Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 63.997 - Performance test and compliance assessment requirements for control devices.

(a) Performance tests and flare compliance assessments. Where §§ 63.985 through 63.995 require, or the owner or operator elects to conduct, a performance test of a control device or a halogen reduction device, or a compliance assessment for a flare, the requirements of paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section apply.

(b) Prior test results and waivers. Initial performance tests and initial flare compliance assessments are required only as specified in this subpart or a referencing subpart.

(1) Unless requested by the Administrator, an owner or operator is not required to conduct a performance test or flare compliance assessment under this subpart if a prior performance test or compliance assessment was conducted using the same methods specified in § 63.997(e) or § 63.987(b)(3), as applicable, and either no process changes have been made since the test, or the owner or operator can demonstrate that the results of the performance test or compliance demonstration, with or without adjustments, reliably demonstrate compliance despite process changes. An owner or operator may request permission to substitute a prior performance test or compliance assessment by written application to the Administrator as specified in § 63.999(a)(1)(iv).

(2) Individual performance tests and flare compliance assessments may be waived upon written application to the Administrator, per § 63.999(a)(1)(iii), if, in the Administrator's judgment, the source is meeting the relevant standard(s) on a continuous basis, the source is being operated under an extension or waiver of compliance, or the owner or operator has requested an extension or waiver of compliance and the Administrator is still considering that request.

(3) Approval of any waiver granted under this section shall not abrogate the Administrator's authority under the Act or in any way prohibit the Administrator from later canceling the waiver. The cancellation will be made only after notification is given to the owner or operator of the source.

(c) Performance tests and flare compliance assessments schedule. (1) Unless a waiver of performance testing or flare compliance assessment is obtained under this section or the conditions of a referencing subpart, the owner or operator shall perform such tests as specified in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (vii) of this section.

(i) Within 180 days after the effective date of a relevant standard for a new source that has an initial start-up date before the effective date of that standard; or

(ii) Within 180 days after initial start-up for a new source that has an initial start-up date after the effective date of a relevant standard; or

(iii) Within 180 days after the compliance date specified in a referencing subpart for an existing source, or within 180 days after start-up of an existing source if the source begins operation after the effective date of the relevant emission standard; or

(iv) Within 180 days after the compliance date for an existing source subject to an emission standard established pursuant to section 112(f) of the Act; or

(v) Within 180 days after the termination date of the source's extension of compliance or a waiver of compliance for an existing source that obtains an extension of compliance under § 63.1112(a), or waiver of compliance under 40 CFR 61.11; or

(vi) Within 180 days after the compliance date for a new source, subject to an emission standard established pursuant to section 112(f) of the Act, for which construction or reconstruction is commenced after the proposal date of a relevant standard established pursuant to section 112(d) of the Act but before the proposal date of the relevant standard established pursuant to section 112(f); or

(vii) When the promulgated emission standard in a referencing subpart is more stringent than the standard that was proposed, the owner or operator of a new or reconstructed source subject to that standard for which construction or reconstruction is commenced between the proposal and promulgation dates of the standard shall comply with performance testing requirements within 180 days after the standard's effective date, or within 180 days after start-up of the source, whichever is later. If a promulgated standard in a referencing subpart is more stringent than the proposed standard, the owner or operator may choose to demonstrate compliance initially with either the proposed or the promulgated standard. If the owner or operator chooses to comply with the proposed standard initially, the owner or operator shall conduct a second performance test within 3 years and 180 days after the effective date of the standard, or after start-up of the source, whichever is later, to demonstrate compliance with the promulgated standard.

(2) The Administrator may require an owner or operator to conduct performance tests and compliance assessments at the regulated source at any time when the action is authorized by section 114 of the Act.

(3) Unless already permitted by the applicable title V permit, if an owner or operator elects to use a recovery device to replace an existing control device at a later date, or elects to use a different flare, nonflare control device or recovery device to replace an existing flare, nonflare control device or final recovery device at a later date, the owner or operator shall notify the Administrator, either by amendment of the regulated source's title V permit or, if title V is not applicable, by submission of the notice specified in § 63.999(c)(7) before implementing the change. Upon implementing the change, a compliance demonstration or performance test shall be performed according to the provisions of paragraphs (c)(3)(i) through (v) of this section, as applicable, within 180 days. The compliance assessment report shall be submitted to the Administrator within 60 days of completing the determination, as provided in § 63.999(a)(1)(ii).

(i) For flares used to replace an existing control device, a flare compliance demonstration shall be performed using the methods specified in § 63.987(b);

(ii) For flares used to replace an existing final recovery device that is used on an applicable process vent, the owner or operator shall comply with the applicable provisions in a referencing subpart and in this subpart;

(iii) For incinerators, boilers, or process heaters used to replace an existing control device, a performance test shall be performed, using the methods specified in § 63.997;

(iv) For absorbers, condensers, or carbon adsorbers used to replace an existing control device on a process vent or a transfer rack, a performance test shall be performed, using the methods specified in § 63.997;

(v) For absorbers, condensers, or carbon adsorbers used to replace an existing final recovery device on a process vent, the owner or operator shall comply with the applicable provisions of a referencing subpart and this subpart;

(d) Performance testing facilities. If required to do performance testing, the owner or operator of each new regulated source and, at the request of the Administrator, the owner or operator of each existing regulated source, shall provide performance testing facilities as specified in paragraphs (d)(1) through (5) of this section.

(1) Sampling ports adequate for test methods applicable to such source. This includes, as applicable, the requirements specified in (d)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) Constructing the air pollution control system such that volumetric flow rates and pollutant emission rates can be accurately determined by applicable test methods and procedures; and

(ii) Providing a stack or duct free of cyclonic flow during performance tests, as demonstrated by applicable test methods and procedures;

(2) Safe sampling platform(s);

(3) Safe access to sampling platform(s);

(4) Utilities for sampling and testing equipment; and

(5) Any other facilities that the Administrator deems necessary for safe and adequate testing of a source.

(e) Performance test procedures. Where §§ 63.985 through 63.995 require the owner or operator to conduct a performance test of a control device or a halogen reduction device, the owner or operator shall follow the requirements of paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (v) of this section, as applicable.

(1) General procedures. (i) Continuous unit operations. For continuous unit operations, performance tests shall be conducted at maximum representative operating conditions for the process, unless the Administrator specifies or approves alternate operating conditions. During the performance test, an owner or operator may operate the control or halogen reduction device at maximum or minimum representative operating conditions for monitored control or halogen reduction device parameters, whichever results in lower emission reduction. Operations during periods of start-up, shutdown, and malfunction shall not constitute representative conditions for the purpose of a performance test.

(ii) [Reserved]

(iii) Combination of both continuous and batch unit operations. For a combination of both continuous and batch unit operations, performance tests shall be conducted at maximum representative operating conditions. For the purpose of conducting a performance test on a combined vent stream, maximum representative operating conditions shall be when batch emission episodes are occurring that result in the highest organic HAP emission rate (for the combined vent stream) that is achievable during the 6-month period that begins 3 months before and ends 3 months after the compliance assessment (e.g. TRE calculation, performance test) without causing any of the situations described in paragraphs (e)(1)(iii)(A) through (C) of this section.

(A) Causing damage to equipment;

(B) Necessitating that the owner or operator make product that does not meet an existing specification for sale to a customer; or

(C) Necessitating that the owner or operator make product in excess of demand.

(iv) Alternatives to performance test requirements. Performance tests shall be conducted and data shall be reduced in accordance with the test methods and procedures set forth in this subpart, in each relevant standard, and, if required, in applicable appendices of 40 CFR parts 51, 60, 61, and 63 unless the Administrator specifies one of the provisions in paragraphs (e)(1)(iv)(A) through (E) of this section.

(A) Specifies or approves, in specific cases, the use of a test method with minor changes in methodology; or

(B) Approves the use of an alternative test method, the results of which the Administrator has determined to be adequate for indicating whether a specific regulated source is in compliance. The alternate method or data shall be validated using the applicable procedures of Method 301 of appendix A of 40 CFR part 63; or

(C) Approves shorter sampling times and smaller sample volumes when necessitated by process variables or other factors; or

(D) Waives the requirement for the performance test as specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section because the owner or operator of a regulated source has demonstrated by other means to the Administrator's satisfaction that the regulated source is in compliance with the relevant standard; or

(E) Approves the use of an equivalent method.

(v) Performance test runs. Except as provided in paragraphs (e)(1)(v)(A) and (B) of this section, each performance test shall consist of three separate runs using the applicable test method. Each run shall be conducted for at least 1 hour and under the conditions specified in this section. For the purpose of determining compliance with an applicable standard, the arithmetic means of results of the three runs shall apply. In the event that a sample is accidentally lost or conditions occur in which one of the three runs must be discontinued because of forced shutdown, failure of an irreplaceable portion of the sample train, extreme meteorological conditions, or other circumstances, beyond the owner or operator's control, compliance may, upon the Administrator's approval, be determined using the arithmetic mean of the results of the two other runs.

(A) For control devices used to control emissions from transfer racks (except low throughput transfer racks that are capable of continuous vapor processing but do not handle continuous emissions or multiple loading arms of a transfer rack that load simultaneously), each run shall represent at least one complete tank truck or tank car loading period, during which regulated materials are loaded, and samples shall be collected using integrated sampling or grab samples taken at least four times per hour at approximately equal intervals of time, such as 15-minute intervals.

(B) For intermittent vapor processing systems used for controlling transfer rack emissions (except low throughput transfer racks that do not handle continuous emissions or multiple loading arms of a transfer rack that load simultaneously), each run shall represent at least one complete control device cycle, and samples shall be collected using integrated sampling or grab samples taken at least four times per hour at approximately equal intervals of time, such as 15-minute intervals.

(2) Specific procedures. Where §§ 63.985 through 63.995 require the owner or operator to conduct a performance test of a control device, or a halogen reduction device, an owner or operator shall conduct that performance test using the procedures in paragraphs (e)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section, as applicable. The regulated material concentration and percent reduction may be measured as either total organic regulated material or as TOC minus methane and ethane according to the procedures specified.

(i) Selection of sampling sites. Method 1 or 1A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, as appropriate, shall be used for selection of the sampling sites.

(A) For determination of compliance with a percent reduction requirement of total organic regulated material or TOC, sampling sites shall be located as specified in paragraphs (e)(2)(i)(A)(1) and (e)(2)(i)(A)(2) of this section, and at the outlet of the control device.

(1) With the exceptions noted below in paragraphs (e)(2)(i)(A)(2) and (3), the control device inlet sampling site shall be located at the exit from the unit operation before any control device.

(2) For process vents from continuous unit operations at affected sources in subcategories where the applicability criteria includes a TRE index value, the control device inlet sampling site shall be located after the final recovery device.

(3) If a vent stream is introduced with the combustion air or as a secondary fuel into a boiler or process heater with a design capacity less than 44 megawatts, selection of the location of the inlet sampling sites shall ensure the measurement of total organic regulated material or TOC (minus methane and ethane) concentrations, as applicable, in all vent streams and primary and secondary fuels introduced into the boiler or process heater.

(B) For determination of compliance with a parts per million by volume total regulated material or TOC limit in a referencing subpart, the sampling site shall be located at the outlet of the control device.

(ii) Gas volumetric flow rate. The gas volumetric flow rate shall be determined using Method 2, 2A, 2C, 2D, 2F, or 2G of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, as appropriate.

(iii) Total organic regulated material or TOC concentration. To determine compliance with a parts per million by volume total organic regulated material or TOC limit, the owner or operator shall use Method 18 or 25A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, as applicable. The ASTM D6420-18 (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14) may be used in lieu of Method 18 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, under the conditions specified in paragraphs (e)(2)(iii)(D)(1) through (3) of this section. Alternatively, any other method or data that have been validated according to the applicable procedures in Method 301 of appendix A to this part may be used. The procedures specified in paragraphs (e)(2)(iii)(A), (B), (D), and (E) of this section shall be used to calculate parts per million by volume concentration. The calculated concentration shall be corrected to 3 percent oxygen using the procedures specified in paragraph (e)(2)(iii)(C) of this section if a combustion device is the control device and supplemental combustion air is used to combust the emissions.

(A) Sampling time. For continuous unit operations and for a combination of both continuous and batch unit operations, the minimum sampling time for each run shall be 1 hour in which either an integrated sample or a minimum of four grab samples shall be taken. If grab sampling is used, then the samples shall be taken at approximately equal intervals in time, such as 15 minute intervals during the run.

(B) Concentration calculation. The concentration of either TOC (minus methane or ethane) or total organic regulated material shall be calculated according to paragraph (e)(2)(iii)(B) (1) or (2) of this section.

(1) The TOC concentration (CTOC) is the sum of the concentrations of the individual components and shall be computed for each run using Equation 2.

Where: CTOC = Concentration of TOC (minus methane and ethane), dry basis, parts per million by volume. x = Number of samples in the sample run. n = Number of components in the sample. Cji = Concentration of sample components j of sample I, dry basis, parts per million by volume.

(2) The total organic regulated material (CREG) shall be computed according to Equation 2 in paragraph (e)(2)(iii)(B)(1) of this section except that only the regulated species shall be summed.

(C) Concentration correction calculation. The concentration of TOC or total organic regulated material, as applicable, shall be corrected to 3 percent oxygen if a combustion device is the control device and supplemental combustion air is used to combust the emissions.

(1) The emission rate correction factor (or excess air), integrated sampling and analysis procedures of Method 3B of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, or the manual method in ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981—Part 10 (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14), shall be used to determine the oxygen concentration. The sampling site shall be the same as that of the organic regulated material or organic compound samples, and the samples shall be taken during the same time that the organic regulated material or organic compound samples are taken.

(2) The concentration corrected to 3 percent oxygen (Cc) shall be computed using Equation 3.

Where: Cc = Concentration of TOC or organic regulated material corrected to 3 percent oxygen, dry basis, parts per million by volume. Cm = Concentration of TOC (minus methane and ethane) or organic regulated material, dry basis, parts per million by volume. %O2d = Concentration of oxygen, dry basis, percentage by volume.

(D) To measure the total organic regulated material concentration at the outlet of a control device, use Method 18 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, or ASTM D6420-18 (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14). If you have a combustion control device, you must first determine which regulated material compounds are present in the inlet gas stream using process knowledge or the screening procedure described in Method 18. In conducting the performance test, analyze samples collected at the outlet of the combustion control device as specified in Method 18 or ASTM D6420-18 for the regulated material compounds present at the inlet of the control device. The method ASTM D6420-18 may be used only under the conditions specified in paragraphs (e)(2)(iii)(D)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) If the target compounds are all known and are all listed in Section 1.1 of ASTM D6420-18 as measurable.

(2) ASTM D6420-18 may not be used for methane and ethane.

(3) ASTM D6420-18 may not be used as a total VOC method.

(E) To measure the TOC concentration, use Method 18 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, or use Method 25A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, according to the procedures in paragraphs (e)(2)(iii)(E)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) Calibrate the instrument on the predominant regulated material compound.

(2) The test results are acceptable if the response from the high level calibration gas is at least 20 times the standard deviation for the response from the zero calibration gas when the instrument is zeroed on its most sensitive scale.

(3) The span value of the analyzer must be less than 100 parts per million by volume.

(4) Report the results as carbon, calculated according to Equation 25A-1 of Method 25A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.

(iv) Percent reduction calculation. To determine compliance with a percent reduction requirement, the owner or operator shall use Method 18, 25, or 25A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, as applicable. The method ASTM D6420-18 (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14) may be used in lieu of Method 18 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, under the conditions specified in paragraphs (e)(2)(iii)(D)(1) through (3) of this section. Alternatively, any other method or data that have been validated according to the applicable procedures in Method 301 of appendix A to this part may be used. The procedures specified in paragraphs (e)(2)(iv)(A) through (I) of this section shall be used to calculate percent reduction efficiency.

(A) Sampling time. The minimum sampling time for each run shall be 1 hour in which either an integrated sample or a minimum of four grab samples shall be taken. If grab sampling is used, then the samples shall be taken at approximately equal intervals in time, such as 15-minute intervals during the run.

(B) Mass rate of TOC or total organic regulated material. The mass rate of either TOC (minus methane and ethane) or total organic regulated material (EI, Eo) shall be computed as applicable.

(1) Equations 4 and 5 shall be used.


EI, Eo = Emission rate of TOC (minus methane and ethane) (ETOC) or emission rate of total organic regulated material (ERM) in the sample at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively, dry basis, kilogram per hour.

K2 = Constant, 2.494 × 10−6 (parts per million)−1 (gram-mole per standard cubic meter) (kilogram per gram) (minute per hour), where standard temperature (gram-mole per standard cubic meter) is 20 °C. n = Number of components in the sample. Cij, Coj = Concentration on a dry basis of organic compound j in parts per million by volume of the gas stream at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively. If the TOC emission rate is being calculated, Cij and Coj include all organic compounds measured minus methane and ethane; if the total organic regulated material emissions rate is being calculated, only organic regulated material are included. Mij, Moj = Molecular weight of organic compound j, gram per gram-mole, of the gas stream at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively. QI, Qo = Process vent flow rate, dry standard cubic meter per minute, at a temperature of 20 °C, at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively.

(2)-(3) [Reserved]

(C) Percent reduction in TOC or total organic regulated material for continuous unit operations and a combination of both continuous and batch unit operations. For continuous unit operations and for a combination of both continuous and batch unit operations, the percent reduction in TOC (minus methane and ethane) or total organic regulated material shall be calculated using Equation 6.

Where: R = Control efficiency of control device, percent. EI = Mass rate of TOC (minus methane and ethane) or total organic regulated material at the inlet to the control device as calculated under paragraph (e)(2)(iv)(B) of this section, kilograms TOC per hour or kilograms organic regulated material per hour. Eo = Mass rate of TOC (minus methane and ethane) or total organic regulated material at the outlet of the control device, as calculated under paragraph (e)(2)(iv)(B) of this section, kilograms TOC per hour or kilograms total organic regulated material per hour.

(D) Vent stream introduced with combustion air or as secondary fuel. If the vent stream entering a boiler or process heater with a design capacity less than 44 megawatts is introduced with the combustion air or as a secondary fuel, the weight-percent reduction of total organic regulated material or TOC (minus methane and ethane) across the device shall be determined by comparing the TOC (minus methane and ethane) or total organic regulated material in all combusted vent streams and primary and secondary fuels with the TOC (minus methane and ethane) or total organic regulated material exiting the combustion device, respectively.

(E) Transfer racks. Method 25A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, may also be used for the purpose of determining compliance with the percent reduction requirement for transfer racks.

(1) If Method 25A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, is used to measure the concentration of organic compounds (CTOC), the principal organic regulated material in the vent stream shall be used as the calibration gas.

(2) An emission testing interval shall consist of each 15-minute period during the performance test. For each interval, a reading from each measurement shall be recorded.

(3) The average organic compound concentration and the volume measurement shall correspond to the same emissions testing interval.

(4) The mass at the inlet and outlet of the control device during each testing interval shall be calculated using Equation 7.

Where: Mj = Mass of organic compounds emitted during testing interval j, kilograms. F = 10−6 = Conversion factor, (cubic meters regulated material per cubic meters air) * (parts per million by volume)−1. K = Density, kilograms per standard cubic meter organic regulated material. = 659 kilograms per standard cubic meter organic regulated material. (Note: The density term cancels out when the percent reduction is calculated. Therefore, the density used has no effect. The density of hexane is given so that it can be used to maintain the units of Mj.) Vs = Volume of air-vapor mixture exhausted at standard conditions, 20 °C and 760 millimeters mercury, standard cubic meters. Ct = Total concentration of organic compounds (as measured) at the exhaust vent, parts per million by volume, dry basis.

(5) The organic compound mass emission rates at the inlet and outlet of the control device shall be calculated using Equations 8 and 9 as follows:

Where: Ei, Eo = Mass flow rate of organic compounds at the inlet (i) and outlet (o) of the control device, kilograms per hour. n = Number of testing intervals. Mij, Moj = Mass of organic compounds at the inlet (i) or outlet (o) during testing interval j, kilograms. T = Total time of all testing intervals, hours.

(F) To measure inlet and outlet concentrations of total organic regulated material, use Method 18 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, or ASTM D6420-18 (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14), under the conditions specified in paragraphs (e)(2)(iii)(D)(1) through (3) of this section. In conducting the performance test, collect and analyze samples as specified in Method 18 or ASTM D6420-18. You must collect samples simultaneously at the inlet and outlet of the control device. If the performance test is for a combustion control device, you must first determine which regulated material compounds are present in the inlet gas stream (i.e., uncontrolled emissions) using process knowledge or the screening procedure described in Method 18. Quantify the emissions for the regulated material compounds present in the inlet gas stream for both the inlet and outlet gas streams for the combustion device.

(G) To determine inlet and outlet concentrations of TOC, use Method 25 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A. Measure the total gaseous non-methane organic (TGNMO) concentration of the inlet and outlet vent streams using the procedures of Method 25. Use the TGNMO concentration in Equations 4 and 5 of paragraph (e)(2)(iv)(B) of this section.

(H) Method 25A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, may be used instead of Method 25 to measure inlet and outlet concentrations of TOC if the condition in either paragraph (e)(2)(iv)(H)(1) or (2) of this section is met.

(1) The concentration at the inlet to the control system and the required level of control would result in exhaust TGNMO concentrations of 50 parts per million by volume or less.

(2) Because of the high efficiency of the control device, the anticipated TGNMO concentration of the control device exhaust is 50 parts per million by volume or less, regardless of the inlet concentration.

(I) If the uncontrolled or inlet gas stream to the control device contains formaldehyde, you must conduct emissions testing according to paragraphs (e)(2)(iv)(I)(1) through (3) of this section.

(1) Except as specified in paragraph (e)(2)(iv)(I)(3) of this section, if you elect to comply with a percent reduction requirement and formaldehyde is the principal regulated material compound (i.e., greater than 50 percent of the regulated material compounds in the stream by volume), you must use Method 316 or 320 of appendix A to this part, to measure formaldehyde at the inlet and outlet of the control device. Use the percent reduction in formaldehyde as a surrogate for the percent reduction in total regulated material emissions.

(2) Except as specified in paragraph (e)(2)(iv)(I)(3) of this section, if you elect to comply with an outlet total organic regulated material concentration or TOC concentration limit, and the uncontrolled or inlet gas stream to the control device contains greater than 10 percent (by volume) formaldehyde, you must use Method 316 or 320 of appendix A to this part, to separately determine the formaldehyde concentration. Calculate the total organic regulated material concentration or TOC concentration by totaling the formaldehyde emissions measured using Method 316 or 320 and the other regulated material compound emissions measured using Method 18 or 25/25A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.

(3) You may elect to use ASTM D6348-12e1 (incorporated by reference, § 63.14) in lieu of Method 316 or 320 of appendix A to this part as specified in paragraph (e)(2)(iv)(I)(1) or (2) of this section. To comply with this paragraph, the test plan preparation and implementation in the Annexes to ASTM D6348-03 (incorporated by reference, see § 63.14) Sections Al through A8 are mandatory; the percent (%) R must be determined for each target analyte using Equation A5.5 of ASTM D6348-03 Annex A5 (Analyte Spiking Technique); and in order for the test data to be acceptable for a compound, the %R must be 70% ≥ R ≤ 130%. If the %R value does not meet this criterion for a target compound, then the test data is not acceptable for that compound and the test must be repeated for that analyte (i.e., the sampling and/or analytical procedure should be adjusted before a retest). The %R value for each compound must be reported in the test report, and all field measurements must be corrected with the calculated %R value for that compound by using the following equation:

Reported Results = (Measured Concentration in the Stack × 100)/%R.

(3) An owner or operator using a halogen scrubber or other halogen reduction device to control process vent and transfer rack halogenated vent streams in compliance with a referencing subpart, who is required to conduct a performance test to determine compliance with a control efficiency or emission limit for hydrogen halides and halogens, shall follow the procedures specified in paragraphs (e)(3) (i) through (iv) of this section.

(i) For an owner or operator determining compliance with the percent reduction of total hydrogen halides and halogens, sampling sites shall be located at the inlet and outlet of the scrubber or other halogen reduction device used to reduce halogen emissions. For an owner or operator determining compliance with a kilogram per hour outlet emission limit for total hydrogen halides and halogens, the sampling site shall be located at the outlet of the scrubber or other halogen reduction device and prior to any releases to the atmosphere.

(ii) Except as provided in paragraph (e)(1)(iv) of this section, Method 26 or Method 26A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A, shall be used to determine the concentration, in milligrams per dry standard cubic meter, of total hydrogen halides and halogens that may be present in the vent stream. The mass emissions of each hydrogen halide and halogen compound shall be calculated from the measured concentrations and the gas stream flow rate.

(iii) To determine compliance with the percent removal efficiency, the mass emissions for any hydrogen halides and halogens present at the inlet of the halogen reduction device shall be summed together. The mass emissions of the compounds present at the outlet of the scrubber or other halogen reduction device shall be summed together. Percent reduction shall be determined by comparison of the summed inlet and outlet measurements.

(iv) To demonstrate compliance with a kilogram per hour outlet emission limit, the test results must show that the mass emission rate of total hydrogen halides and halogens measured at the outlet of the scrubber or other halogen reduction device is below the kilogram per hour outlet emission limit specified in a referencing subpart.

[64 FR 34866, June 29, 1999, as amended at 67 FR 46277, July 12, 2002; 85 FR 40418, July 6, 2020]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.997