Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 16, 2024
§ 63.1417 - Reporting requirements.

(a) Reporting and notification. In addition to the reports and notifications required by subpart A of this part as specified in Table 1 of this subpart, the owner or operator of an affected source shall prepare and submit the reports listed in paragraphs (d) through (i) of this section as applicable. All reports required by this subpart and the schedule for their submittal are listed in Table 5 of this subpart.

(b) General. Owners and operators are required to meet the reporting requirements of this subpart unless they can demonstrate that failure to submit information required to be included in a specified report was due to the circumstances described in paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section. Examples of circumstances where this paragraph may apply include information related to newly-added equipment or emission points, changes in the process, changes in equipment required or utilized for compliance with the requirements of this subpart, or changes in methods or equipment for monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting.

(1) The information was not known in time for inclusion in the report specified by this subpart.

(2) The owner or operator has been diligent in obtaining the information.

(3) The owner or operator submits a report according to the provisions of paragraphs (b)(3)(i) through (iii) of this section, as appropriate.

(i) If this subpart expressly provides for supplements to the report in which the information is required, the owner or operator shall submit the information as a supplement to that report. The information shall be submitted no later than 60 days after it is obtained, unless otherwise specified in this subpart.

(ii) If this subpart does not expressly provide for supplements, but the owner or operator must submit a request for revision of an operating permit pursuant to 40 CFR part 70 or part 71 due to circumstances to which the information pertains, the owner or operator shall submit the information with the request for revision to the operating permit.

(iii) In any case not addressed by paragraph (b)(3)(i) or paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section, the owner or operator shall submit the information with the first Periodic Report, as required by this subpart, which has a submission deadline at least 60 days after the information is obtained.

(c) Submittals. All reports required under this subpart shall be sent to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in § 63.13. If acceptable to both the Administrator and the owner or operator of an affected source, reports may be submitted on electronic media.

(d) Precompliance Report. Owners or operators of affected sources requesting an extension for compliance; requesting approval to use alternative monitoring parameters, alternative continuous monitoring and recordkeeping, or alternative controls; requesting approval to use engineering assessment to estimate organic HAP emissions from a batch emissions episode as described in § 63.1414(d)(6)(i)(C); wishing to establish parameter monitoring levels according to the procedures contained in § 63.1413(a)(4)(ii); establishing parameter monitoring levels based on a design evaluation as specified in § 63.1413(a)(3); or following the procedures in § 63.1413(e)(2); or following the procedures in § 63.1413(h)(3), shall submit a Precompliance Report according to the schedule described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. The Precompliance Report shall contain the information specified in paragraphs (d)(2) through (11) of this section, as appropriate.

(1) The Precompliance Report shall be submitted to the Administrator no later than 12 months prior to the compliance date. Unless the Administrator objects to a request submitted in the Precompliance Report within 45 days after its receipt, the request shall be deemed approved. For new affected sources, the Precompliance Report shall be submitted to the Administrator with the application for approval of construction or reconstruction required by § 63.5(d), as specified on Table 1 of this subpart. Supplements to the Precompliance Report may be submitted as specified in paragraph (d)(11) of this section.

(2) A request for an extension for compliance, as specified in § 63.1401(d), may be submitted in the Precompliance Report. The request for a compliance extension will include the data outlined in § 63.6(i)(6)(i)(A), (B), and (D), as required in § 63.1401(d)(1).

(3) The alternative monitoring parameter information required in paragraph (j) of this section shall be submitted in the Precompliance Report if, for any emission point, the owner or operator of an affected source seeks to comply through the use of a control technique other than those for which monitoring parameters are specified in this subpart or seeks to comply by monitoring a different parameter than those specified in this subpart.

(4) If the affected source seeks to comply using alternative continuous monitoring and recordkeeping as specified in paragraph (k) of this section, the owner or operator shall submit the information requested in paragraph (d)(4)(i) or (ii) of this section in the Precompliance Report:

(i) The owner or operator shall submit notification of the intent to use the provisions specified in paragraph (k) of this section; or

(ii) The owner or operator shall submit a request for approval to use alternative continuous monitoring and recordkeeping provisions as specified in paragraph (k) of this section.

(5) The owner or operator shall report the intent to use alternative controls to comply with the provisions of this subpart in the Precompliance Report. The Administrator may deem the alternative controls to be equivalent to the controls required by the standard under the procedures outlined in § 63.6(g).

(6) If a request for approval to use engineering assessment to estimate organic HAP emissions from a batch emissions episode, as specified in § 63.1414(d)(6)(i)(C), is being made, the information required by § 63.1414(d)(6)(iii)(B) shall be submitted in the Precompliance Report.

(7) If an owner or operator elects to establish parameter monitoring levels according to the procedures contained in § 63.1413(a)(4)(ii), or will be establishing parameter monitoring levels based on a design evaluation as specified in § 63.1413(a)(3), the following information shall be submitted in the Precompliance Report:

(i) Identification of which procedures (i.e., § 63.1413(a)(1)(i) or (ii)) are to be used; and

(ii) A description of how the parameter monitoring level is to be established. If the procedures in § 63.1413(a)(4)(ii) are to be used, a description of how performance test data will be used shall be included.

(8) If an owner or operator is complying with the mass emission limit specified in § 63.1405(b)(2)(i), the sample of production records specified in § 63.1413(h)(3) shall be submitted in the Precompliance Report.

(9) If an owner or operator is complying with the mass emission limit specified in § 63.1406(a)(1)(iii) or (a)(2)(iii), § 63.1407(b)(2), or § 63.1408(b)(2), the sample of production records specified in § 63.1413(e)(2) shall be submitted in the Precompliance Report.

(10) The procedure for a control device controlling less than 1 ton per year of uncontrolled organic HAP emissions shall be submitted, as specified in § 63.1415(a)(2). Such a procedure shall meet the requirements specified in § 63.1415(a)(2).

(11) Supplements to the Precompliance Report may be submitted as specified in paragraph (d)(11)(i) or (ii) of this section. Unless the Administrator objects to a request submitted in a supplement to the Precompliance Report within 45 days after its receipt, the request shall be deemed approved.

(i) Supplements to the Precompliance Report may be submitted to clarify or modify information previously submitted.

(ii) Supplements to the Precompliance Report may be submitted to request approval to use alternative monitoring parameters, as specified in paragraph (j) of this section; to use alternative continuous monitoring and recordkeeping, as specified in paragraph (k) of this section; to use alternative controls, as specified in paragraph (d)(5) of this section; to use engineering assessment to estimate organic HAP emissions from a batch emissions episode, as specified in paragraph (d)(6) of this section; or to establish parameter monitoring levels according to the procedures contained in § 63.1413(a)(4)(ii) or (a)(3), as specified in paragraph (d)(7) of this section.

(e) Notification of Compliance Status. For existing and new affected sources, a Notification of Compliance Status shall be submitted within 150 days after the compliance dates specified in § 63.1401. For equipment leaks, the Notification of Compliance Status shall contain the information specified in 40 CFR part 63, subpart UU. For storage vessels, continuous process vents, batch process vents, and aggregate batch vent streams, the Notification of Compliance Status shall contain the information listed in paragraphs (e)(1) through (9) of this section. For pressure relief devices subject to the requirements of § 63.1411(c), the owner or operator shall also submit the information listed in paragraph (e)(10) of this section in a supplement to the Notification of Compliance Status within 150 days after the first applicable compliance date for pressure relief device monitoring.

(1) The results of any emission point applicability determinations, performance tests, design evaluations, inspections, continuous monitoring system performance evaluations, any other information used to demonstrate compliance, and any other information, as appropriate, required to be included in the Notification of Compliance Status under 40 CFR part 63, subpart WW and subpart SS, as referred to in § 63.1404 for storage vessels; under 40 CFR part 63, subpart SS, as referred to in § 63.1405 for continuous process vents; under § 63.1416(f)(1) through (3), (f)(5)(i) and (ii), and (f)(6)(i) and (ii) for continuous process vents; under § 63.1416(d)(1) for batch process vents; and under § 63.1416(e)(1) for aggregate batch vent streams. In addition, each owner or operator shall comply with paragraphs (e)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) For performance tests, applicability determinations, and estimates of organic HAP emissions that are based on measurements, the Notification of Compliance Status shall include one complete test report, as described in paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section, for each test method used for a particular kind of emission point. For additional tests performed for the same kind of emission point using the same method, the results and any other required information shall be submitted, but a complete test report is not required.

(ii) A complete test report shall include a brief process description, sampling site description, description of sampling and analysis procedures and any modifications to standard procedures, quality assurance procedures, record of operating conditions during the test, record of preparation of standards, record of calibrations, raw data sheets for field sampling, raw data sheets for field and laboratory analyses, documentation of calculations, and any other information required by the test method.

(2) For each monitored parameter for which a maximum or minimum level is required to be established, the Notification of Compliance Status shall contain the information specified in paragraphs (e)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section, unless this information has been established and provided in the operating permit.

(i) The required information shall include the specific maximum or minimum level of the monitored parameter(s) for each emission point.

(ii) The required information shall include the rationale for the specific maximum or minimum level for each parameter for each emission point, including any data and calculations used to develop the level and a description of why the level indicates proper operation of the control device or control technology.

(iii) The required information shall include a definition of the affected source's operating day, as specified in § 63.1416(c)(2)(ii), for purposes of determining daily average values or batch cycle daily average values of monitored parameters. The required information shall include a definition of the affected source's block(s), as specified in § 63.1416(c)(2)(ii), for purposes of determining block average values of monitored parameters.

(iv) For batch process vents, the required information shall include a definition of each batch cycle that requires the control of one or more batch emission episodes during the cycle, as specified in §§ 63.1413(e)(1)(iii) and 63.1416(c)(2)(ii).

(3) When the determination of applicability for process units, as made following the procedures in § 63.1400(g), indicates that a process unit is an APPU, an identification of the APPU and a statement indicating that the APPU is an APPU that produces more than one intended product at the same time, as specified in § 63.1400(g)(1), or is a flexible operations process unit as specified in § 63.1400(g)(2) through (4).

(4) [Reserved]

(5) The results for each predominant use determination for storage vessels belonging to an affected source subject to this subpart that is made under § 63.1400(h)(6).

(6) Notification that the owner or operator has elected to comply with § 63.1416(h), Reduced Recordkeeping Program.

(7) Notification that an affected source is exempt from the equipment leak provisions of § 63.1410 according to the provisions of § 63.1400(f), and the affected source's actual annual production of amino/phenolic resins for the 12-month period preceding December 14, 1998.

(8) An owner or operator with a combustion device, recovery device, or recapture device affected by the situation described in § 63.1400(i)(5) shall identify which rule shall be complied with for monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements, as allowed under § 63.1400(i)(5).

(9) Data or other information used to demonstrate that an owner or operator may use engineering assessment to estimate emissions for a batch emission episode, as specified in § 63.1414(d)(6)(iii)(A).

(10) For pressure relief devices in organic HAP service, a description of the device or monitoring system to be implemented, including the pressure relief devices and process parameters to be monitored (if applicable), and a description of the alarms or other methods by which operators will be notified of a pressure release.

(f) Periodic Reports. Except as specified in paragraph (f)(12) of this section, a report containing the information in paragraph (f)(2) of this section or containing the information in paragraphs (f)(3) through (11) and (13) through (16) of this section, as appropriate, shall be submitted semiannually no later than 60 days after the end of each 180 day period. In addition, for equipment leaks subject to § 63.1410, the owner or operator shall submit the information specified in 40 CFR part 63, subpart UU, and for heat exchange systems subject to § 63.1409, the owner or operator shall submit the information specified in § 63.1409. Section 63.1415 shall govern the use of monitoring data to determine compliance for emissions points required to apply controls by the provisions of this subpart.

(1) Except as specified in paragraph (f)(12) of this section, a report containing the information in paragraph (f)(2) of this section or containing the information in paragraphs (f)(3) through (11) and (13) through (16) of this section, as appropriate, shall be submitted semiannually no later than 60 days after the end of each 180 day period. The first report shall be submitted no later than 240 days after the date the Notification of Compliance Status is due and shall cover the 6-month period beginning on the date the Notification of Compliance Status is due. Subsequent reports shall cover each preceding 6-month period.

(2) If none of the compliance exceptions specified in paragraphs (f)(3) through (11) and (13) through (16) of this section occurred during the 6-month period, the Periodic Report required by paragraph (f)(1) of this section shall be a statement that the affected source was in compliance for the preceding 6-month period and no activities specified in paragraphs (f)(3) through (11) and (13) through (16) of this section occurred during the preceding 6-month period.

(3) For an owner or operator of an affected source complying with the provisions of §§ 63.1404 through 63.1409 for any emission point, Periodic Reports shall include:

(i) All information specified in 40 CFR part 63, subpart WW and subpart SS for storage vessels; 40 CFR part 63, subpart SS for continuous process vents required to comply with subpart SS; § 63.1416(d)(3)(ii) for batch process vents; and § 63.1416(e) for aggregate batch vent stream.

(ii) The daily average values, batch cycle daily average values, or block average values of monitored parameters for deviations, as specified in § 63.1413(i), of operating parameters. In addition, the periods and duration of periods when monitoring data were not collected shall be specified.

(4) Notification if one or more emission point(s) or one or more APPU is added to an affected source. The owner or operator shall submit the following information:

(i) A description of the addition to the affected source;

(ii) Notification of applicability status (i.e., does the emission point require control) of the additional emission point, if appropriate, or notification of all emission points in the added APPU.

(5) If there is a deviation from the mass emission limit specified in § 63.1406(a)(1)(iii) or (a)(2)(iii), § 63.1407(b)(2), or § 63.1408(b)(2), the following information, as appropriate, shall be included:

(i) The cumulative average monthly emission rate or the 12-month rolling average monthly emission rate, as appropriate.

(ii) The individual monthly emission rate data points making up the cumulative average monthly emission rate or the 12-month rolling average monthly emission rate, as appropriate.

(iii) If an owner or operator is demonstrating compliance using the procedures in § 63.1413(e)(2)(ii), the monthly value of the site-specific emission limit.

(6) If any performance tests are reported in a Periodic Report, the following information shall be included:

(i) One complete test report shall be submitted for each test method used for a particular kind of emission point tested. A complete test report shall contain the information specified in paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section.

(ii) For additional tests performed for the same kind of emission point using the same method, results and any other information required shall be submitted, but a complete test report is not required.

(7) The Periodic Report shall include the results for each change made to a primary product determination for amino/phenolic resins made under § 63.1400(g).

(8) The Periodic Report shall include the results for each change made to a predominant use determination for a storage vessel belonging to an affected source subject to this subpart that is made under § 63.1400(h)(6).

(9) If an owner or operator invokes the delay of repair provisions for a heat exchange system, the following information shall be submitted, as appropriate. If the leak remains unrepaired, the information shall also be submitted in each subsequent periodic report until repair of the leak is reported.

(i) The presence of the leak and the date that the leak was detected.

(ii) Whether or not the leak has been repaired. If the leak is repaired, the date the leak was successfully repaired. If the leak remains unrepaired, the expected date of repair.

(iii) The reason(s) for delay of repair. If delay of repair is invoked due to the reasons described in § 63.1409(e)(2), documentation of emissions estimates shall be included.

(10) Notification that the owner or operator has elected to comply with § 63.1416(h), Reduced Recordkeeping Program.

(11) Notification that the owner or operator has elected to not retain the daily average, batch cycle daily average, or block average values, as appropriate, as specified in § 63.1416(h)(2)(i).

(12) The owner or operator of an affected source shall submit quarterly reports for particular emission points as specified in paragraphs (f)(12)(i) through (iv) of this section.

(i) The owner or operator of an affected source shall submit quarterly reports for a period of 1 year for an emission point if the Administrator requests the owner or operator to submit quarterly reports for the emission point.

(ii) The quarterly reports shall include all information specified in paragraphs (f)(3) through (11) and (13) through (16) of this section applicable to the emission point for which quarterly reporting is required under paragraph (f)(12)(i) of this section. Information applicable to other emission points within the affected source shall be submitted in the semiannual reports required under paragraph (f)(1) of this section.

(iii) Quarterly reports shall be submitted no later than 60 days after the end of each quarter.

(iv) After quarterly reports have been submitted for an emission point for 1 year, the owner or operator may return to semiannual reporting for the emission point unless the Administrator requests the owner or operator to continue to submit quarterly reports.

(13) For pressure relief devices, Periodic Reports must include the information specified in paragraphs (f)(13)(i) through (iii) of this section.

(i) For pressure relief devices in organic HAP service subject to § 63.1411, report confirmation that all monitoring to show compliance was conducted within the reporting period.

(ii) For pressure relief devices in organic HAP gas or vapor service subject to § 63.1411(b), report any instrument reading of 500 ppm above background or greater, more than 5 days after the relief device returns to organic HAP gas or vapor service after a pressure release.

(iii) For pressure relief devices in organic HAP service subject to § 63.1411(c), report each pressure release to the atmosphere, including the following information:

(A) The source, nature, and cause of the pressure release.

(B) The date, time, and duration of the pressure release.

(C) An estimate of the quantity of total HAP emitted during the pressure release and the method used for determining this quantity.

(D) The actions taken to prevent this pressure release.

(E) The measures adopted to prevent future such pressure releases.

(14) If there is a deviation from the mass emission limit specified in § 63.1405(b)(2)(i), the report shall include the daily average emission rate calculated for each operating day for which a deviation occurred.

(15) If there is a deviation from the emission rate limit specified in § 63.1405(b)(2)(ii) or (iii), the report shall include the following information for each operating day for which a deviation occurred:

(i) The calculated average hourly emission rate.

(ii) The individual hourly emission rate data points making up the average hourly emission rate.

(16) For periods of storage vessel routine maintenance in which a control device is bypassed, the owner or operator shall submit the information specified in § 63.1416(g)(6)(i) through (iii) of this subpart.

(g) Reports of Malfunctions. If a source fails to meet an applicable standard, report such events in the Periodic Report. Report the number of failures to meet an applicable standard. For each instance, report the date, time and duration of each failure. For each failure the report must include a list of the affected sources or equipment, an estimate of the quantity of each regulated pollutant emitted over any emission limit, and a description of the method used to estimate the emissions.

(h) Other reports. Other reports shall be submitted as specified in paragraphs (h)(1) through (8) of this section.

(1) For storage vessels, the notifications of inspections required by 40 CFR part 63, subpart WW shall be submitted.

(2) A site-specific test plan shall be submitted no later than 90 days before the planned date for a performance test. Unless the Administrator requests changes to the site-specific test plan within 45 days after its receipt, the site-specific test plan shall be deemed approved. The test plan shall include a description of the planned test and rationale for why the planned performance test will provide adequate and representative results for demonstrating the performance of the control device. If required by § 63.1413(e)(1) or § 63.1414(d)(5), the test plan shall include an emission profile and rationale for why the selected test period is representative.

(3) The owner or operator shall notify the Administrator of the intention to conduct a performance test at least 30 days before the performance test is scheduled in order to allow the Administrator the opportunity to have an observer present during the test. If after 30 days notice for an initially scheduled performance test, there is delay (due to operational problems, etc.) in conducting the scheduled performance test, the owner or operator of an affected source shall notify the Administrator as soon as possible of any delay in the original test date, either by providing at least 7 days prior notice of the rescheduled date of the performance test, or by arranging a rescheduled date with the Administrator by mutual agreement.

(4) When the conditions of § 63.1400(g)(7) or the conditions of § 63.1400(g)(8) are met, notification of changes to the primary product for an APPU or process unit shall be submitted. When a notification is made in response to a change in the primary product under § 63.1400(g)(7), rationale for why it is anticipated that no amino/phenolic resins will be produced in the process unit in the future shall be included.

(5) Owners or operators of APPU or emission points (other than equipment leak components subject to § 63.1410) that are added to the affected source under the provisions of § 63.1400(d)(2) or (3) or under the provisions of § 63.5(b)(6) shall submit reports as specified in paragraphs (h)(5)(i) through (ii) of this section.

(i) Reports shall include:

(A) A description of the process change or addition, as appropriate;

(B) The planned start-up date and the appropriate compliance date; and

(C) Identification of the emission points (except equipment leak components subject to § 63.1410) specified in paragraphs (h)(5)(i)(C)(1) through (3) of this section, as applicable.

(1) All the emission points in an added APPU.

(2) All the emission points in an affected source that becomes a new affected source.

(3) All the added or created emission points resulting from a process change.

(ii) If the owner or operator wishes to request approval to use alternative monitoring parameters, alternative continuous monitoring or recordkeeping, alternative controls, engineering assessment to estimate organic HAP emissions from a batch emissions episode, or wishes to establish parameter monitoring levels according to the procedures contained in § 63.1413(a)(1)(ii) or (ii), a Precompliance Report shall be submitted no later than 180 days prior to the appropriate compliance date.

(6) The information specified in paragraphs (h)(6)(i) and (ii) of this section shall be submitted when a small control device becomes a large control device, as specified in § 63.1413(a)(1)(ii).

(i) Notification that a small control device has become a large control device and the site-specific test plan shall be submitted within 60 days of the date the small control device becomes a large control device. The site-specific test plan shall include the information specified in paragraph (h)(2) of this section. Approval of the site-specific test plan shall follow paragraph (h)(2) of this section.

(ii) Results of the performance test required by § 63.1413(a)(1)(ii) shall be submitted within 150 days of the date the small control device becomes a large control device.

(7) Whenever a continuous process vent becomes subject to control requirements under § 63.1405, as a result of a process change, the owner or operator shall submit a report within 60 days after the performance test or applicability assessment, whichever is sooner. The report may be submitted as part of the next Periodic Report required by paragraph (f) of this section.

(i) The report shall include the following information:

(A) A description of the process change;

(B) The results of the recalculation of the organic HAP concentration, volumetric flow rate, and or TRE index value required under § 63.1412 and recorded under § 63.1416(f).

(C) A statement that the owner or operator will comply with the requirements specified in § 63.1405.

(ii) If a performance test is required as a result of a process change, the owner or operator shall specify that the performance test has become necessary due to a process change. This specification shall be made in the performance test notification to the Administrator, as specified in paragraph (h)(3) of this section.

(iii) If a process change does not result in additional applicable requirements, then the owner or operator shall include a statement documenting this in the next Periodic Report required by paragraph (f) of this section.

(8) Electronic reporting. Within 60 days after the date of completing each performance test (as defined in § 63.2), the owner or operator must submit the results of the performance tests, including any associated fuel analyses, required by this subpart according to the methods specified in paragraphs (h)(8)(i) or (ii) of this section.

(i) For data collected using test methods supported by the EPA-provided software, the owner or operator shall submit the results of the performance test to the EPA by direct computer-to-computer electronic transfer via EPA-provided software, unless otherwise approved by the Administrator. Owners or operators, who claim that some of the information being submitted for performance tests is confidential business information (CBI), must submit a complete file using EPA-provided software that includes information claimed to be CBI on a compact disc, flash drive, or other commonly used electronic storage media to the EPA. The electronic media must be clearly marked as CBI and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAPQS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: WebFIRE Administrator, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same file with the CBI omitted must be submitted to the EPA by direct computer-to-computer electronic transfer via EPA-provided software.

(ii) For any performance test conducted using test methods that are not compatible with the EPA-provided software, the owner or operator shall submit the results of the performance test to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in § 60.4.

(i) Operating permit application. An owner or operator who submits an operating permit application instead of a Precompliance Report shall submit the information specified in paragraph (d) of this section, Precompliance Report, as applicable.

(j) Alternative monitoring parameters. The owner or operator who has been directed by any section of this subpart or any section of another subpart referenced by this subpart that expressly referenced this paragraph (j) to set unique monitoring parameters, or who requests approval to monitor a different parameter than those specified in § 63.1415(b), shall submit the information specified in paragraphs (j)(1) through (3) of this section in the Precompliance Report, as required by paragraph (d) of this section.

(1) The required information shall include a description of the parameter(s) to be monitored to ensure the recovery device, control device, or control technology is operated in conformance with its design and achieves the specified emission limit or percent reduction and an explanation of the criteria used to select the parameter(s).

(2) The required information shall include a description of the methods and procedures that will be used to demonstrate that the parameter indicates proper operation, the schedule for this demonstration, and a statement that the owner or operator will establish a level for the monitored parameter as part of the Notification of Compliance Status report required in paragraph (e) of this section, unless this information has already been included in the operating permit application.

(3) The required information shall include a description of the proposed monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting system to include the frequency and content of monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting. Further, the rationale for the proposed monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting system shall be included if either condition in paragraph (j)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section is met:

(i) If monitoring and recordkeeping is not continuous; or

(ii) If reports of daily average values will not be included in Periodic Reports when the monitored parameter value is above the maximum level or below the minimum level as established in the operating permit or the Notification of Compliance Status.

(k) Alternative continuous monitoring. An owner or operator choosing not to implement the monitoring provisions specified in § 63.1415 for storage vessels, continuous process vents, batch process vents, or aggregate batch vent streams may instead request approval to use alternative continuous monitoring provisions according to the procedures specified in paragraphs (k)(1) through (4) of this section. Requests shall be submitted in the Precompliance Report as specified in paragraph (d)(4) of this section if not already included in the operating permit application and shall contain the information specified in paragraphs (k)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section, as applicable.

(1) The provisions in § 63.8(f)(5)(i) shall govern the review and approval of requests.

(2) An owner or operator of an affected source that does not have an automated monitoring and recording system capable of measuring parameter values at least once every 15 minutes and that does not generate continuous records may request approval to use a nonautomated system with less frequent monitoring in accordance with paragraphs (k)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) The requested system shall include manual reading and recording of the value of the relevant operating parameter no less frequently than once per hour. Daily average (or batch cycle daily average) values shall be calculated from these hourly values and recorded.

(ii) The request shall contain:

(A) A description of the planned monitoring and recordkeeping system;

(B) Documentation that the affected source does not have an automated monitoring and recording system;

(C) Justification for requesting an alternative monitoring and recordkeeping system; and

(D) Demonstration to the Administrator's satisfaction that the proposed monitoring frequency is sufficient to represent control or recovery device operating conditions, considering typical variability of the specific process and control or recovery device operating parameter being monitored.

(3) An owner or operator may request approval to use an automated data compression recording system that does not record monitored operating parameter values at a set frequency (for example, once every 15 minutes) but records all values that meet set criteria for variation from previously recorded values, in accordance with paragraphs (k)(3)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) The requested system shall be designed to:

(A) Measure the operating parameter value at least once every 15 minutes;

(B) Except for the monitoring of batch process vents, calculate hourly average values each hour during periods of operation;

(C) Record the date and time when monitors are turned off or on;

(D) Recognize unchanging data that may indicate the monitor is not functioning properly, alert the operator, and record the incident;

(E) Calculate daily average, batch cycle daily average, or block average values of the monitored operating parameter based on all measured data; and

(F) If the daily average is not a deviation, as defined in § 63.1413(i), from the operating parameter, the data for that operating day may be converted to hourly average values, and the four or more individual records for each hour in the operating day may be discarded.

(ii) The request shall contain:

(A) A description of the monitoring system and data compression recording system, including the criteria used to determine which monitored values are recorded and retained;

(B) The method for calculating daily averages and batch cycle daily averages; and

(C) A demonstration that the system meets all criteria in paragraph (k)(3)(i) of this section.

(4) An owner or operator may request approval to use other alternative monitoring systems according to the procedures specified in § 63.8(f)(4).

[65 FR 3290, Jan. 20, 2000, as amended at 79 FR 60933, Oct. 8, 2014; 83 FR 51856, Oct. 15, 2018]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.1417