Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Subpart I of Part 35—Determination of Allowable Costs

(a) Purpose. The information in this appendix represents Agency policies and procedures for determining the allowability of project costs based on the Clean Water Act, EPA policy, appropriate Federal cost principles of 2 CFR part 200 and reasonableness.

(b) Applicability. This cost information applies to grant assistance awarded on or after the effective date of this regulation. Project cost determinations under this subpart are not limited to the items listed in this appendix. Additional cost determinations based on applicable law and regulations must of course be made on a project-by-project basis. Those cost items not previously included in program requirements are not mandatory for decisions under grants awarded before the effective date. They are only to be used as guidance in those cases.

A. Costs Related to Subagreements

1. Allowable costs related to sub- agreements include:

a. The costs of subagreements for building the project.

b. The costs of complying with the procurement standards in 2 CFR 200.317 through 200.327 and 2 CFR 1500.10 and 1500.11.

c. The cost of legal and engineering services incurred by grantees in deciding procurement protests and defending their decisions in protest appeals in 2 CFR 200.318.

d. The costs for establishing or using minority and women's business liaison services.

e. The costs of services incurred during the building of a project to ensure that it is built in conformance with the design drawings and specifications.

f. The costs (including legal, technical, and administrative costs) of assessing the merits of or negotiating the settlement of a claim by or against a grantee under a subagreement provided:

(1) The claim arises from work within the scope of the grant;

(2) A formal grant amendment is executed specifically covering the costs before they are incurred;

(3) The costs are not incurred to prepare documentation that should be prepared by the contractor to support a claim against the grantee; and

(4) The Regional Administrator determines that there is a significant Federal interest in the issues involved in the claim.

g. Change orders and the costs of meritorious contractor claims for increased costs under subagreements as follows:

(1) Change orders and the costs of meritorious contractor claims provided the costs are:

(i) Within the scope of the project;

(ii) Not caused by the grantee's mismanagement; and

(iii) Not caused by the grantee's vicarious liability for the improper actions of others.

(2) Provided the requirements of paragraph g(1) are met, the following are examples of allowable change orders and contractor claim costs:

(i) Building costs resulting from defects in the plans, design drawings and specifications, or other subagreement documents only to the extent that the costs would have been incurred if the subagreement documents on which the bids were based had been free of the defects, and excluding the costs of any rework, delay, acceleration, or disruption caused by such defects;

(ii) Costs of equitable adjustments under Clause 4, Differing Site Conditions, of the model subagreement clauses required under § 33.1030 of this subchapter.

(3) Settlements, arbitration awards, and court judgments which resolve contractor claims shall be reviewed by the grant award official and shall be allowable only to the extent that they meet the requirements of paragraph g(1), are reasonable, and do not attempt to pass on to EPA the cost of events that were the responsibility of the grantee, the contractor, or others.

h. The costs of the services of the prime engineer required by § 35.2218 during the first year following initiation of operation of the project.

i. The cost of development of a plan of operation including an operation and maintenance manual required by § 35.2106.

j. Start-up services for onsite training of operating personnel in operation and control of specific treatment processes, laboratory procedures, and maintenance and records management.

k. The specific and unique costs of field testing an innovative or alternative process or technique, which may include equipment leasing costs, personnel costs, and utility costs necessary for constructing, conducting, and reporting the results of the field test.

2. Unallowable costs related to sub- agreements include:

a. The costs of architectural or engineering services incurred in preparing a facilities plan and the design drawings and specifications for a project. This provision does not apply to planning and design costs incurred in the modification or replacement of an innovative or alternative project funded under § 35.2032(c).

b. Except as provided in 1.g. above, architectural or engineering services or other services necessary to correct defects in a facilities plan, design drawings and specifications, or other subagreement documents.

c. The costs (including legal, technical and administrative) of defending against a contractor claim for increased costs under a subagreement or of prosecuting a claim to enforce any subagreement unless:

(1) The claim arises from work within the scope of the grant;

(2) A formal grant amendment is executed specifically covering the costs before they are incurred;

(3) The claim cannot be settled without arbitration or litigation;

(4) The claim does not result from the grantee's mismanagement;

(5) The Regional Administrator determines that there is a significant Federal interest in the issues involved in the claim; and

(6) In the case of defending against a contractor claim, the claim does not result from the grantee's responsibility for the improper action of others.

d. Bonus payments, not legally required, for completion of building before a contractual completion date.

e. All incremental costs due to the award of any subagreements for building significant elements of the project more than 12 months after the Step 3 grant award or final Step 2 + 3 approvals unless specified in the project schedule approved by the Regional Administrator at the time of grant award.

B. Mitigation

1. Allowable costs include:

a. Costs necessary to mitigate only direct, adverse, physical impacts resulting from building of the treatment works.

b. The costs of site screening necessary to comply with NEPA related studies and facilities plans, or necessary to screen adjacent properties.

c. The cost of groundwater monitoring facilities necessary to determine the possibility of groundwater deterioration, depletion or modification resulting from building the project.

2. Unallowable costs include:

a. The costs of solutions to aesthetic problems, including design details which require expensive building techniques and architectural features and hardware, that are unreasonable or substantially higher in cost than approvable alternatives and that neither enhance the function or appearance of the treatment works nor reflect regional architectural tradition.

b. The cost of land acquired for the mitigation of adverse environmental effects identified pursuant to an environmental review under NEPA.

C. Privately or Publicly Owned Small and Onsite Systems

1. Allowable costs for small and onsite systems serving residences and small commercial establishments inhabited on or before December 27, 1977, include a. through e. below. Alternatively, the two-thirds rule at 40 CFR 35.2116(b) may be used to determine allowable residential flows to be served by publicly owned small and alternative wastewater systems, including a. through e. below:

a. The cost of major rehabilitation, upgrading, enlarging and installing small and onsite systems, but in the case of privately owned systems, only for principal residences.

b. Conveyance pipes from property line to offsite treatment unit which serves a cluster of buildings.

c. Treatment and treatment residue disposal portions of toilets with composting tanks, oil flush mechanisms, or similar in-house devices.

d. Treatment or pumping units from the incoming flange when located on private property and conveyance pipes, if any, to the collector sewer.

e. The cost of restoring individual system building sites to their original condition.

2. Unallowable costs for small and onsite systems include:

a. Modification to physical structure of homes or commercial establishments.

b. Conveyance pipes from the house to the treatment unit located on user's property or from the house to the property line if the treatment unit is not located on that user's property.

c. Wastewater generating fixtures such as commodes, sinks, tubs, and drains.

D. Real Property

1. Allowable costs for land and rights-of-way include:

a. The cost (including associated legal, administrative and engineering costs) of land acquired in fee simple or by lease or easement under grants awarded after October 17, 1972, that will be an integral part of the treatment process or that will be used for the ultimate disposal of residues resulting from such treatment provided the Regional Administrator approves it in the grant agreement. These costs include:

(1) The cost of a reasonable amount of land, considering irregularities in application patterns, and the need for buffer areas, berms, and dikes;

(2) The cost of land acquired for a soil absorption system for a group of two or more homes;

(3) The cost of land acquired for composting or temporary storage of compost residues which result from wastewater treatment;

(4) The cost of land acquired for storage of treated wastewater in land treatment systems before land application. The total land area for construction of a pond for both treatment and storage of wastewater is allowable if the volume necessary for storage is greater then the volume necessary for treatment. Otherwise, the allowable cost will be determined by the ratio of the storage volume to the total volume of the pond.

b. The cost of complying with the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. 4621 et seq., 4651 et seq.), under part 4 of this chapter for land necessary for the building of treatment works.

c. The cost of contracting with another public agency or qualified private contractor for part or all of the required acquisition and/or relocation services.

d. The cost associated with the preparation of the treatment works site before, during and, to the extent agreed on in the grant agreement, after building. These costs include:

(1) The cost of demolition of existing structures on the treatment works site (including rights-of-way) if building cannot be undertaken without such demolition;

(2) The cost (considering such factors as betterment, cost of contracting and useful life) of removal, relocation or replacement of utilities, provided the grantee is legally obligated to pay under state or local law; and

(3) The cost of restoring streets and rights-of-way to their original condition. The need for such restoration must result directly from the construction and is generally limited to repaving the width of trench.

e. The cost of acquiring all or part of an existing publicly or privately owned wastewater treatment works provided all the following criteria are met:

(1) The acquisition, in and of itself, considered apart from any upgrade, expansion or rehabilitation, provides new pollution control benefits;

(2) The acquired treatment works was not built with previous Federal or State financial assistance;

(3) The primary purpose of the acquisition is not the reduction, elimination, or redistribution of public or private debt; and

(4) The acquisition does not circumvent the requirements of the Act, these regulations, or other Federal, State or local requirements.

2. Unallowable costs for land and rights-of-way include:

a. The costs of acquisition (including associated legal, administrative and engineering etc.) of sewer rights-of-way, waste treatment plant sites (including small system sites), sanitary landfill sites and sludge disposal areas except as provided in paragraphs 1. a. and b. of this section.

b. Any amount paid by the grantee for eligible land in excess of just compensation, based on the appraised value, the grantee's record of negotiation or any condemnation proceeding, as determined by the Regional Administrator.

c. Removal, relocation or replacement of utilities located on land by privilege, such as franchise.

E. Equipment, Materials and Supplies

1. Allowable costs of equipment, materials and supplies include:

a. The cost of a reasonable inventory of laboratory chemicals and supplies necessary to initiate plant operations and laboratory items necessary to conduct tests required for plant operation.

b. The costs for purchase and/or transportation of biological seeding materials required for expeditiously initiating the treatment process operation.

c. Cost of shop equipment installed at the treatment works necessary to the operation of the works.

d. The costs of necessary safety equipment, provided the equipment meets applicable Federal, State, local or industry safety requirements.

e. A portion of the costs of collection system maintenance equipment. The portion of allowable costs shall be the total equipment cost less the cost attributable to the equipment's anticipated use on existing collection sewers not funded on the grant. This calculation shall be based on: (1) The portion of the total collection system paid for by the grant, (2) a demonstrable frequency of need, and (3) the need for the equipment to preclude the discharge or bypassing of untreated wastewater.

f. The cost of mobile equipment necessary for the operation of the overall wastewater treatment facility, transmission of wastewater or sludge, or for the maintenance of equipment. These items include:

(1) Portable stand-by generators;

(2) Large portable emergency pumps to provide “pump-around” capability in the event of pump station failure or pipeline breaks; and

(3) Sludge or septage tankers, trailers, and other vehicles having as their sole purpose the transportation of liquid or dewatered wastes from the collector point (including individual or on-site systems) to the treatment facility or disposal site.

g. Replacement parts identified and approved in advance by the Regional Administrator as necessary to assure uninterrupted operation of the facility, provided they are critical parts or major systems components which are:

(1) Not immediately available and/or whose procurement involves an extended “lead-time;”

(2) Identified as critical by the equipment supplier(s); or

(3) Critical but not included in the inventory provided by the equipment supplier(s).

2. Unallowable costs of equipment, materials and supplies include:

a. The costs of equipment or material procured in violation of the procurement standards in 2 CFR 200.317 through 2 CFR 200.327 and 2 CFR 1500.10 and 1500.11.

b. The cost of furnishings including draperies, furniture and office equipment.

c. The cost of ordinary site and building maintenance equipment such as lawnmowers and snowblowers.

d. The cost of vehicles for the transportation of the grantees' employees.

e. Items of routine “programmed” maintenance such as ordinary piping, air filters, couplings, hose, bolts, etc.

F. Industrial and Federal Users

1. Except as provided in paragraph F.2.a., allowable costs for treatment works serving industrial and Federal facilities include development of a municipal pretreatment program approvable under part 403 of this chapter, and purchase of monitoring equipment and construction of facilities to be used by the municipal treatment works in the pretreatment program.

2. Unallowable costs for treatment works serving industrial and Federal facilities include:

a. The cost of developing an approvable municipal pretreatment program when performed solely for the purpose of seeking an allowance for removal of pollutants under part 403 of this chapter.

b. The cost of monitoring equipment used by industry for sampling and analysis of industrial discharges to municipal treatment works.

c. All incremental costs for sludge management incurred as a result of the grantee providing removal credits to industrial users under 40 CFR 403.7 beyond those sludge management costs that would otherwise be incurred in the absence of such removal credits.

G. Infiltration/Inflow

1. Allowable costs include:

a. The cost of treatment works capacity adequate to transport and treat nonexcessive infiltration/inflow under § 35.2120.

b. The costs of sewer system rehabilitation necessary to eliminate excessive infiltration/inflow as determined in a sewer system study under § 35.2120.

2. Unallowable costs include:

a. When the Regional Administrator determines that the flow rate is not significantly more than 120 gallons per capita per day under § 35.2120(c)(2)(ii), the incremental cost of treatment works capacity which is more than 120 gallons per capita per day.

H. Miscellaneous Costs

1. Allowable costs include:

a. The costs of salaries, benefits and expendable materials the grantee incurs for the project.

b. Unless otherwise specified in this regulation, the costs of meeting specific Federal statutory procedures.

c. Costs for necessary travel directly related to accomplishment of project objectives. Travel not directly related to a specific project, such as travel to professional meetings, symposia, technology transfer seminars, lectures, etc., may be recovered only under an indirect cost agreement.

d. The costs of additions to a treatment works that was assisted under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1956 (Pub. L. 84-660), or its amendments, and that fails to meet its project performance standards provided:

(1) The project is identified on the State priority list as a project for additions to a treatment works that has received previous Federal funds;

(2) The grant application for the additions includes an analysis of why the treatment works cannot meet its project performance standards; and

(3) The additions could have been included in the original grant award and:

(a) Are the result of one of the following:

(i) A change in the project performance standards required by EPA or the State;

(ii) A written understanding between the Regional Administrator and grantee prior to or included in the original grant award;

(iii) A written direction by the Regional Administrator to delay building part of the treatment works; or

(iv) A major change in the treatment works' design criteria that the grantee cannot control; or

(b) Meet all the following conditions:

(i) If the original grant award was made after December 28, 1981, the treatment works has not completed its first full year of operation;

(ii) The additions are not caused by the grantee's mismanagement or the improper actions of others;

(iii) The costs of rework, delay, acceleration or disruption that are a result of building the additions are not included in the grant; and

(iv) The grant does not include an allowance for facilities planning or design of the additions.

(4) This provision applies to failures that occur either before or after the initiation of operation. This provision does not cover a treatment works that fails at the end of its design life.

e. Costs of royalties for the use of or rights in a patented process or product with the prior approval of the Regional Administrator.

f. Costs allocable to the water pollution control purpose of multiple purpose projects as determined by applying the Alternative Justifiable Expenditure (AJE) method described in the CG series. Multiple purpose projects that combine wastewater treatment with recreation do not need to use the AJE method, but can be funded at the level of the most cost-effective single-purpose alternative.

g. Costs of grantee employees attending training workshops/seminars that are necessary to provide instruction in administrative, fiscal or contracting procedures required to complete the construction of the treatment works, if approved in advance by the Regional Administrator.

2. Unallowable costs include:

a. Ordinary operating expenses of the grantee including salaries and expenses of elected and appointed officials and preparation of routine financial reports and studies.

b. Preparation of applications and permits required by Federal, State or local regulations or procedures.

c. Administrative, engineering and legal activities associated with the establishment of special departments, agencies, commissions, regions, districts or other units of government.

d. Approval, preparation, issuance and sale of bonds or other forms of indebtedness required to finance the project and the interest on them.

e. The costs of replacing, through reconstruction or substitution, a treatment works that was assisted under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1956 (Pub. L. 84-660), or its amendments, and that fails to meet its project performance standards. This provision applies to failures that occur either before or after the initiation of operation. This provision does not apply to an innovative and alternative treatment works eligible for funding under § 35.2032(c) or a treatment works that fails at the end of its design life or to a failed rotating biological contactor eligible for funding under § 35.2035.

f. Personal injury compensation or damages arising out of the project.

g. Fines and penalties due to violations of, or failure to comply with, Federal, State or local laws, regulations or procedures.

h. Costs outside the scope of the approved project.

i. Costs for which grant payment has been or will be received from another Federal agency.

j. Costs of treatment works for control of pollutant discharges from a separate storm sewer system.

k. The cost of treatment works that would provide capacity for new habitation or other establishments to be located on environmentally sensitive land such as wetlands or floodplains.

l. The costs of preparing a corrective action report required by § 35.2218(c).

I. Design/Build Project Grants

1. Allowable costs include:

a. The costs of supplementing the facilities plan to prepare the pre-bid package including the cost of preliminary boring and site plans, concept and layout drawings, schematic, general material and major equipment lists and specifications, instructions to builders, general and special conditions, project performance standards and permit limits, applicable State or other design standards, any requirements to go into bid analyses, and other contract documents, schedules, forms and certificates.

b. The costs for building the project, including:

(1) Project costs based on the lowest responsive, responsible competitive design/build project bid.

(2) Construction management services including detailed plans and specifications review and approval, change order review and approval, resident inspection, shop drawing approval and preparation of an O & M manual and of user charge and sewer use ordinance systems.

(3) Any adjustments to reflect the actual reasonable and necessary costs for preparing the pre-bid package.

(4) Post-construction activities required by project performance certification requirements.

(5) Contract and project administration activities including the review of contractor vouchers and payment requests, preparation of monitoring reports, grant administration and accounting services, routine legal costs, cost of eligible real property.

(6) Contingencies.

2. Unallowable costs include:

a. All costs in excess of the maximum agreed Federal share.

b. Costs of facilities planning where the grantee has received a Step 1 grant.

[49 FR 6234, Feb. 17, 1984, as amended at 50 FR 45896, Nov. 4, 1985; 55 FR 27098, June 29, 1990; 79 FR 76057, Dec. 19, 2014; 87 FR 30399, May 19, 2022]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401