numbers for pressure relief devices equipped with rupture disks, under the provisions in § 63.1411(b)(2).

(iv) The dates and results of the monitoring following a pressure release for each pressure relief device subject to the provisions in § 63.1411(a) and (b). The results shall include:

(A) The background level measured during each compliance test.

(B) The maximum instrument reading measured at each piece of equipment during each compliance test.

(v) For pressure relief devices in organic HAP service subject to § 63.1411(c), keep records of each pressure release to the atmosphere, including the following information:

(A) The source, nature, and cause of the pressure release.

(B) The date, time, and duration of the pressure release.

(C) An estimate of the quantity of total HAP emitted during the pressure release and the calculations used for determining this quantity.

(D) The actions taken to prevent this pressure release.

(E) The measures adopted to prevent future such pressure releases.

(6) An owner or operator shall record, on a semiannual basis, the information specified in paragraphs (g)(6)(i) through (iii) of this section, as applicable, for those planned routine maintenance operations that would require the control device not to meet the requirements of § 63.1404(a) or (b) of this subpart.

(i) A description of the planned routine maintenance that is anticipated to be performed for the control device during the next 6 months. This description shall include the type of maintenance necessary, planned frequency of maintenance, and lengths of maintenance periods.

(ii) A description of the planned routine maintenance that was performed for the control device during the previous 6 months. This description shall include the type of maintenance performed and the total number of hours during these 6 months that the control device did not meet the requirement of § 63.1404 (a) or (b) of this subpart, as applicable, due to planned routine maintenance.

(iii) For each storage vessel for which planned routine maintenance was performed during the previous 6 months, record the height of the liquid in the storage vessel at the time the control device is bypassed to conduct the planned routine maintenance and at the time the control device is placed back in service after completing the routine maintenance. These records shall include the date and time the liquid height was measured.

(h) Reduced recordkeeping program. For any parameter with respect to any item of equipment, the owner or operator may implement the recordkeeping requirements specified in paragraph (h)(1) or (2) of this section as alternatives to the provisions specified in this subpart for storage vessels, continuous process vents, batch process vents, or aggregate batch vent streams. The owner or operator shall retain for a period of 5 years each record required by paragraph (h)(1) or (2) of this section.

(1) The owner or operator may retain only the daily average, batch cycle daily average, or block average value, and is not required to retain more frequent values, for a parameter with respect to an item of equipment, if the requirements of paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (vi) of this section are met. An owner or operator electing to comply with the requirements of paragraph (h)(1) of this section shall notify the Administrator in the Notification of Compliance Status Report required under § 63.1417(e) or, if the Notification of Compliance Status has already been submitted, in the Periodic Report immediately preceding implementation of the requirements of this paragraph as specified in § 63.1417(f)(10).

(i) The monitoring system is capable of detecting unrealistic or impossible data during periods of operation (e.g., a temperature reading of −200 °C on a boiler) and will alert the operator by alarm or other means. The owner or operator shall record the occurrence. All instances of the alarm or other alert in an operating day or block constitute a single occurrence.

(ii) The monitoring system generates, updated at least hourly throughout each operating day, a running average of the parameter values that have been obtained during that operating day or block, and the capability to observe this running average is readily available on-site to the Administrator during the operating day. The owner or operator shall record the occurrence of any period meeting the criteria in paragraphs (h)(1)(ii)(A) and (B) of this section. All instances in an operating day or block constitute a single occurrence:

(A) The running average is above the maximum or below the minimum established limits; and

(B) The running average is based on at least six 1-hour average values.

(iii) The monitoring system is capable of detecting unchanging data during periods of operation, except in circumstances where the presence of unchanging data is the expected operating condition based on past experience (e.g., pH in some scrubbers) and will alert the operator by alarm or other means. The owner or operator shall record the occurrence. All instances of the alarm or other alert in an operating day or block constitute a single occurrence.

(iv) The monitoring system will alert the owner or operator by an alarm or other means if the running average parameter value calculated under paragraph (h)(1)(ii) of this section reaches a set point that is appropriately related to the established limit for the parameter that is being monitored.

(v) The owner or operator shall verify the proper functioning of the monitoring system, including its ability to comply with the requirements of paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (iv) of this section, at the times specified in paragraphs (h)(1)(v)(A) through (C). The owner or operator shall document that the required verifications occurred.

(A) Upon initial installation.

(B) Annually after initial installation.

(C) After any change to the programming or equipment constituting the monitoring system which might reasonably be expected to alter the monitoring system's ability to comply with the requirements of this section.

(vi) The owner or operator shall retain the records identified in paragraphs (h)(1)(vi)(A) through (D) of this section.

(A) Identification of each parameter for each item of equipment for which the owner or operator has elected to comply with the requirements of paragraph (h)(1) of this section.

(B) A description of the applicable monitoring system(s) and how compliance will be achieved with each requirement of paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (v) of this section. The description shall identify the location and format (e.g., on-line storage, log entries) for each required record. If the description changes, the owner or operator shall retain, as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, except as provided in paragraph (h)(1)(vi)(D) of this section, both the current and the most recent superseded description.

(C) A description and the date of any change to the monitoring system that would reasonably be expected to impair its ability to comply with the requirements of paragraph (h) of this section.

(D) Owners and operators subject to paragraph (h)(1)(vi)(B) of this section shall retain the current description of the monitoring system as long as the description is current. The current description shall, at all times, be retained on-site or be accessible from a central location by computer or other means that provides access within 2 hours after a request. The owner or operator shall retain all superseded descriptions for at least 5 years after the date of their creation. Superseded descriptions shall be retained on-site (or accessible from a central location by computer or other means that provides access within 2 hours after a request) for at least 6 months after their creation. Thereafter, superseded descriptions may be stored off-site.

(2) If an owner or operator has elected to implement the requirements of paragraph (h)(1) of this section for a parameter with respect to an item of equipment and a period of 6 consecutive months has passed without any deviation as defined in paragraph (h)(2)(iv) of this section, the owner or operator is no longer required to record the daily average, batch cycle daily average, or block average value for any operating day when the daily average, batch cycle daily average, or block average value is less than the maximum or greater than the minimum established limit. With approval by the Administrator, monitoring data generated prior to the compliance date of this subpart shall be credited toward the period of 6 consecutive months if the parameter limit and the monitoring accomplished during the period prior to the compliance date were required and/or approved by the Administrator.

(i) If the owner or operator elects not to retain the daily average, batch cycle daily average, or block average values, the owner or operator shall notify the Administrator in the next Periodic Report as specified in § 63.1417(f)(11). The notification shall identify the parameter and unit of equipment.

(ii) If, on any operating day or during any block after the owner or operator has ceased recording the daily average, batch cycle daily average, or block average values as provided in paragraph (h)(2) of this section, there is a deviation as defined in paragraph (h)(2)(iv) of this section, the owner or operator shall immediately resume retaining the daily average, batch cycle daily average, or block average value for each operating day and shall notify the Administrator in the next Periodic Report. The owner or operator shall continue to retain each daily average, batch cycle daily average, or block average value until another period of 6 consecutive months has passed without a deviation as defined in paragraph (h)(2)(iv) of this section.

(iii) The owner or operator shall retain the records specified in paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (iv) of this section for the duration specified in paragraph (h) of this section. For any calendar week, if compliance with paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (iv) of this section does not result in retention of a record of at least one occurrence or measured parameter value, the owner or operator shall record and retain at least one value during a period of operation.

(iv) For purposes of paragraph (h)(2) of this section, a deviation means that the daily average, batch cycle daily average, or block average value of monitoring data for a parameter is greater than the maximum, or less than the minimum established value.

[65 FR 3290, Jan. 20, 2000, as amended at 71 FR 20461, Apr. 20, 2006; 79 FR 60932, Oct. 8, 2014; 83 FR 51856, Oct. 15, 2018]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.1416