Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 203.674 - Eligibility for continued occupancy.

(a) Occupancy because of temporary, permanent, or long-term illness or injury of an individual residing in the property will be limited to a reasonable time, to be determined by the Secretary on a case-by-case basis, and will be permitted only if all the conditions in this paragraph (a) are met:

(1) A timely request is made in accordance with § 203.676, including the submittal of documents required in § 203.675(b)(4).

(2) The occupant agrees to execute a month-to-month lease, at the time of acquisition of the property by the Secretary and on a form prescribed by HUD, and to pay a fair market rent as determined by the Secretary. The rental rate shall be established on the basis of rents charged for other properties in comparable condition after completion of repairs (if any).

(3) The occupant's total housing cost (rent plus utility costs to be paid by the occupant) will not exceed 38 percent of the occupant's net effective income (gross income less Federal income taxes). However, a higher percentage may be permitted if the occupant has been paying at least the required rental amount for the dwelling, or if there are other compensating factors (e.g., where the occupant is able to rely on cash savings or on contributions from family members to cover total housing costs).

(4) The occupant agrees to allow access to the property (during normal business hours and upon a minimum of two days advance notice) by HUD Field Office staff or by a HUD representative, so that the property may be inspected and any necessary repairs accomplished, or by a sales broker.

(5) The occupant discloses and verifies Social Security Numbers, as provided by part 200, subpart T, of this chapter.

(b) An occupant who does not meet the illness or injury criteria in paragraph (a) of this section is eligible for continued occupancy only if all the conditions in this paragraph (b) are met:

(1) A timely request is made in accordance with § 203.676.

(2) The occupant agrees to execute a month-to-month lease, at the time of acquisition of the property by the Secretary and on a form prescribed by HUD, to pay fair market rent as determined by the Secretary, and to pay the rent for the first month in advance at the time the lease is executed. The rental rate shall be established on the basis of rents charged for other properties in comparable condition after completion of repairs (if any).

(3) The occupant will have been in occupancy at least 90 days before the date the mortgagee acquires title to the property.

(4) The occupant's total housing cost (rent plus utility costs to be paid by the occupant) will not exceed 38 percent of the occupant's net effective income (gross income less Federal income taxes). However, a higher percentage may be permitted if the occupant has been paying at least the required rental amount for the dwelling, or if there are other compensating factors (e.g., where the occupant is able to rely on cash savings or on contributions from family members to cover total housing costs).

(5) The occupant agrees to allow access to the property (during normal business hours and upon a minimum of two days advance notice) by HUD Field Office staff or by a HUD representative, so that the property may be inspected and any necessary repairs accomplished, or by a sales broker.

(6) The occupant discloses and verifies Social Security Number, as provided by part 200, subpart T, of this chapter.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2502-0268) [53 FR 874, Jan. 14, 1988, and 53 FR 8626, Mar. 16, 1988, as amended at 54 FR 39693, Sept. 27, 1989; 56 FR 46967, Sept. 16, 1991]
source: 36 FR 24508, Dec. 22, 1971, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 203.674